Vol. 10, No. 7
July 22, 2019
Dear Friends:

California Governor Gavin Newsom has approved our budget request to expand and improve services for family caregivers in California! The one-time ask of $30 million, $10 million a year for the next three years, will be distributed between the 11 Caregiver Resource Centers (FCA is the San Francisco Bay Area Caregiver Resource Center).

Increasing funding for California caregivers would not have been possible without your calls, letters, and in-person support at the capital. We are also grateful for the help and advocacy of organizations including:

Thank you for your support of California family caregivers!


Calvin Hu
Education Coordinator
If you fell down yesterday, stand up today.

 H. G. Wells
Caregiver Conversations a Success!

Family caregivers, service providers, and the public were invited to attend FCAs special Caregiver Conversations event in Pleasant Hill, California.The conference included a greeting and welcome by Pleasant Hill Mayor Ken Carlson, a presentation on supporting family caregivers in the community by FCA Executive Director Kathleen Kelly, and a keynote presentation by Dr. Heather Young, Professor and Dean Emerita of the UC Davis Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing. Afternoon breakout session topics included dementia, self-care, and legal issues for caregivers.
Young Caregiver Brunch and Tea

Across the nation, Millennials are taking on the responsibilities of caregiving in ever increasing numbers. The Young Caregiver Brunch and Tea workshop focused on the unique concerns of these individuals. Participants learned about self-care, managing work or school while caregiving, and paying for long term care.
Contra Costa County Seeking Input From Local Family Caregivers

The Contra Costa County Area Agency on Aging would like to hear from Contra Costa County family caregivers. Caregivers of an adult 60 years or older are encouraged to complete a short survey that will help the county determine the needs and priorities of older adults and their caregivers. This survey will also help shape the 2020-2024 Countywide Area Plan for Older Adults. All survey responses are anonymous.
Vascular Dementia

Vascular dementia is the second most common type of dementia that affects adults. It can occur when blood flow is reduced or stopped to the brain. FCA’s vascular dementia fact sheet includes information on risk factors, symptoms, and vascular dementia caregiving strategies.
Long-Term Care in California: What It Is and Who Pays for It?

Long-term care can mean very different things to different people, and matching the right level of service to the recipients is often unreasonably difficult. This webinar examines the various levels and settings for long-term care, including some of the important rules and interesting issues involved. In addition, it focuses on payment options and how care recipients can identify good providers and maximize their care coverage while minimizing their expense.

Webinar presenter Tony Chicotel is a staff attorney for California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform in San Francisco. He is a graduate of The Ohio State University College of Law and the University of California School of Public Policy. Tony Chicotel also teaches elder law and policy courses, and has published articles on long-term care rights, conservatorships, and healthcare decision making. He is the winner of a California Lawyer Magazine “Attorney of the Year” Award for his work in elder law and in nursing homes.
Caregiving for a Loved One? How to Get the Help You Need

Providing care for a family member, relative, or parent is a universal human experience that even medical professionals often face. John Henning Schumann, MD, found himself thrust into the role of caregiver after his father suffered a near fatal fall. In an article for NPR, Schumann shares advice on how to seek help as a caregiver. This advice includes learning to accept assistance from friends and family, using paid caregivers to fill small gaps in care, and finding affordable alternatives to expensive private pay care.
The Challenge of Caring for a Stroke Patient

The unexpected onset of stroke coupled with its often serious after-effects can make stroke caregiving a demanding endeavor. New York Times Personal Health columnist Jane Brody shares Kelly Renzoni’s story, who helped her then husband recover from a stroke. The article also includes tips and advice from Renzoni, learned during her time as a caregiver.
Taking Care of SoMEone Else

Too often, family caregivers neglect their own health and well-being. This class will help you understand why, as a caregiver, you might feel sad, guilty and alone—and how to change these feelings. Participants will learn tools to help reduce stress, change negative thinking, ask for help from others, and take positive action steps.

When: Thursday, July 25, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
1720 El Camino Real, Suite 10, Burlingame 94010
Cost:    No Charge
Registration:   (650) 696-3660
There Must Be a Better Way! Understanding and Communicating With People Who Have Dementia

Join FCA for a special one day class offering new skills and tools for family caregivers caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. At this workshop, participants will learn strategies for understanding and communicating with someone with dementia. In addition, caregivers will learn how to handle difficult behaviors, how dementia affects a person’s ability to understand and communicate, and how to feel more confident in the caregiver role.

When: Thursday, August 22, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
1720 El Camino Real, Suite 10, Burlingame 94010
Cost:  No Charge
Registration:  (650) 696-3660
Your Opinion Matters (Focus Group)

This focus group seeks feedback on the needs of Santa Clara County family caregivers. Adult family members or other informal (unpaid) caregivers age 18 and older, who provide care to individuals 60 years of age and older, are eligible to participate. All participants will receive a $20 Target gift card in appreciation for their time and insights. All information will be kept strictly confidential.

Respite care is available (limited space).

When: Wednesday, August 14, from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Where: Campbell Recreation and Community Services, C35
1 West Campbell Avenue, Campbell 95008
Registration: Tina Wong-Erling, (408) 866-2147 
Getting There Together: A Celebration of All Ages and Abilities 

Getting There Together is a citywide celebration of San Francisco seniors and adults with disabilities. This event will bring together seniors, people with disabilities, service providers, and the public to celebrate and ensure San Francisco is a great place to live and age. Activities include a main stage with music and dance, an interactive resource fair, a heath and fitness track, and an open air gymnasium.

Getting There Together is presented by CASE (Coalition of Agencies Serving the Elderly) in partnership with Livable City/Sunday Streets, the City and County of San Francisco Department of Aging and Adult Services, Age and Disability Friendly San Francisco, and the Dignity Fund Coalition.

When: Sunday,September 8, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: Larkin Street, Ellis Street, Jones Street, and Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, please click here for a map
Cost: No charge
FCA’s   Facebook page   offers articles and posts of interest for family caregivers. Please follow our page at www.facebook.com/FamilyCaregiverAlliance .
Headlines From the July 2019 Caregiving Policy Digest
  • Federal ACA Lawsuit Update
  • Now and Future Opportunity Cost of Lost Work
  • Nonprofit Hospitals Sue Patients for Unpaid Hospital Debt
The entire July 2019 issue is available  here .
Do You Get Caregiving Policy Digest?

Published monthly, this e-newsletter focuses on legislation and policy, caregiving research, and media coverage of caregiving issues. The recent, issue is available   here. Visit the  archive  for past issues and click  here   to subscribe.
We would like to take a moment to extend a warm thank you to the many generous supporters who make the work we do possible through thoughtful donations to Family Caregiver Alliance.

FCA has led the way in supporting family caregivers for over 40 years.
Your donation makes all the difference!
Follow FCA on Social Media!
101 Montgomery Street | Suite 2150 | San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (800) 445-8106 | Email: [email protected]
Visit Family Caregiver Alliance’s  NEW   online solution for secure information, support, and resources for family caregivers of adults with chronic physical or cognitive conditions.    FCA CareJourney  provides a personalized dashboard loa   ded with inform   ation that matches your unique caregiving needs.
Visit  caregiver.org   today and  JOIN!
Visit FCA’s website
Family Care Navigator
Caregiver tool for
state-by-state resources
Help support Family Caregiver Alliance by choosing FCA as your   Amazon Smile   charity.  
Connections Credits
Calvin Hu
Paria Dea

Kathleen Kelly
Calvin Hu
Lana Sheridan
Leah Eskenazi

Executive Director
Kathleen Kelly
FCA Board of Directors

Celine Takatsuno

Dan Lieberman

Wyatt Ritchie

Kathleen Raffel

Amanda Breeden
Athan Bezaitis
Shruti Kothari
Catherine Lelong
Rajiv Mehta
Chris Park
Scott Peifer
Tiffany Riser
Keely Stevenson