Welcome November! I hope that you've settled into the end of daylight savings time and are welcoming the change in seasons. Many of us are in a holiday blitz that ushers us right into the new year –HallowThanksmas! Be safe and enjoy! We want to also recognize that not all families are celebrating. We are once again faced with the impact of war, fractured families, and political unrest. During this time of thankfulness, reflect on the role that you as a parent play in creating a home where you and your family feel valued and safe and the importance of raising children who are kind and tolerant of others. Please see the resource list that offers places where families can get and give help during the holiday season. Our PM Guide is a repeat this month of a topic that bears repeating – teaching tolerance. Also don’t forget to check out the fun activities that are listed and do not get so caught up in preparations that you don’t get to the fun part!