Consortium Circular
Spring/Summer 2016
Our Mission

The mission of the Environmental Consortium of Colleges & Universities is to harness higher education's intellectual and physical resources to advance regional, ecosystem-based environmental research, teaching, and learning with a special emphasis on the greater Hudson-Mohawk River Watershed.

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Consortium Members Receive Hudson River Estuary Grants

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo recently announced $3 million in grant awards for new projects to help communities improve recreation access, protect water quality, conserve open space, and increase storm resiliency in the Hudson River Estuary watershed. A total of $1.76 million in
Hudson River Estuary grants were awarded to 36 projects. Consortium members, both institution and affiliates, were among the selected awardees, including:
Pace University (Westchester County) - $48,520
Green Infrastructure
Vassar College (Dutchess County) - $50,000
Riverkeeper, Inc. (Westchester County & New York County) - $50,000 
Riverkeeper (Ulster and Orange Counties) - $50,000
Bard College (Dutchess County) - $49,950
Pace University (Westchester County) - $10,047 
River Access
Bard College (Dutchess County) - $44,744
River Education
Sarah Lawrence College (Westchester County) - $64,990
Orange County Water Authority (Orange County) - $47,486
Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Inc. (Dutchess County) - $32,557
Hudson River Estuary Grant Funding RFA (June 30, 2016 deadline) 

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has announced the availability of competitive
Hudson River Estuary Grants  provided through two RFAs. To view and download each RFA, visit the  NYS Grants Gateway  and search for 'Hudson River Estuary'.

Approximately $450,000 is available for Local Stewardship Planning. The minimum award amount is $10,500 and the maximum award amount is $50,000. This RFA is designed to help local organizations and communities advance six categories of local projects and programs through planning, feasibility studies, and/or design.

Approximately $800,000 is available for in Hudson River Estuary Grants for River Access and Education. The minimum award amount is $10,500 and the maximum amount is $200,000. This RFA is designed to help local organizations and communities execute quality projects which improve river access and education. Projects may include development of plans, feasibility studies, designs and related permitting, purchase of equipment, development of web sites or mobile phone apps, and/or construction of physical improvements.
Pace University Students Install Hoop House

Sparked by a student-led initiative that evolved out of Pace Professor Tracy Basile's course, "Food Revolution: The Politics and Ecology of What We Eat," environmental studies major Anthony Jones wrote and presented a proposal to "grow food, not lawns" on Pace University's Pleasantville campus. Unanimously approved by student government and funded by the Legacy Fund, Class of 2016, the Hoop House Project was born. The plan is to grow fall-hardy vegetables, and when they are big enough, the seedlings will be moved to large planters placed outdoors on campus with signage to urge students to eat, enjoy and get involved!
Read more and see photos of the students at work .
Sarah Lawrence College Center for the Urban River at Beczak: Research Collaborations and Visiting Scientists Welcome

Set on the banks of the Hudson River in downtown Yonkers, the
Center for the Urban River at Beczak (CURB)  is an education and research center focused on Hudson River and urban watershed issues. The 4,000 sq ft facility includes a wet lab featuring an IDEXX system for testing water samples for bacteria, as well as various aquaria and field equipment.  CURB's nearby HRECOS station  provides Hudson River water quality and weather data in real time. The property includes a 10,000 sq ft constructed tidal marsh and a beach that can used to launch small craft.   Proposals for joint research and collaborations of all types are welcome. To discuss potential opportunities or schedule a visit, contact CURB Director, Ryan Palmer .
Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air, by David JC MacKay

A recommended read by a Consortium faculty member,
Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air , by David JC MacKay, is available online - free of charge - to download or to view on web pages. The website is navigable and includes a bibliography and interactive index . "... While underlining the difficulty of minimizing consumption, the tone remains positive as it debunks misinformation and clearly explains the calculations of expenditure per person to encourage people to make individual changes that will benefit the world at large." 
Regional Events
Visit the Consortium's
online regional event calendar for latest listings.
Fri. May 13 
NYSDEC: WAVE Training (Water Assessment through Volunteer Evaluation)
Montebello, NY
Water Assessments by Volunteer Evaluators (WAVE) is a citizen-based water quality assessment developed by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). The purpose of WAVE is to enable citizen scientists to collect biological data for assessment of water quality on wadeable streams in NY State. For more information about this event, email .

Fri.-Sat. May 13-14 
Greening Forward: International Young Environmentalist Youth Summit
Hyde Leadership Charter School (Friday) Bronx, NY & Urban Assembly School for Green Careers (Saturday) New York, NY
Held annually, the International Young Environmentalists Youth Summit (IYEYS) is a youth-imagined, youth-drive, and youth-executed event aimed at providing young environmentalists the tools they need to take their campaigns to the next level. From youth who have started global organizations, to youth who are leading school-based environmental projects, IYEYS is for everyone. We also welcome adults who are looking to learn more about how to implement youth leadership and engagement strategies into their classrooms, organizations, or even businesses.
Sat. May 14 
The Jay Medal Dinner Honoring Pace University Professor Nicholas Robinson
Jay Heritage Center, 210 Boston Post Road, Rye, NY
The Jay Heritage Center will honor Pace Professor for the Environment Nicholas Robinson on May 14, 2016 at the historic Jay Estate in Rye, NY. The Jay Medal for Service recognizes individuals who demonstrate a selfless spirit of commitment and engagement with their community through leadership, education, scholarship, civic advocacy or historic preservation

Fri.-Sun. May 20-22

Left Forum: Rage, Rebellion, Revolution: Organizing Our Power
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, 524 W. 59th St (Between 10th and 11th), NY, NY
A unique phenomenon in the U.S. and the world, Left Forum convenes the largest annual conference of a broad spectrum of left and progressive intellectuals, activists, academics, organizations and the interested public.
Mon. May 23 
Pace Law: Troubled Waters Drinking Water Conference
Pace University, 1 Pace Plaza, Civic W613, New York, NY
In the wake of the drinking water crisis in Flint, Michigan and concerns about drinking water systems closer to home from Hoosick Falls to Petersburgh to Ithaca, New York to North Bennington, Vermont and beyond, this half day conference will focus on Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and lead in our drinking water. Hosted by Pace Law School and the New York State Bar Association's Environmental Section. Register online.   

Sat. May 28
Cary Institute: It's a Stream Life
Cary East (Gifford House) Parking Lot, 2917 Sharon Turnpike (Route 44), Millbrook, NY
Join the Cary Institute's Dr. David Strayer for an interpretive walk along the Wappinger Creek Trail and see what is happening in the stream.
Fri.-Sun. June 10-12
SUNY ESF: Interdisciplinary Scholarship in Land Use & Ethics: Poetics
SUNY ESF Northern Forest Institute at Huntington Wildlife Forest
Fourth annual symposium of interdisciplinary scholarship in land use and ethics.

Fri. June 24  
Cary Institute Ned Ames Honorary Lecture: Lessons from the Forest
Cary Institute auditorium, Millbrook, NY
For more than 50 years, the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in the White Mountains of New Hampshire has been one of the most intensely studied landscapes on earth. In this special lecture, Gene Likens, Cary Institute President Emeritus, will showcase his new book, Hubbard Brook: The Story of a Forest Ecosystem.
Wed.-Sat. June 29-July 2
International Society for Environmental Ethics (ISEE) Annual Conference
Pace University, 1 Pace Plaza, NY, NY
The International Society for Environmental Ethics (ISEE) will hold its Thirteenth Annual Meeting on Environmental Philosophy at Pace University, New York City. "Environmental Ethics and Economics: Values & Choices" will ask the question: if it is the case, as some influential critics have argued, that the social and economic order in which we live is the single systemic cause for planetary ecological crisis, can we with good conscience remain relatively silent?

October 20-22 
American Museum of Natural History Student Conference on Conservation Science (SCC-NY 2016)
American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY
The Center for Biodiversity and Conservation and its partners invite graduate students, post-docs, and early-career professionals to take part in the seventh annual Student Conference on Conservation Science-New York (SCCS-NY). As a part of the only international series of conservation conferences featuring students, SCCS-NY provides opportunities for emerging scientists to professionally network, gain experience, and present and get feedback on their work. Interactions with peers as well as leaders in science, policy and management will encourage collaborations, inspire further research, and create lasting professional connections.
October 27-28
Catskill Environmental Research & Monitoring (CERM) Conference
Belleayre Ski Center, Highmount, NY
The two-day CERM conference is an opportunity for researchers, agency staff, and others working on natural resource and environmental management issues in the Catskills to network and collaborate. Researchers present new findings related to biodiversity, water quality, climate change, invasive species, forest and stream ecosystem health, geology and soils, extreme events, monitoring techniques, and science communication in the Catskills.

November 2-3 
The State of New York Sustainability Conference
SUNY New Paltz
Formerly the SUNY Sustainability Conference. For public and private sustainability higher education professionals, faculty and students!
Pace University is the host institution of the Environmental Consortium of Colleges & Universities, with headquarters located at Pace Academy for Applied Environmental Studies at Dyson College.