Included in this issue/Save-the-Date:
February Mission of the Month: MISSIONARIES - Give | Watch video
- Pastor's Corner (February)
Become a Member of DUMC this Spring
No Fusion, youth are encouraged to join their families for Worship, Sun., Feb. 2
12 hours of Prayer sign-up, Wednesday, February 5, 7:00 am - 7:00 pm
Kids' Club returns, Wednesday, February 5, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Children's Spring Musical auditions, Saturday, February 8, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Youth Hoagie Fundraiser, Sunday, February 9
Estate Planning Seminar, Wednesday, February 12, 12:00 - 1:00 pm
- DUMC Youth Sky Zone trip, Sunday, February 16, 4:30 - 6:30 pm
Caring for Friends, Wednesday, February 19, 12:45 pm
Blood drive, Wednesday, February 19, 3:00 - 8:00 pm
Glow Party, Friday, February 21, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Youth Sunday sign up, Sunday, February 23, all services
- Book Group, Sunday, February 23, 3:00 pm
DUMC Youth NERF Night, Sunday, February 23, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
DSP Taco Tuesday fundraiser, Tuesday, February 25, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
GriefShare new semester (now Wednesdays), Wed., March 5, 7:00 pm
Pancake breakfast, Sunday, March 30, 9:00 - 11:00 am
- Winter weather closing notification info below
- Discovery Service Projects 2024 Mission Recap
- Financial Report (December 31)
Celebration of Life - Doris Charles
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Current Worship Series
"Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations"
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9:00 am
Uplifting Worship*
Wesley Class
No Fusion
Sunday School
10:10 am
Liturgical Worship*
11:11 am
Word & Worship*
Kids' Word
*Live broadcast
For links:
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Communion Sunday
February 2 – Extravagant Generosity
Luke 21:1-4, 1 John 3:16-18
February Worship Series
"Love Has a Name"
February 9 – Love Starts With A Name
February 16 – Love Is More Than A Theory
February 23 – Love Adores Extravagantly
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Nursery care available for children 0-5 years old on Sundays from 8:50 am - 12:15 pm.
*Nursery staff and volunteers are “Safe Sanctuary” certified; this policy includes all required state and federal background checks.
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Thank you to all who worship with us in person and online!
In-person attendance for January 26: 237
Online attendance: 404*
The in-person number includes children in Nursery, Fusion/Sunday School, and Kids' Word (when in session).
*Online number represents the number of views (or households), not the number of individuals watching.
(Online totals are multiplied by 1.5 to get a more accurate sum.)
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Discovery Service Projects
2024 Mission Recap
This year’s Discovery Service Projects (DSP) International Project took us to Playa del Carmen, Mexico where we began building a small church/community center with our partner, Reverend Ramon Celis. Ramon, a Presbyterian pastor, has been working with DSP for the last 30 years building churches across the Yucatán.
Two groups of hearty workers laid cinder block walls the first week and cemented them in with columns and a collar tie the next week. Having no electricity or running water, the teams used a generator to run the electric tools, and hand pumped the water to make the cement.
Both teams delivered food bags and prayed with local families who were very appreciative of both.
Retelling the scripture, John 13:4-17, Pastor Ramon shared the importance of serving others. He then consecrated the worksite to the work of our Lord as the local workers, pastors, and the DSP team shared communion. We pray for this Christian community.
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Estate Planning Seminar
Wednesday, February 12
12:00 - 1:00 pm, Room 2
In person at DUMC
-Find out why most estate plans will eventually fail!
-Learn how to easily create your estate plan!
-Learn how a Will can save you thousands of dollars!
-Leave a roadmap for your family and a final message to those you love!
-Learn the pitfalls of on-line estate planning products!
-All this and more, CLICK HERE for flyer.
Questions, or to register, contact John Benson, (215) 348-4416
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United Methodist Scholarships - Submissions due Monday, March 31
Are you aware that the United Methodist General Board of Higher Education and Ministry has low-interest loans and scholarships to help students further their education? There are more than 70 scholarships available that cover undergraduate and graduate-level studies. Applications are open through Monday, March 31, 2025.
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*Email Pastor Paul for more information.
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Financial Report for the Year Ended Dec. 31, 2024
Submitted by:
Allen Mason (Finance Chairperson) and Karen Sablyak (Treasurer)
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SUMMARY: A strong finish to the year with strong giving in December and less than expected expenses. We are truly blessed by our congregation’s generosity and God’s grace!
Giving: Income for December was $122K, including $1.7K for Giving Tuesday and generous Christmas giving. Thank you again for your generosity in helping us bridge our operating cash deficit. On a YTD basis, income is $311K less than budget, which is partially offset by the generous special giving of $73K received earlier in the year.
Disbursements: Our disbursements for December were $10K less than budget – Note that there is no Connectional Ministry expense as the Administrative Council Board approved withholding this amount from the Conference until DUMC’s finances improve. YTD disbursements are $130K less than budget as we continue to monitor expenses. REJOICE!
Net Cash (Deficit): We had positive cash flow in December of $46K, but we remain negative YTD at ($122K). To help offset our cash deficits and as approved at our church meetings, we will be using the following funds: 1) $50K from the Vannoy Organ Fund to help fund music operating expenses in 2024 and 2) $94K from the parsonage Money Market Fund & $7.2K from the building fund to cover the mortgage payments for 2024.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
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Pastor's Corner
I remember a pastor (not me!) welcoming people during a worship service and accidentally switching the wives’ names of two couples because the husbands had the same first name! It was funny…and embarrassing for the couples. There was also the time when our wedding was being announced in my church, and the senior pastor wrongly linked me with a young woman whose name was not Praveena!
Read more....
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Lay Leader Insights:
Our brains are always looking to make sense of the world around us. If you think things never work out for you, then your brain will focus on setbacks as proof of this and ignore the occasions that don't fit. This is called "confirmation bias," and it means that we see what we are looking for in most situations. It is very difficult to see anything positive without being intentional. When we are in a bad mood, we notice everything that goes wrong that day. Some examples are being stuck in traffic or seeing trash in the street.
Read more....
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February Mission of the Month:
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Our mission for the month of February is supporting our three missionary teams working around the world to be God’s hands and feet. Our missionary teams include:
· Emma and Arasu Rajaratnam working through Logos Vision in India
· Steve and Debbie Buckner working with the Lamb Institute in Honduras
· Our missionary friends from TMS Global
Each family acts as a team in spreading the Word of God. They travel to countries where Christianity is the minority, is prohibited, or is discouraged by the government. In a Christian country like Honduras, teams offer support where the poor often have no hope or future.
Each of these selfless families helps to bring people to Christ through the lives they live, the service they provide, and active mentorship of those who seek Christ as their Lord and Savior. Please join us in supporting our missionary teams with your donations and prayers during the month of February.
Watch video....
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Code Blue Shelter Volunteer Training
Coalition to Shelter & Support the Homeless (CSSH)
Become a Code Blue Shelter volunteer this winter. Help transport and shelter adults in Central Bucks on cold winter nights. TRAINING IS REQUIRED and available online, SIGN-UP HERE. Additional Information can be found on the flyer (also located in the Lobby). LETTER from Code Blue.
Questions? Email Rhelda Richards.
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Next Caring for Friends meal assembly:
Wednesday, February 19 at 12:45 pm
in the DUMC kitchen. CLICK HERE for more details. Instructional guide for preparing meals at home.
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Doylestown United
Methodist Church
Overholt Hall
320 E. Swamp Road (Route 313)
Doylestown, PA 18901
Wednesday, February 19
3:00 - 8:00 pm
Click button below or
call 1-800-RED-CROSS
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Click icon above for what to do before, during, and after donating blood. | | |
Come enjoy supper and support
Discovery Service Projects
(proceeds will go toward materials used in a domestic project for 2024 hurricane victims in North Carolina and Tennessee)
Tuesday, February 25
5:00 - 7:00 pm
$10 per individual / $25 per family
Sign up in the lobby, RSVP to Karen Lyon -or- pay at the door
Volunteers needed: Setting up/ Serving/ Clean-up between 4:00 - 8:00 pm
Text Karen Lyon at (215) 470-7698
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*Click on the images below to join or volunteer. | |
*Click image below to sign up for Youth Sunday, February 23 | |
DUMC Youth NERF Night
Sunday, February 23
6:00 - 8:00 pm
We have rescheduled our NERF night due to the snow on 1/19. We encourage youth to bring their own nerf launchers with their names on it (please label it so we can ensure you get your launcher back). All nerf darts will be provided by the church (please do not bring any because we cannot ensure you will get them back). Invite friends to this super fun event! Please RSVP. Dinner will be provided.
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Becky Van Dine, Caring Ministries
(215) 813-7436
| *Click GriefShare logo to learn more or register. | | | |
*Wednesday nights
7:00 - 9:00 pm, Room 2
*Returns Wednesday, March 5
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Praying for our Congregation,
Community, and World
Praise & Thanks: Beauty in nature, God's peace, family, welcoming church, great music, Eagles win, Mary Bresser's 80th birthday, Danyelle, bluebirds, Joe in remission, inspired by "5 Practices of Fruitful Congregations"
Health & Healing: Lily & Kevin, Pat & Sam, Charles, Wayne, Ruth, Bert, Bob, David, Rob, Carol, Linda, Gary, Arlene, Lisa, Jeremy & Linda, Lorraine, Mary, Maura, Dana & Kevin, Cathie, Tom, Kate, John, Chris, Barbara, Miguel, Tim, Liz, Lynlee, Jeff, Bill, Paul, Andrea, Linda, Maggie, my son, Jane, Artie, Jim, Andre, Jerry
Guidance: Bishop Budde, those impacted by fires, USA & its future, Amalia, family faith & strength, Clark, my daughter, Erika & family, Hallie, a friend's family, loving others even when it is uncomfortable, at-risk immigrants, Jeff Jr, a friend, committee members, President Trump, Cabinet, Congress, sale of home, environmental issues, Marie & family, Carolyn, my sons, famine, those serving abroad, Takara & Cody, Christopher, Audio/Visual Livestream team, Olivia, Lain
Hospice: Bonnie, Elaine, Maxine, David
Grief: Family & friends of Doris Charles, Bill Bronson, Irene Rojas (Brianna Beall's grandmother)
"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14
~Laurie Lewis and the Congregational Care Team
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With gratitude, we remember
Doris Whitcraft Charles
January 21, 1938 - January 24, 2025
Please remember Doris’ family and friends in your prayers as they grieve her loss.
Celebration of life:
Saturday, March 1
Visitation: 10:00 am
Service: 11:00 am
Doylestown UMC (Sanctuary)
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Our Next 12 Hours of Prayer:
Wednesday, February 5
7:00 am to 7:00 pm
Sign up now to tap into the power of prayer...linked to your DUMC sisters and brothers! Let's cover the ministries in a solid twelve hours--and see what God wants to do in, through, and among you!
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Winter weather may soon be upon us....
Before you venture out when the weather is bad, please:
Check our church website at
Call the Worship Service Hotline
*Opt in for text updates
We will have the closings or service changes on both. A determination will be made by 6:00 pm on Saturday evening for Sunday morning services.
During weekdays, we will generally follow the lead of Central Bucks School District regarding cancellations. Any additional evening closures will be decided by 4:00 pm.
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"Following the Star to Bethlehem"
Youth Choir (Arr. Edwards)
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"Call Him Jesus"
Sanctuary Choir (Arr. Martin)
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"Rise Up Lazarus"
Power of Grace
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*Doylestown United Methodist Church CCLI # 7127647* | |
Click HERE to watch
Sunday's Worship Services:
9:00 am Uplifting Worship
10:10 am Liturgical Worship
11:11 am Word and Worship
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-Scout Sunday, Sunday, February 16, 10:10 am
-Soup Suppers return ASH Wednesday, March 5, 6 - 7 pm
-Sounds of Faith Concert, Saturday, March 15, 7 pm
- Tuesday, April 22, 3 - 8 pm
- Tuesday, July 22, 2 - 7 pm
-Children's Musical, Sat. May 3 and Sun. May 4
-Power of Grace Concert, Saturday, May 17, 7 pm
-Liturgical Concert, Sunday, October 26, 4 pm
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Doylestown United Methodist Church | |
320 East Swamp Road
Doylestown, PA 18901
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Main number:
(215) 348-5224
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Worship Service Hotline:
(267) 245-7870
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Sunil Balasundaram, Senior Pastor
Paul Georgulis, Assistant Pastor
Lenae Baldwin, Youth Director
John Bechtel, Business Administrator
Cindy Betancourt, Receptionist
Noel de la Pena, Office Manager
Wendy Arnott, Dir. of Children's Min
Kristian Frikke-Schmidt, Uplifting Worship Ldr
Laurie Lewis, Lay Leader/Min of Visitation
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Temple Sieger, 11:11 Worship Leader
Diana Durbin, Director - Adult Bells
Stephanie Hume, Director of Music
Grace Silva, Organist
Scott Shead, Live Streaming Technician
Trevor Foster, AVL Technical Coord
Ken Buckner, Wknd Bldg Spec (not shown)
Mark Charles, Evening Building Specialist
Facilities Manager
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Office phone: (215) 348-5224 (office hours: M-F from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm) | | | | |