Vol. 10, No. 12
December 17, 2019
Dear Friends:

The holiday season is now in full swing and people across the globe will soon be welcoming a new year as well. At FCA, we have a number of projects in the works for the coming year to support family caregivers. An in-person and online support group for young adult caregivers, a live online session of There Must Be A Better Way workshop, and the statewide adaptation of FCA CareJourney by the Caregiver Resource Centers are just some of what FCA has in store for 2020.

With the weight of responsibilities you shoulder as a caregiver, we hope you’ve been able to make the time for your own self-care and well-being. The Board of Directors and staff of FCA would like to wish you all a very happy holidays, and joyous new year.


Calvin Hu
Education Coordinator
Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.

 — William James, philosopher and psychologist
Support Family Caregivers and Donate to FCA This Holiday Season

For over 40 years, FCA has been working to support, educate, and advocate for family caregivers. As part of FCA’s fall fundraising appeal, we are asking for your donation to help fund FCA’s many vital low or no-cost services. These services include free caregiver consultations, informational materials, classes, retreats, advocacy work, and innovative tools like FCA CareJourney. Help support family caregivers by supporting FCA.

Young Adult Caregiver Support Group

FCA is excited to announce an upcoming support group for young caregivers. This group will focus on the needs and unique challenges faced by caregivers 40 and under. The support group will meet both in person (San Francisco Bay Area location) and online. Please stay tuned for registration information and start time.
2019 Claremont Retreat – Thank you Richard Essey!

The Claremont Retreat is a special event that FCA puts on annually. Caregivers enjoy two nights at the Claremont Hotel and Spa, a stipend for meals, and a treatment at the spa. The retreat is funded through the generous support of Richard Essey, Chairman and Founder of TemPositions, former caregiver to his late wife Sheila Essey, and past member of the FCA Board of Directors. Thank you Mr. Essey for another wonderful retreat!  
Latino Forum

The Latino Forum is an educational and respite retreat for Spanish speaking caregivers. Hosted by FCA’s Stella Lazlo, the retreat was started to cater to the needs of underserved caregivers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Participants learned strategies for overcoming resistance when caring for loved ones, and about advance care planning. The retreat also included a yoga session and a light lunch.
FCA Seeking Part-Time Volunteer Junior Accountant

FCA is seeking a self-starter to support the Fiscal Operations of FCA. The position reports to the Fiscal Director and works with the Staff Accountant in accounting operations. This is an excellent opportunity in the non-profit industry for a student aspiring to an accounting career. You will receive opportunities to translate your accounting knowledge into accounting and financial reporting skills. For more information and to apply, click here.
Enroll in IDEA — Program Designed to Reduce Stress and Increase Activity for the LGBTQ Caregiving Community   

IDEA  (Innovations in Dementia Empowerment and Action) is a program designed to improve the quality of life of LGBTQ adults living with memory loss and their caregivers. Participants will meet with a coach to learn exercises and strategies related to memory loss. The program includes nine in-person sessions and participants are compensated for their time. For more information, and to apply to participate in IDEA, please  click here .

To be eligible for IDEA, the adult with memory loss or their caregiver must be LGBT. Participants must live in the San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Seattle metropolitan areas. 
Not a Jolly Holiday? Use This Guide to Find Gratitude in the Season

This practical article provides concrete steps and a number of exercises that are designed to increase satisfaction and gratitude for family caregivers. Some of the recommendations include connecting with people, cultivating a sense of goodwill, and revisiting expectations.   
Caregiving and the Holidays: From Stress to Success!

The holidays are often a time of increased stress and frustration for many family caregivers. The influx of relatives, social obligations, and the desire to be an accommodating host pile additional chores on top of already existing caregiving responsibilities. To provide support and guidance to family caregivers during this time, FCA has written this short  article on how to manage caregiving during holidays.
Genuine Resilience is Closer (and Easier) Than You May Think

Resilience, or the ability to rebound from difficult or traumatic experiences, is the key to well-being. In the context of caregiving, developing emotional skills for coping with stress is essential for the long-term. The statistics on the harmful impacts of family caregiving are sobering, yet there are ways to maintain health and well-being. This webinar featuring Zen Caregiving Project will introduce you to the key areas essential for coping with stress and provide simple practices you can integrate into your caregiving to build resilience.

  • Introduce the relationship between mindfulness, emotional skills, and well-being in caregivers.
  • Lead a short, guided meditation and provide ways to maintain a simple mindfulness practice in one’s busy life.
  • Offer simple activities that family caregivers can integrate into their lives to build compassion, resilience, and to better cope with stressful situations.

When:  Wednesday, January 29, from 11 a.m. to 12 noon (PT)
Where:  ONLINE
Cost: No Charge
Contact: Calvin Hu, [email protected] , (415) 434-3388 
Registration:  Click here
Families and Caregiving: Five Tips for Healthy Communication

Family dynamics is how family members interact and relate to each other. In caregiving situations, these dynamics can complicate the already challenging work of providing care. Arguments may arise over money, lack of involvement, or longstanding rivalries. To help defuse conflicts stemming from family dynamics, FCA’s Christina Irving gives suggestions on how to keep communication open, respectful, and productive.
Holiday Tips for Caregivers of Loved Ones With Memory Loss

The holidays are often a source of increased stress for dementia caregivers because of long standing family traditions, interrupted routines, and the general hustle and bustle that accompany the season. Care2Caregivers’ Mary Catherine Lundquist writes in Patch  practical advice for reducing holiday stress. She answers questions such as, “How should families celebrate with loved ones in a care facility?”
Caregiver Conversations  —  A Day of Learning, Support, and Information Exchange

Caregiver Conversations is a special event for family and friends caring for an adult living with complex illness, professionals serving caregivers, and Alameda County residents who wish to learn more about family caregiving. Rita Choula, AARP diversity and caregiving expert, will be the keynote speaker. A continental breakfast and lunch will be included. Respite grants are available.

When:  Friday, January 24, 2020, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.(registration starts at 8:30 a.m.)
2000 Franklin Street, Oakland 94612 (free parking available — near BART)
Cost:  No charge
Registration:  Click here

This special caregiver convening is made possible by the generous support of the  Thomas J. Long Foundation .
It Takes Two! A Refreshing Approach to Understanding and Coping With Dementia Behavior

This free four week class offers new skills and tools for family caregivers who care for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias. It Takes Two! offers the opportunity to learn more about your relative or friend’s ability to understand and communicate, new skills to handle troubling behavior, and how to feel more confident and positive about your caregiving role.

Pre-registration is required. This class is for family caregivers specifically, not providers.

When:  Thursdays, February 20, 27, and March 5, 12, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Where:   San Leandro Senior Center    
13909 East 14th Street, San Leandro 94578
Cost:  No charge
Registration:  Calvin Hu,  [email protected] , (415) 434-3388 x 313
Dementia and Caregiving

Caring for someone with memory loss or dementia can be challenging. Come and find ways to balance managing your own health and well-being while acting as a caregiver. Learn simple skills to handle troubling behavior, tools to help you reduce stress, coping skills, and find community resources to support you. Light refreshments will be provided. 

This FREE program will be offered in English and Spanish.
Este programa es gratuito y sera ofrecido en Ingles Y Espanol
When: Saturday March 7, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (sign-in starts at 9:30 a.m.)
Where:   Brentwood Senior Activity Center, Main Hall
193 Griffith Lane, Brentwood 94513
Cost:  No charge
Registration:   Brentwoodca.gov/onlineregistration, Brentwood Senior Activity Center (925) 516-5380 (Workshop Registration #3659) 
FCA’s   Facebook page   offers articles and posts of interest for family caregivers. Please follow our page at www.facebook.com/FamilyCaregiverAlliance .
Headlines From the November 2019 Caregiving Policy Digest

  • Education Campaign Launched to Reduce the Use of Chemical Restraints in Long-Term Care
  • Early Dementia: Study Shows Women May Be Under-Diagnosed While Men Over-Diagnosed
  • Advances in Age-Friendly Emergency Care

The entire November 2019 issue is available  here .
Do You Get Caregiving Policy Digest?

Published monthly, this e-newsletter focuses on legislation and policy, caregiving research, and media coverage of caregiving issues. The recent, issue is available   here. Visit the  archive  for past issues and click  here   to subscribe.
We would like to take a moment to extend a warm thank you to the many generous supporters who make the work we do possible through thoughtful donations to Family Caregiver Alliance.

FCA has led the way in supporting family caregivers for over 40 years.
Your donation makes all the difference!
Follow FCA on Social Media!
101 Montgomery Street | Suite 2150 | San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (800) 445-8106 | Email: [email protected]
Visit Family Caregiver Alliance’s  NEW   online solution for secure information, support, and resources for family caregivers of adults with chronic physical or cognitive conditions.  FCA CareJourney  provides a personalized dashboard loaded with information that matches your unique caregiving needs.
Visit  caregiver.org   today and  JOIN!
Visit FCA’s website
Family Care Navigator
Caregiver tool for
state-by-state resources
Help support Family Caregiver Alliance by choosing FCA as your   Amazon Smile   charity.  
Connections Credits
Calvin Hu
Al Martinez

Kathleen Kelly
Calvin Hu
Lana Sheridan
Leah Eskenazi

Executive Director
Kathleen Kelly
FCA Board of Directors

Celine Takatsuno

Dan Lieberman

Wyatt Ritchie

Kathleen Raffel

Amanda Breeden
Athan Bezaitis
Shruti Kothari
Catherine Lelong
Rajiv Mehta
Scott Peifer
Tiffany Riser
Keely Stevenson