Suggestion Box Responses from Howie
1. Suggestion: I know that the suggestion box can be filled with much strife but i wanted to take a minute and say while i do think we are still growing and sometimes things don't always add up, I do feel very thankful for my job and I love what I do. I appreciate all that the agency does do for us and look forward to the future which is hopefully bright!
Response: Thank you for your positive comments, we do try to do what is best for our valued employees and appreciate the efforts of all in supporting people to lead a life of their choice that promotes independence and community involvement. Our staff continue to demonstrate passion and creativity in meeting the needs of those we support. Thanks for all you do!
2. Suggestion: My suggestion is that you rethink your response to the person who left the agency and came back (Response: I appreciate that you came back to the organization. However, when you left you gave up all seniority and the benefits that you had at the time of your departure. It would not be fair to staff who have remained with the organization that we provide returning employees all their past seniority and benefits to bring them back to where they were when they decided to terminate. Benefits are based on longevity for accrued time as well as the defined contribution plan to recognize staff who continue to work at the organization and provide consistency and a stable environment for those we support).
It seems to me that this policy is very short-sighted. There are hundreds of valid reasons why people have to leave a position and it can be a blessing when experienced people return. Many large organizations give returning staff their time and benefits right from where they were when they left. This is a great incentive to bring valuable and experienced people back into the fold. And, if you don't feel that the returning person is an asset worthy of this consideration, just don't rehire them.
I sincerely recommend that you rethink the current policy and/or bring it up at a board meeting for review.
Response: I do not support providing all time and benefits back to a person who leaves the agency. Although we recognize experience when determining the wages when they return, it is not fair to the staff members who stayed with us to have the same seniority and benefits as an employee who left the agency.
As we look at new retention and recruitment strategies this is not one I would consider at this time. To do so would be a slap in the face of our dedicated employees who have stayed with the organization and not looked at leaving the agency for other jobs in the community. Staff leave for varied reasons and we try to work with staff who may need some considerations, but staff make the choice to leave and many times the grass is not always greener with these other opportunities.
3. Suggestion: Bullying!!!! I have noticed a lot of bullying and temper tantrums going on! This is never an acceptable way to handle any problem!! We are not in high school anymore and for staff to gang up on other staff is wrong on so many levels as well as temper tantrums when things don't go the way you feel it should, Grow up people and learn you do not have to like anyone at work BUT you do have to treat them with respect at the worksite and realize that your way is not the only way to handle things, all the internal bickering takes away from all productivity and peace for those not involved!!!! if you have a problem with someone you need to handle it in an adult fashion not like a child. Thank you for listening to my rant and have a wonderful day.
Response: This comment came up in the survey for strategic planning also. We must all respect the role of each other and I agree that disagreements should be handled in an acceptable manner.
In regards to our Values, Responsiveness not only applies to responding to the needs of those we support but being responsive to each other. We must work together to succeed and remember how you interact with each other is often observed and reacted to by those we support.
Also, Dignity refers to treating each other with respect and demonstrating empathy. We all must understand that although we have different backgrounds, experiences and opinions, we must work together to provide the best services to the people that we support. Instances of bullying should also be reported to your supervisor or HR as it is unacceptable. Thank you for bringing this up.