I believe the Earth is like a school. We are all here to increase our learning. While some of us are still in elementary, middle, or high school, others of us signed up for more advanced courses in the University of Life.
And just like in school, there may be some courses that we love and others that we dread. For instance, if I am lacking in Math knowledge, I will could likely sign up for a Math class to improve my skills. I will then have to complete homework assignments that I do not enjoy doing. I might wonder, "Why do I always end up having to do these hard Math problems?" In this case, it is because I signed up for the class.
I think we, as souls, were so excited to come to the Earth school and that we signed up for certain courses in the curriculum for our "degree." While completing our "homework," we may be tempted to feel that we are victims of the unpleasant and difficult things we may experience. However, the realization and trust that we "signed up for the class" and are learning from the experiences, will allow us to overcome feeling like a victim.
For instance, let's say we registered for a course called LEARNING FORGIVENESS 101, because it is necessary for our desired degree in COMPASSION IN ACTION. Therefore, for our practicum in this field, we will need to have someone or something to forgive. The Universe will aid us by creating one or more situations (depending on how quickly we master our homework) in which we are hurt by someone or something. We now have a reason to blame someone for hurting us (as well as an opportunity to forgive). We can feel victimized and not realize that we arranged this in order to learn forgiveness.
Other people may be experiencing different difficulties to overcome because they registered for a different "course." And I think that sometimes we are slow learners. We may need to repeat lessons again and again until we eventually learn the subject matter and pass the course. When we do master the lesson, that particular assignment will be complete!
I suggest that when we have difficult situations in our lives, especially ones that seem to happen again and again, we must look for what we need to learn from those situations. This can be an ongoing process including meditation and spiritual study.
Spiritual teachers stress that we must refrain from blaming anyone or anything, ourselves or others, for our circumstances. When we understand that we are never victims, we are able to release resentment or guilt, turn blame into forgiveness, and create a joyful life!
Shari Harris, Just Who Do We Think We Are