Connections: November 12, 2020

Spirit of life and love, God of many names and no names,
Today mourning and celebration commingle.
Jubilation and heartache are juxtaposed
We come together searching

Grant us awareness of each others’ hopes and fears
Even across the great divides of red state and blue state,
Urban and rural. Open us to each others’ needs.

Purify our hearts so that those who rejoice do not gloat
And those who grieve do not despair.
Strengthen our ability to be kind to one another
And to ourselves. 

Awaken in us the yearning
To build a more perfect union. Let us roll up our sleeves
Whether today we feel exultation or sorrow, and together
Shape a nation of welcome and compassion.

Let ours be a land where no one need fear abuse
Or retribution, where every diversity is celebrated,
Where those who are most vulnerable are protected.
May bigotry and violence vanish like smoke.

Dear friends, may this prayer by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat be the prayer of our hearts this week.

if you missed Sunday's service, it was powerful. Take time to watch.
Upcoming Second Hour Sundays

November 15: • 12 Noon
Kath Tsakalakis Anti-gun-violence presentation 
Kath Tsakalakis became involved in gun violence prevention after sitting in on a school board meeting and learning about lockdown drills.
As a British immigrant to the U.S., and now as a U.S. citizen, Kath was surprised that it took her nearly 15-years to “wake up to gun violence.” She was shocked to learn both teachers and students practice active shooter drills. This prompted her to research organizations that address this issue. Kath supports Brady “because of the mission, strategic focus on practical initiatives, and the can-do approach.”

November 22: • 12 Noon
Zoe Mullery Corona-pocalypse: COVID at San Quentin 
If you missed Sunday's service, 
please go to the CCSM website and watch!

November 8, 2020 
CCSM Sunday Online Worship
Sermon: Penny Nixon
Stewardship 2021
We haven't yet reached our goal... we're 80% there!
Your pledge is a statement that you plan to donate a certain amount to CCSM during the year 2021. This is vital in helping us plan a budget so that our beloved community can continue to thrive. We do realize that situations may change during the year, so if you need to change your pledge at any time, please let us know.
On behalf of the entire CCSM congregation, thank you for Keeping Faith with us, especially during these times.
With gratitude,
To make a pledge: click here
or contact Cheryle Matteo, [email protected]

225 Tilton Avenue • San Mateo, CA 94401
(650) 343-3694