Weekly Federal Tracking
Every week Nanos captures the political pulse of the nation and is the authoritative go to data source. Here are this week's Nanos political tracking highlights. 

Here is the weekly trendline of the top national issues of concerns among Canadians.
Play with the data at the interactive Nanos portal at http://www.nanos.co/dataportal > ballot tracking > issue tracking > policy tracking > cut the data by region and demographics and see the trend lines.

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Nanos Party Power Index The Nanos Index which is a composite of a series of measures including ballot and leadership impressions has the Liberals 49.6 points, followed by the Conservatives at 48.6 points, the NDP with 46.1 points, the Greens 32.2 points, the People’s Party 25.3 points and the BQ 37.3 points (QC only).

Ballot – The latest Nanos federal ballot tracking has the Conservatives at 35.6 per cent, the Liberals at 28.3 per cent, the NDP at 20.7 per cent, the Bloc at 7.4 per cent, the Green Party at 5.8 per cent and the Peoples Party at 2.1 per cent.

Accessible Voters – Asked whether they would consider voting for each of the federal parties, XXX per cent would consider voting Liberal, while XXX per cent of Canadians say they would consider voting Conservative.  XXX would consider voting XXX per cent would consider voting Green, XXX per cent would consider voting for the People’s Party and XXXper cent would consider voting for the BQ.

Preferred Prime Minister Nanos tracking has Trudeau as the preferred choice as PM at 30.0 per cent of Canadians followed by Poilievre (27.5%), Singh (16.2%), May (4.2%) and Bernier (2.0%). Sixteen per cent of Canadians were unsure whom they preferred.

Qualities of a Good Political Leader More than xxx Canadians believe Leader has the qualities of a good political leader followed by leader, leader, leader and leader.).

Visit the live Nanos data portal where you can dynamically chart ballot, preferred PM and Nanos Index numbers by region, gender and age. The methodology for the weekly tracking is posted here. PDFs of the polling reports are on the Nanos website.
The Weekly Nanos Tracking is produced by the Nanos Research Corporation, headquartered in Canada, which operates in Canada and the United States. The respondents are recruited from a dual frame (land + cell-lines) random telephone sample of 1,000 Canadians using a four week rolling average of 250 respondents each week, 18 years of age and over. Hybrid random telephone online survey between April 3 and July 24, 2020. The random sample of 1,000 respondents may be weighted by age and gender using the latest census information for Canada. The interviews are compiled into a four week rolling average of 1,000 interviews, where each week the oldest group of 250 interviews is dropped and a new group of 250 interviews is added. Current data is for the four week period ending January 13, 2023.

The data collection returned to the Nanos probability panel as of the week ending January 1, 2021 due to the lockdown imposed by the provincial health authorities. Data collection returned to telephone between the weeks ending March 19th and April 9th, 2021. As a result of the latest provincial lockdown the tracking returned to Nanos probability online panel between the weeks ending April 16, to June 11, 2021. Data collection returned to telephone as of the week ending June 18, 2021.

A random survey of 1,000 Canadians is accurate ±3.1 percentage points, plus or minus, 19 times out of 20.

Since voters are not actually able to make a choice between elections, it is interesting to think about party strength and support more broadly. The Nanos Party Power Index fills this need by incorporating more information than just current vote preference.

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Nik Nanos,
Chief Data Scientist
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