Just Who Do We Think We Are?

#6- July 20, 2024

Consider This...

The Second Half of Life Begins at Death

Bob Olson


"Once I investigated life after death, I discovered that death is not an ending—that consciousness survives death.

"This means our spirit leaves our body here in the physical dimension and returns home to the spiritual dimension.

"This taught me that death is just the beginning of a second phase of life.

"Said another way, our physical death is just the beginning of the second half of the story.

"With this paradigm shift, the first half of life is our human experience from birth to death.

"The second half of life is our spiritual experience after death, during which we witness the ripple effects of our physical lifetime."

"...[T]he second half of life is not about the past. It’s actually about the future that unfolds following your death. People in spirit...can still follow us in our time-based reality....

"This means we can watch how our impact on the world now affects our loved ones.

"For instance, we can watch our children grow up and recognize how our influence has affected their lives after we’re gone.

"If you inspired your nephew to play hockey, write books, or play a musical instrument, you’ll observe how your inspiration benefited him from your front-row seat in the afterlife.

"This view is even better than our perspective while we’re alive because you can feel the joy and pride he feels while doing the activity."

This is an excerpt from a free article posted on Bob Olson Connect (Substack.com.) You can subscribe to his free and/or paid articles at Bob Olson Connect.

Bob Olson is the host of Afterlife TV, author of Answers About The Afterlife and The Magic Mala, and founder of BestPsychicDirectory.com.

His website is www.bobolson.com.


Shari Harris

Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer

Metaphysical Junkie and Commentator


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