In the June 29 issue of Just Who Do We Think We Are?, it is stated that everything in the universe has vibrational frequency. Every individual on our planet Earth is in a constant state of vibrational fluctuation.
David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., a psychologist and philosopher, spent decades researching and calibrating vibrational frequencies of emotions, values, and attitudes using a unique muscle testing method. In his best-selling book, Power vs. Force, 2014, he published a Map of Consciousness rating emotions by their "energetic" or vibrational frequency from 1 to 1,000, laying out an entire spectrum of consciousness.
The spectrum ranges from emotions with the lowest vibrations of guilt, shame, and fear to the highest of love, joy, and peace. When we speak of "raising our vibration," this chart can help us realize that moving up the map from one emotion to the next higher feeling will raise our vibration, which will in turn increase our satisfaction with our life, as well as create a happier future.