For the Week of April 4, 2021
Holy Week Worship Schedule
Maundy Thursday - April 1
Last Supper Drama

Available all day on our homepage. Join biblical characters (with familiar faces) as they retell their personal experiences of Holy Week. Written by "our own" Russ Durbin, this play is directed by Kitt Finch; video editing by Wendy Arnott.
Good Friday - April 2

Two opportunities:
  • Personal Prayer Time: 12:00 - 1:00 pm in the Sanctuary; come and go as you wish.
  • 7:00 pm service online - "Alone & God's Presence" - Pastor Paul Georgulis preaching (Scripture: Psalm 84:1-8)
Easter Sunday - April 4

Celebrate the resurrection of our Savior! Please join us, in person or online, for one of our three services.

  • 9:00 am Contemporary
  • 10:00 am Liturgical
  • 11:11 (am) Word & Worship

Reservations open until Friday noon. (See links, below.)

Holy Communion will be observed at all
Easter Sunday services.

If you are worshiping at home,
please have communion elements
ready so that you may also participate.
Worship News
April Worship Series
Encounters with the Risen Christ

During the month of April, our worship will explore the experiences
of those who encountered the risen Christ.
April 4 - Mary Magdalene:
The First Witness (John 20:1-2, 11-18)

Easter morning Mary is the first person to encounter the risen Christ. Join us as we imagine her many emotions as she comes to grips with what she is seeing and experiencing...and then her joy as the reality of who she has encountered sinks in.

April 11 - Two travelers: The Discouraged Followers (Luke 24:13-35)

April 18 - Thomas: The Honest Doubter (John 20:24-29)

April 25 - Peter: The Restored Denier (John 21:15-22)
This Week's Scripture
John 20:1-2, 11-18
New Revised Standard Version

Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb. So she ran and went to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved, and said to them, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him.”

But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb; and she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had been lying, one at the head and the other at the feet. They said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.” When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?” Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him in Hebrew, “Rabbouni!” (which means Teacher). Jesus said to her, “Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord”; and she told them that he had said these things to her.
Our Worship Services
Register by Friday noon for April 4 in-person Easter worship.
In person and Online

Contemporary Worship
Led by Sounds of Faith
Sunday at 9:00 am

Limited Sanctuary and Overholt Hall overflow seating still available!
Recording can be viewed at your leisure
after 1:00 pm.
In person and Online

Liturgical Worship
Led by a duo of singers with the organ
Sunday at 10:00 am

Overholt Hall overflow seating still available!

Recording can be viewed at your leisure
after 1:00 pm.
In person and Online

11:11 Word & Worship
Led by Power of Grace
Sunday at 11:11 am
Overholt Hall overflow seating still available!

Recording can be viewed at your leisure
after 1:00 pm.
With Love From Your DUMC Musicians
A playlist of DUMC music...

He is Risen!

Twenty beautiful selections by our DUMC musicians.
Available on our YouTube channel Easter Sunday morning.

(We'll send you a link on Sunday morning.)
Easter Flowers
We are blessed by the added beauty of the Easter flowers in the sanctuary. They are placed there...

In Loving Memory of:
  • My mom, brother and sister from Linda Baker
  • Our mothers, Zeenat Chauhan and Pushpam Balasundaram from Praveena & Pastor Sunil Balasundaram
  • My husband, Thomas Crawford from Nancy Crawford
  • Our father, Thomas Crawford, from Paul & Susan Tosti
  • Mary & John Wojtanowski and Anna & Walter Van Houten from Harry & Joanne Van Houten

In Honor of:
  • My grandchildren by Linda Baker
  • Dick Bach, to celebrate his birthday this week, from the Quinn Family
  • Our children and grandchildren from Bob & Joyce Sanville

To the glory of God:
  • By Karen Dawkins
  • By Beth & Scott Holton
Worship Statistics - Lent Wednesday and Sunday, March 28, 2021
Scattered geographically, but worshiping together by God's Spirit
Statistics from Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Lenten service:

113 - Wednesday Lenten
Service online views*

Over 113 total people
worshiped online
in DUMC's
Wednesday Lenten Service.

Statistics from March 28, 2021 worship services:

  • 33 - Contemporary Service in-person worshipers
  • 218 - Contemporary Service online views*

  • 34 - Liturgical Service in-person worshipers
  • 170 - Liturgical Service online views*

  • 16 - Word & Worship in-person worshipers
  • 226 - Word & Worship Service online views*

Over 697 total people worshiped
online and in person
in DUMC services
on March 28, 2021.

*A view represents 1 or more people worshiping on a single device
Congregational Survey - We want to hear from you!
Thank you to all who have
already completed the survey!

If you haven't responded yet...
we truly want to hear from you!

Earlier this month you should have received a brief, anonymous email survey in your inbox. We hope you will take a few minutes to respond and let us know how we've been doing and your ideas of what we could do better. Your feedback is critical in helping us meet the needs of our congregation as we continue to phase in more programs and increased worship capacity.

Misplaced your survey link? CLICK HERE!
Please respond by this Monday, April 5.
Mission of the Month: Hope International
Hope International is a faith-based nonprofit organization that alleviates the many dimensions of poverty by providing microenterprise development services, biblically based business training, savings services and small loans (micro-loans) in the poorest, least served countries of our world.

Unlike traditional charity, microfinance views the poor not as passive recipients but as active participants in poverty alleviation. As incomes grow, participants can invest in their families’ future. Please watch this video (at left) to learn more about how Hope International brings people out of poverty and to Christ.

Hope’s financial assistance and one-on-one ministry helps people get out of poverty and become Christ-focused stewards within their communities.

Thank you, DUMC, for your continued support, and thanks for being a blessing throughout our world.
Is There a Graduate in Your Family This Year?
Graduation is a significant life achievement, and we would like to acknowledge the hard work of all DUMC graduates in an upcoming issue of Connections.

Whether high school, college, or grad school, please send us information about the graduates in your family that are part of DUMC!
Health Connections: Resilience
by Laurie Lewis, RN, Minister of Visitation, Lay Leader
There was a skit on I Love Lucy years ago where she was trying out for a Vitamin commercial. Perhaps you remember it? Vitameatavegamin was supposed to cure that tired, rundown feeling. Take a look at the clip (right).

This past year has left many of us tired and rundown. We look back at all the free time or all the extra time we have had at home and wonder why we didn’t get more done. We could have cleaned out that closet, organized a work area, taken more walks, or finally finished that project.

Instead many have felt a sense of lethargy, brain fog, and lack of direction. We’ve been overwhelmed by all the changes imposed on our life. Everyone’s schedule has changed and it has been hard to adapt. In the past we have been able to adjust when changes are spread out over a period of time or occur for a shorter length of time. We haven’t ever lived through a pandemic and the many alterations COVID-19 has caused.
DUMC Preschool
The Preschool at
Doylestown United Methodist Church
is currently accepting registrations
for the 2021-2022 school year for all classes.

Our classes continue to fill for September! Please call the office at 215-345-9775 or visit our website for registration information.
Kingdom Growth Committee
SELAH Blog: Wrap Up
We hope you have joined us in Selah moments over these past several weeks.

We are grateful for the generosity of our DUMC family. We truly feel blessed as we see the work that God is doing within our congregation to grow His Kingdom – through the gifts of time, talent and treasure from each of you.
SELAH Podcast:

Reflect on what we learned during quarantine and this pandemic with this final podcast in the Selah series.
Ministry News

Happy Easter
from DUMC Kids!
We hope everyone enjoyed the Egg Hunt Drive thru as much as we did!

Thank you to everyone who came out, donated food, made a fabulous Easter bonnet and made it an all-around fun day! 
VBS 2021 Information

Join us June 21–23 for some adventurous island fun! This year we will be hosting a 3-day, in-person VBS from 9 am - 11 am. Activities will be mostly outside, with rain-dates on the 24th & 25th. Capacity is limited to 50 kids to ensure a safe, fun time for all. Family units will be grouped together. Masks will be required. Registration starts after Easter for 4 yrs–6th grade. Volunteers of all types needed!

to volunteer or with questions.

Volunteer for some fun today!
Anchor Thanks!
Thanks to the kids who came out to create crafts for Wesley Enhanced Living and also enjoyed pizza & a movie. We hope to see you again soon! Keep an eye out for more activities. 

This Week
All 5th/6th graders are welcome to join our Live Zoom, Sundays @ 11:00 am for bible study, games, discussion and fun! Just register here to receive all the details!

This week’s topic: Isaiah and King Hezekiah
No Elevation
Sunday, April 4

There will be no Elevation on Sunday, April 4.
Enjoy the Easter break with your families!
Questions, comments, concerns or to RSVP, please contact Pastor Paul:
We Could Use Your Help
Join the DUMC Production Team!!

Lights, Camera,
Audio, Media
No experience needed.
We're training.

For more information,
please contact Courtney Eickman,
DUMC's Technical Director, at [email protected]
In Brief
Our next Blood Drive is Thursday, April 8 from 2:00 - 7:00 pm.
There will be no Wesley Class on Easter Sunday. Class will "re-zoom" April 11 at 8:45. We are beginning a 4-week study, “Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White”.
The DUMC Book Group meets the 4th Sunday of every month (currently via Zoom). To learn more, please contact Judy Coleman at 215-345-0797. New members welcome!

Next meeting: Sunday, April 25 at 7:00 pm; discussion: The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan. CLICK HERE for upcoming selections!
Musical Inspiration
Christ the Lord is Risen Today

Text by Charles Wesley
Music: Anonymous

Living Hope
by Phil Wickham

Sounds of Faith will be leading this beautiful song of hope
on Sunday.
Hallelujah Chorus

from Handel's Messiah
Royal Choral Society

A Little Information and a Little Humor
Chuck Knows Church:

We are Easter people!
Coming Up
Maundy Thursday
Last Supper Drama - Online (available all day on our homepage)
Good Friday Service
7:00 pm Online (link available on our homepage)
Easter Sunday! He is RISEN!!!
Worship Services
In-Person and Online Worship Services
  • 9:00 am Contemporary Service
  • 10:00 am Liturgical Service
  • 11:11 (am) Word & Worship

No Elevation this week
Church Office Closed for Easter Holiday
Blood Drive - 2:00 to 7:00 pm
(Next scheduled blood drive is Tuesday, May 11)
Worship Services
In-Person and Online Worship Services
  • 9:00 am Contemporary Service
  • 10:00 am Liturgical Service
  • 11:11 (am) Word & Worship
Registration required for in-person worship. Watch for Monday email with link.

Elevation - 6:00 to 7:30 pm
We are here for you!
Want to connect with a staff member?
While we are busily working remotely, we are still available to you.
Please feel free to reach out to us!
Pastor Sunil Balasundaram, Senior Pastor
John Bechtel, Business Administrator
Courtney Eickman, Technical Director
Pastor Paul Georgulis, Pastor of Student Ministries
Beth Houlton, Contemporary Worship Leader
Laurie Lewis, Lay Leader & Minister of Visitation
Amanda Mandia, Director of Children's Ministries
Gay Brunt Miller, Administrative Assistant
Deborah Schultheiss, Director of Caring Ministries
Temple Sieger, Worship Leader for 11:11 Word & Worship
Sean Smith, Facilities Manager
Please feel free to call or email us!

Call us - phone: 215-348-5224 (phones are answered Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm)
Connecting with Connections

NOTE: The deadline for contributions to Connections is Monday noon.
Please forward all contributions to [email protected]
If you have any family members or friends who would like to receive our eNewsletter, please click below to add their contact information, and we will be sure to include them. We want all of you to be a part of our eNewsletter, Connections!
Connect With Us
Stay Connected

Doylestown United Methodist Church
320 East Swamp Road
Doylestown, PA 18901
Main number: 215-348-5224
Worship Service Hotline: