Vol. 11, No. 5
May 2020
Dear Friends:

May is Older Americans Month. It’s a time to reflect on and celebrate their contributions to our country, communities, and families. Yet despite everything this group built, invented, grew, and nurtured, many are also in dire need of support. Isolation, financial insecurity, health problems, caregiving responsibilities, and now COVID-19 are all taking a toll.

FCA joins with the rest of the country in celebrating older Americans. We are working hard to support older Americans who are family caregivers, and family caregivers of all ages. For COVID-19 resources for caregivers, fact sheets, webinars, and online classes, please visit our website caregiver.org. For those family caregivers living in the San Francisco Bay Area seeking a one-on-one counselling session, our Bay Area Caregiver Resource Center is here to serve you.


Calvin Hu
Education Coordinator
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.
 — Confucius
New Six-Week Online Support Group

This six-week online support group provides a place for family caregivers to get support and hear from other caregivers. It is moderated by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and is open to caregivers who are caring for someone 60 or older with any diagnosis or between the ages of 18-59 with an adult onset cognitive or neurological impairment. Once you complete the registration below, someone will reach out to you to confirm attendance and provide the Zoom meeting information.

This support group is open to residents of Alameda County, Contra Costa County, Marin County, San Francisco County, San Mateo County, and Santa Clara County. This support group is specifically for family caregivers, not providers.  

When: Six Tuesdays, June 16, 23, 30, July 7, 14, and 21, from 3 to 4:30 p.m
Where: Online
Cost: No charge
Registration: Click here
Grupo de Apoyo en Español Por Teléfono (Spanish Telephone Support Group)

Venga a compartir su experiencia, consejos y apoyo con otros cuidadores. El Tercer Jueves de Cada Mes, 2-3 p.m. Para Participar en el Grupo de Apoyo, Marque el Número 1 669 900 6833, ID de reunion: 963 2072 9945#

Para mas Información y Registrarse, Por Favor Llamar a Adriana Sanchez (415) 434-3388 ext. 316

El grupo de apoyo esta abierto para residentes en los siguientes condados: Alameda County, Contra Costa County, Marin County, San Francisco County, San Mateo County, Y Santa Clara County. Este grupo de apoyo es estrictamente para cuidadores familiares no para proovedores profesionales. 
Are You a Provider? Join Our e-News List for Healthcare and Social Services Professionals

FCA is excited to announce the launch of an e-news update specifically for providers — those who provide healthcare or social services to their communities.

We know that many of your adult patients and clients have family caregivers in their lives who give them care and assistance. This update will help you better support those caregivers with information, resources, and expert guidance tailored to their needs. Each issue highlights services such as classes, webinars, online events, tip sheets and more. All services are free or low-cost. Sign up today to stay in the know!
FCA CareJourney

FCA CareJourney is a secure online service for quality information, support, and resources for family caregivers of adults with chronic physical or cognitive conditions such as Alzheimer’s, stroke, Parkinson’s, and other illnesses. By joining CareJourney you will be asked a brief set of questions that lead to a personal dashboard loaded with information that matches your unique caregiving needs such as: fact and tip sheets, videos, online classes, and support; state and national caregiving resources; access to a skilled Resource Specialist; and the FCA Facebook page feed.
Palliative Care on the Front Lines of COVID-19 Webinar Recording

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought home the importance of training on palliative care and the need for advanced planning for those with serious illness and their families. This webinar featuring Dr. Diane E. Meier will explore: how COVID-19 has impacted medical decision-making for those in palliative care, how families can better communicate with health professionals at this time, and how COVID-19 has shaped future recommendations for palliative care practice.

Speaker: Diane E. Meier, MD, FACP, FAAHPM, is CEO of the Center to Advance Palliative Care ( CAPC).

Please click here to view a recording of this webinar. The slides are available to view here.

This webinar is co-sponsored by the California Caregiver Resource Centers and the San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services .
Planning Ahead for the Care You May Need: Health Care Decisions in the Era of COVID-19 Webinar Recording and Slides

This webinar reviews advance care planning, easy-to-use materials and easy-to-read advance directives in 10 languages available at prepareforyourcare.org. The webinar also covers how advance care planning is unique in the time of COVID-19, what can and should be done before a hospitalization to help prepare, the types of discussions and decisions that patients may face when they come to the hospital, how families can stay connected, and how palliative care can help.

Speakers: Rebecca Sudore, MD - Professor of Medicine, UCSF and Anne Kinderman, MD - Director, Supportive and Palliative Care Service, ZFGH and Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCSF

Please click here to view a recording of this webinar. The slides can be viewed here.

This webinar is co-sponsored by the San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services .
Free Resources to Aid Veterans, Military, Their Families Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

AARP has compiled a list of resources for veterans, service members, and their families during these uncertain times. This list includes information on free programs for financial concerns, mental and physical health, and Veterans Affairs services.
Study Seeks Family Caregivers of Adults with Dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment

Are you a family caregiver of an adult with dementia or mild cognitive impairment? See if you qualify for a study offered by People Power and researchers at UC Berkeley.

Eligible study participants receive a monitoring system called Presence Caregiver. Through the use of in-home sensors and a smartphone app, the system alerts family caregivers to potential risks related to those in their care. These includes falls, wandering, and water leaks. It’s designed to improve the safety of people living with dementia and to reduce the stress and isolation of their caregivers.

Participants must be family caregivers, fluent in English, living with a person with dementia, and have a smartphone and wireless internet connectivity. Please click here for more information and to see if you are eligible to participate.
How to: Joining an Online Zoom Meeting

California is under a shelter in place order for the foreseeable future. To continue to provide support for family caregivers, FCA is using technology products to offer services remotely. If you are having difficulties joining an FCA meeting, class, or webinar hosted using Zoom, please read our step-by-step guide.
Bringing ‘Poogie’ Home: Hospice In The Time Of COVID-19

Something the public has always taken for granted is the ability to visit family and loved ones in hospitals, nursing homes, or other residential care facilities. The spread of COVID-19 has led to extremely strict precautions in these locations, many of which forbid any visits. Writing for Kaiser Health News, Melissa Bailey documents one family’s choice between the risks of bringing home a dying family member with COVID-19, or keeping her in a facility where no one would be able to visit her.
Nine Tips for a Successful Telemedicine Appointment

For many situations, telemedicine can be a good substitute for an in-person doctor visit and even offers some unique advantages. This type of doctor visit has grown especially with the rise of COVID-19. Dr. Christine Nguyen gives tips and advice for Next Avenue readers looking to make the most out of a telemedicine visit. These include testing your technology beforehand, and compiling your symptoms and questions in advance.
Let’s Get Away, Together!
A six-part armchair travel series for caregivers

This series is comprised of six interactive travel activity sessions. Each week will focus on a new part of the world or cultural activity, while incorporating storytelling, music, poetry writing, and/or a simple craft. Each session will include a followup message filled with tips, activities, and recipes for families to continue to enjoy after the virtual trip. The focus of each group is to explore a new world, experience a variety of engaging opportunities, and enjoy a sense of camaraderie and community. Register for one or more sessions.

Let’s Get Away, Together! is intended to be an enjoyable activity for family caregivers and the person they care for. Those receiving care who are able to participate in the discussion and activities are encouraged to attend with their family caregiver. Registration is open, but priority will be given to residents of the San Francisco Bay Area (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties).

When: Tuesdays, May 26, June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, from 1 to 2 p.m. (PT)

June 2, “Let’s Go to Paris!”
Registration: Click here

June 9, “Let’s talk about FOOD, art edition”
Registration: Click here

June 16, “Let’s Go to India!”
Registration: Click here

June 23, “Let’s Go to the Museum, Opposites edition”
Registration: Click here

June 30, “Let’s Go around the world in ONE hour!”
Registration: Click here
FCA’s   Facebook page   offers articles and posts of interest for family caregivers. Please follow our page at www.facebook.com/FamilyCaregiverAlliance .
Headlines From the May 2020 Caregiving Policy Digest
  • COVID-19 ravages nursing homes
  • ‘Free’ COVID-19 tests may bring collateral bills
  • COVID-19: Social distancing and loneliness
The entire May 2020 issue is available  here .
Do You Get Caregiving Policy Digest?

Published monthly, this e-newsletter focuses on legislation and policy, caregiving research, and media coverage of caregiving issues. The recent, issue is available   here. Visit the  archive  for past issues and click  here   to subscribe.
We would like to take a moment to extend a warm thank you to the many generous supporters who make the work we do possible through thoughtful donations to Family Caregiver Alliance.

FCA has led the way in supporting family caregivers for over 40 years.
Your donation makes all the difference!
Follow FCA on Social Media!
101 Montgomery Street | Suite 2150 | San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (800) 445-8106 | Email: info@caregiver.org
Visit Family Caregiver Alliance’s  NEW   online solution for secure information, support, and resources for family caregivers of adults with chronic physical or cognitive conditions.    FCA CareJourney  provides a personalized dashboard loa   ded with inform   ation that matches your unique caregiving needs.
Visit  caregiver.org   today and  JOIN!
Visit FCA’s website
Family Care Navigator
Caregiver tool for
state-by-state resources
Help support Family Caregiver Alliance by choosing FCA as your   Amazon Smile   charity. 
Connections Credits
Calvin Hu
Al Martinez

Kathleen Kelly
Calvin Hu
Lana Sheridan
Leah Eskenazi

Executive Director
Kathleen Kelly
FCA Board of Directors

Celine Takatsuno

Dan Lieberman

Wyatt Ritchie

Kathleen Raffel

Amanda Breeden
Athan Bezaitis
Deborah Kan
Shruti Kothari
Catherine Lelong
Rajiv Mehta
Scott Peifer
Tiffany Riser
Keely Stevenson
Ian Tong