Conservation efforts underway at Slab Cabin Run– Centre Daily Times
Work is underway for some of ClearWater Conservancy’s efforts to conserve the Slab Cabin Run watershed in the Centre Region.

“The first step of our efforts for the Slab Cabin Run Initiative was to help protect the lands that sit on top of the Harter-Thomas Wellfields,” said Executive Director Deb Nardone. “... Now that they’re permanently conserved, we wanted to begin helping to conserve the quality of water in the Slab Cabin Run.”

Those lands were the Meyer Dairy Farm and the Everhart Farm, which sit outside the regional growth boundary in College and Harris townships, respectively.

Centred Outdoors Schedule Announced!
We are excited to feature 13 new outings for the third season of Centred Outdoors–including new spring and fall events! We will kick off with a Mother's Day Wildflower Walk at Spring Creek Canyon on May 12 2-5 p.m. PASSPORTS with all the event details will be available for pick up at each outing and ClearWater Conservancy's office. We'll see you out on the trails soon and together we'll stress less, and discover more with Centred Outdoors!

23rd Annual Watershed Cleanup Day a Success!
On April 20th, over 200 volunteers flocked to local streams and parks during our 23rd annual Watershed Cleanup Day! This year's cleanup resulted in 13,720 pounds of trash kept out of our waterways–bringing our 23-year total to 6.208 million pounds! Led by ClearWater Conservancy and in partnership with Centre County Recycling & Refuse Authority and the local MS4 partners, Watershed Cleanup Day is supported by local contractors, heavy equipment operators, businesses, and Centre County municipalities. 
Save the Date:
Centre Gives | May 7 & 8
Centre Gives, Centre Foundation’s 36-hour online giving event, is set to begin on May 7 at 8 a.m. and conclude on May 8 at 8 p.m. The event aims to support the great work of local non-profits serving Centre County. All gifts made to ClearWater during the 36 hour event go further thanks to Centre Foundation’s stretch pool!

Please join us at Barrel 21 on May 8 between 5-7:30 p.m. for our annual Centre Gives reception.

ClearWater Conservancy's unique donation page can be found at:
Volunteer Opportunities
Centred Outdoors | Do you love spending time in nature? If so, you might enjoy becoming a Centred Outdoors Volunteer this summer!

We are seeking individuals to help out at events throughout the summer. Volunteers will assist with check-in and trail guidance. 

Questions? Contact Dan Trew, Adventure Coordinator, at .
Salesforce Expert Needed | Are you Salesforce Savvy? We are seeking a Salesforce Certified volunteer to aid in our switch to the CRM platform.

Questions? Contact Rhonda Rumbaugh, Director of Operations, at .
Your Gift Makes a Difference!
When we all work together to connect people and wildlife, we all benefit. Yet, there is still so much to do. ClearWater Conservancy relies on each of you to keep our work running year-round without pause.

Your contribution is an investment in the overall resilience of our region, ensuring a vibrant and wonderful place to call home for countless future generations. Make a donation today and secure your membership for 2019.
ClearWater Conservancy | 814-237-0400 | |