Week of January 28, 2024

Included in this issue:

  • January Mission of the Month: CSSH Code Blue - Give | Volunteer
  • Suicide Prevention Awareness Training, Sat., Jan. 27, 9 - 11 am
  • Youth Sunday, Sunday, January 28 (no Fusion)
  • Book Group meets Sunday, January 28 at 3:00 pm
  • Wrapping Presence to wrap up card collection Friday, February 2
  • DSP Taco Tuesday fundraiser, Tuesday, February 6, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
  • 12 hours of prayer reminder - Wed., February 7, 6:45 am - 7:00 pm (15 minute DUMC call to prayer from 6:45 - 7:00 am on ZOOM)
  • Youth Hoagie Fundraiser, Sunday, February 11
  • Kids Club to run every Wednesday during Lent - see details below
  • Soup Suppers return ASH Wednesday, February 14, 6:00 - 7:00 pm
  • Covered Dish Luncheon, Sunday, February 18, 12:00 - 2:00 pm
  • Youth Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser, Sun., February 25, 5:00 - 7:30 pm
  • Financial Report
  • Stewardship letter - Video added
  • Check out our musical opportunities
  • MLK Day of Service recap (includes article from local news source)
  • Joined the Church Triumphant - Barbara Carlson

Current Worship Series

"Vanishing Grace"

Bringing Good News to a Deeply Divided World

9:00 am

Contemporary Worship*


No Fusion


Sunday School

Wesley Class

  10:10 am

Liturgical Worship*



11:11 am

Word & Worship*


Kids' Word

*Live broadcast

For links:


January 7 – (Epiphany Sunday) Good News: Sin corrupts, but God’s Love creates

January 14 – Having the Mindset of Jesus

January 21 – Bearers of Good News

Youth Sunday

January 28 – Good News that bears Fruit

Luke 4:42-43; Matthew 13:31-32

February 4 – Radically Unlike the World Around Us

Nursery Care

-Our Nursery care is available for children aged 0-5 years on Sundays.

-Nursery hours are 8:50 am - 12:15 pm.

*The Nursery staff and volunteers are “Safe Sanctuary” certified and have completed all relevant background checks. Register here


Thank you to all who worship with us in person and online!

In-person attendance for January 21: 258

Online attendance: 231*

In-person number includes children in Nursery, Anchor/Fusion/Sunday School and Kid's Word.

*Online number represents the number of views (or households), not the number of individuals watching.

Wrapping Presence

Wrapping Presence is collecting holiday cards to use for tags on gifts the residents select. When you are cleaning up from the holidays, please consider donating the front of your used cards. Place them in the collection box in the lobby at DUMC through Friday, February 2.


Thank you,



2024 Lenten Soup Suppers


Back by popular demand! Dig out those recipes and get ready to simmer. We are asking for donations of bread, cornbread, fresh cut fruit, or canned fruit, in addition to soups (no sweets/desserts out of respect for Christ's sacrifice). The first supper will be on Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Sign-up sheets will be available in the lobby starting Sunday, January 28.


(Bring a dish to share)

Sunday, February 18

12:00 – 2:00 pm

Overholt Hall

Come celebrate our visiting Missionaries

– Doug & Shelly

*Click image below to watch the video!

Music opportunities - Join in and share your talents!


All levels welcome, from novice to skilled vocalists and musicians, with an occasional need for chaperones and volunteers to help with props, costumes, and scenery.


MLK Day of Service

Check out the article a local online news source did on our event!

Financial Report for the Year Ended December 31, 2023

Submitted by:

Allen Mason (Finance Chairperson) and Karen Sablyak (Treasurer)

SUMMARY: We are grateful for the generosity of the members in helping DUMC fulfill God’s mission and achieve a surplus for the month of December! We are also grateful for our leadership team who reduced our expenses for the year. However, we still have much work to do to achieve a balanced budget for 2024. Please pray for guidance from our Lord and Savior. Our church can only survive this through the generosity of our members through God’s guidance and mercy. THANK YOU!


Giving: Income for December was $100K – thank you for your generosity!

Annual income was $745K, which was $122K short of our budget; we have much work to do to balance our budget for next year.


Expenses: YTD our expenses were $44K less than budget due to careful

planning and some divine intervention with no snow removal expense last



Net Deficit: We experienced a net deficit of nearly

($200K) for the year…meaning our expenses are more than our income.


Operating Cash: Operating cash balance as of 12/31/23 is

$210K. 2024 presents a challenge as we are projecting a ($290K) deficit ….

Thus, our income is projected to be less than our expenses AND more than the

cash that we have on hand currently.


We’ve proposed several strategies to partially close the cash deficit gap, but this is a matter that requires everyone’s prayers and assistance to achieve positive outcomes. The Church’s financial challenges can only be solved by all of us together.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105


Come enjoy supper and support

Discovery Service Projects' mission trip to West Virginia

Tuesday, February 6

5:00 - 7:00 pm


 $10 per individual / $25 per family

Sign up in the lobby, RSVP to Karen Lyon -or- pay at the door


Volunteers needed: Setting up/ Serving/ Clean-up between 4:00 - 8:00 pm

Text Karen Lyon at (215) 470-7698

Next Caring for Friends meal assembly:

Wednesday, February 21 at 12:30 pm

in the DUMC kitchen. CLICK image for more details.

Coalition to Shelter & Support the Homeless (CSSH)


Become a Code Blue Shelter volunteer this winter. Help transport and shelter adults in Central Bucks on cold winter nights. TRAINING IS REQUIRED and available online, sign up here. Additional Information can be found on the flyer (also located in the lobby).

Questions? Email Rhelda Richards

Click on the images below for more information.

For even more ways to get involved at DUMC:


2024 – Renewing Our Commitment to Growing God’s Kingdom


Dear Members and Friends of the DUMC Community,


As we move into the New Year, I wanted to make sure we stop to celebrate and appreciate the past year. Thank you for your gifts of time, talents, and treasures, which you continue to share with Doylestown United Methodist Church (DUMC). As Pastor Sunil shared last December in his Holiday Letter, our programs and ministries would not exist if not for YOU - and he highlighted some special ministries and programs that enrich and support our community.


We have three unique, inspirational services for almost 500 people each Sunday. The services are streamed live by our A/V Team, staff, and volunteers for those who cannot attend in person, increasing our outreach to DUMC members and the broader community.


Watch video
Ways to Give
Pledge Cards

Lay Leader Insights:

Facing Struggles

Last Sunday in 11:11, I gave a testimony about a challenge I am facing and how God faithfully shows up. As a result of a car accident, I deal with chronic pain. I work hard at covering it up most days. The last two weeks, I suffered a complication when I hurt my back. I have severe Sciatica down my left leg and cannot stand for more than a minute. This has been a real challenge to handle.

However, I'm reminded there have been plenty of times when I'm in pain and due to preach, lead or teach, and God makes my pain disappear during that time, equipping me to do his work (e.g., Judy Finch's funeral last Saturday). I'm reminded of the times God has shown up to cover me with peace when the intensity of the pain scares me. He gives me hope when I feel hopeless. I see his Earth angels all around me praying, offering help, and coming alongside to walk through the trial together.

Read more....

January Mission of the Month:

CSSH Code Blue

Our mission for the month of January is the Coalition to Shelter and Support the Homeless (CSSH). CSSH is the nonprofit that runs Code Blue for Central Bucks. Code Blue is a program that offers overnight shelter, dinner, and breakfast for the homeless in our area. The shelter is open when the temperature is below 26 degrees. Code Blue runs from December to March, with a different church hosting each month. CSSH also holds a monthly meal throughout the year for the homeless in our community. The CSSH opened the doors for 12 nights in December and for as many as 17 guests in a night – this is impactful!

Read more....

Donate to Mission of the Month


United Methodist Scholarships are available: Apply by

Wednesday, March 13

Are you aware that the United Methodist General Board of Higher Education and Ministry has low-interest loans and scholarships to help students further their education? There are more than 70 scholarships available that cover undergraduate and graduate-level studies. Applications are open now through Wednesday, March 13.

Apply Here 

Becky Van Dine, Caring Ministries

(215) 813-7436

*Click GriefShare logo to learn more or register.

Thursday nights

7:00 - 9:00 pm, Room 2

(New semester March 7)

Learn more about Caring Ministries

Beginning Wednesday, February 14 (Ash Wednesday), Kid's club will be meeting weekly during the Lenten Services. Families can start the evening enjoying the soup supper together. Afterwards, parents can attend the service, while Kid's club meets in Overholt Hall. More information to come!

*Click image below to sign up!

*Click image below for more information

Wendy Arnott, Director


Laura Siegle, Assistant Director

[email protected]

Children's Ministries 2023 - 2024 Calendar

Learn more about Children's Ministries

Lenae Baldwin, Youth Director [email protected]

(267) 245-7871

Student Ministries 2023 - 2024 Calendar

Learn more about Student Ministries


Praying for our Congregation,

Community, and World

Praise/Thankfulness: Noah Krause (newborn), Larry Glass is 95!, Testimony at 11:11

Health & Healing: Jack, Bria, Laurie, Earl, Linda, Kristin, Paul, Shirley, Maddie, Josh, Angela, Patty, Anne, Ted, Rachel, Joey, Iris, Helen, Karla, Johnny, Bethany S, Kathy & Elizabeth, Jane, my son, Andre, Beth, Stacey, Karen, a friend, Jean

Guidance: Melissa, for DUMC to be grace dispensers, family, Neal, FT work, Luis, Kyle, Ale, Julie, Carolyn, peace among those who disagree, homeless, Bill, Christopher, marriage renewal, those serving abroad

Hospice: Leigh, Mona Sweiringa


Grief: Family & friends of Barbara Carlson, Judy Weir Finch, Jack, Keith William House (Kristi Bryan's Dad)

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

~Laurie Lewis and the Congregational Care Team

Our Next 12 Hours of Prayer:

Wednesday, February 7

7:00 am to 7:00 pm

(15 minute DUMC call to prayer from 6:45 - 7:00 am on ZOOM)


Take a few minutes from the hectic pace of life to slow down...breathe...and be part of our next 12 Hours of Prayer event. Join with your DUMC sisters and brothers to form a continuous 12-hour chain of prayer. Take an intentional 15 minutes to praise and thank our amazing God...and bring the needs of our community, our church, and yourself before God's throne.


Watch for a signup link in next week's Connections.

Barbara's Obituary

With gratitude, we remember

Barbara Ellen Carlson (Zook)

November 5, 1921 - January 21, 2024


Please remember Barbara's family and friends in your prayers as they grieve her loss.


Celebration of life:



Paul Georgulis, Assistant Pastor [email protected]

(267) 245-7874

Click the button below for updates on your favorite small group or Bible study!!

DUMC's Small Groups


1st Saturdays (tentatively),

4:30 - 6:30 pm

Worship & Youth Center

(February 17)


"Join us as we discuss Jesus’ Beatitudes and how we can live "the good life!"


Sign up to bring a dish of your choice.

Everyone is welcome (childcare provided)!

Email Pastor Paul for more information.

All-Church Study

Beginning on Sunday, January 7, our church will be participating in a 5-week study called, “Vanishing Grace: Whatever Happened to the Good News?” by Philip Yancey. Each Sunday, one of the pastors will preach on the chapter/topic for that week. Then, during the week following, small groups/Bible studies will have the opportunity to focus on the same chapter/topic using a video-based curriculum. Even though sermons and group studies will be focusing on the same topic each week, the pastors will make sure that the material is not repetitive.

The video sessions will be provided to all small group leaders. There are study guide books available for group members, but these are optional. If small group members wish to purchase the study guide.

Beginning in early December, we will have sign-up sheets in the lobby. We hope that you will prayerfully consider joining a small group and being a part of this exciting, 5-week series.

Click video for more information on this study. If you have any questions, or if you wish to join a group, feel free to email Pastor Paul.




Click image below for more information or to contact the Preschool.

   Visit our Website  


Before you venture out when the weather is bad, please:


Check our church website at DoylestownUMC.com


Call the Worship Service Hotline


*Opt in for text updates


We will have the closings or service changes on both. A determination will be made by 6:00 pm on Saturday evening for Sunday morning services.


During weekdays, we will generally follow the lead of Central Bucks School District regarding cancellations. Any additional evening closures will be decided by 4:00 pm.


"Swing Down, Ezekial!"

Youth Choir

(Arr. Gilpin)

"Seekers Of Light"

Sanctuary Choir

(Arr. Martin)

"You've Already Won"

Power of Grace

*Doylestown United Methodist Church CCLI # 7127647*

Click image to watch:

Sunday's Worship Services

9:00 am Contemporary Worship

10:10 am Liturgical Worship

11:11 am Word and Worship



-Youth Hoagie Fundraiser: Sunday, February 11

-Ash Wednesday and Lenten Soup Supper: February 14, supper at 6 pm , Worship at 7 pm

-Covered Dish Luncheon: Sun., February 18, 12 - 2 pm

-Scout Sunday: Sunday, February 25

-Youth Spaghetti Fundraiser: Sun., Feb. 25, 5 - 7:30 pm

-Blood Drive: Tuesday, February 27, 3 - 8 pm

-Daylight Saving Time Begins: Sunday, March 10

-Easter Flower orders: due March 17

-Easter Eggstravaganza: Sat., March 23, 10 - 11:30 am

-Palm Sunday: March 24

-Scout Troop 6 Flower sale: due March 25

-Maundy Thursday: March 28 at 7 pm

-Good Friday: March 29 at 7 pm

-Easter Sunday: March 31 at 7:30, 9:00, 10:10 & 11:11 am

-Church offices closed: Monday, April 1

-Women's Retreat: Saturday, April 13 (TBC)

4 Week Calendar


-A/V Team: Lighting, cameras, audio & media, contact Trevor Foster

-Children's and Student Ministries: Teachers and subs sign up

-Choir/Musicals: Adult chaperones & helpers, contact Stephanie Hume

-Coffee/Hospitality: Coffee setup/clean up on Sunday mornings sign up

-Preschool: Lunch aides, contact the Preschool

-Sounds of Faith and Power of Grace: Musicians, contact Temple Sieger or Kristian Frikke-Schmidt

-The Vine: Volunteers needed to run this mission, contact Becky Dragos


Sunil Balasundaram, Senior Pastor

Paul Georgulis, Assistant Pastor

Lenae Baldwin, Youth Director

John Bechtel, Business Administrator

Cindy Betancourt, Receptionist

Noel de la Pena, Office Manager

Wendy Arnott, Dir. of Children's Min

Laura Siegle, Asst Dir of Children's Min

Kristian Frikke-Schmidt, Contemp. Worship Ldr

Laurie Lewis, Lay Leader/Min of Visitation

Temple Sieger, 11:11 Worship Leader

Diana Durbin, Director - Adult Bells

Jane Gregoire, Director - Youth Bells

Stephanie Hume, Director of Music

Randall Hartman, Organist

Kristen Bound, Social Media Coordinator

Scott Shead, Live Streaming Technician

Trevor Foster, AVL Technical Coord

Ken Buckner, Wknd Bldg Spec (not shown)

Mark Charles, Evening Building Specialist

Sean Smith, Facilities Manager

Office phone: (215) 348-5224 (office hours: M-F from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm)

Staff schedule: Click Here


Schedule facilities: Cindy Betancourt


Submissions for Connections: Noel de la Pena

(by 12:00 pm on Mondays)



Stay Connected:

Facebook  YouTube
Visit our Website
Questions? Email Us
Prayer Requests


Doylestown United Methodist Church

320 East Swamp Road

Doylestown, PA 18901

Main number:

(215) 348-5224

Worship Service Hotline:

(267) 245-7870

Sign up for our NEWSLETTER!
Previous edition of Connections