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Olive Tree Ministries
PO Box 1452
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Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Does evil exist? What if the evil we never acknowledge has infiltrated the Church, twisted the Gospel, and exploited otherwise well-meaning Christians for its own dark purposes?
Enemies Within The Church heralds a clarion call for Christians to turn away from popular, yet errant beliefs held in contradiction to the Bible. This DVD examines the evidence and exposes the false teachers who are so prominent today.
Find the DVD here for $12.00
Mail in your order (per above instructions) or call us M-F
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m CST at 763-559-4444
This documentary film traces the rise and decline of the ‘American Empire’ alongside her complex relationship with the Jewish people. What role did she play in the re-birth of Israel in her historic homeland?
How is America blessing or cursing per Genesis 12:3?
Why is the new administration wading into deep and troubling waters?
Find the DVD here for $12.00
Mail in your order (per above instructions) or call us M-F
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m CST at 763-559-4444
Be Ready! The King is Coming!!!
"Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord."
1 Thessalonians 4:17
Conspiracies and Plandemics
January 25, 2022
If you missed the last few weeks of programming or just want to listen again, we are including them in this
E-newsletter for you! With all that is happening in the world, we feel it is necessary to spread these messages far and wide. Share them with your friends and loved ones. We are called to be a watchman on the wall. If we don't sound the alarm, the consequences are on our hands.
Are there really enemies within the church? Isn't that a stretch? Not really. Leftists infiltrated the Mainline Protestants 100 years ago and evangelicalism 35 years ago. They have been relentless in their efforts to bring liberalism into our pulpits and turn our country to the left. This program and DVD names the names of the many who have weakened the church and compromised the gospel message.
Jan Markell spends the hour with Pastor Cary Gordon, one of the producers of the new film, “Enemies Within the Church” found in our online store here. The film says certain organizations and individuals are hijacking the gospel. What kind of damage are Andy Stanley, Russell Moore, Jim Wallis, the NAE, and the Southern Baptist Convention, and Tim Keller doing today? If unchecked, “wokeness” and Leftism will destroy all it touches. It will likely visit your church.
Is there something going on behind the scenes as it concerns Covid-19? Why can't the truth be posted anywhere without censorship? Has it really become legal and profitable to let some hospital patients die? If so, could this be a "plandemic" as much as a pandemic? Hear two authorities shed light on this tragic ordeal of the last two years.
Jan Markell hosts a health expert, Twila Brase, and an attorney, Marjorie Holsten, to talk about Covid chaos. One health expert, Dr. Peter McCullough, calls the vaccine the “biggest biological disaster in human history.” Why are truth-tellers called sensational or conspiratorial? Hear first-hand stories of Covid abuse and needless deaths happening in hospitals. Has it become legal and profitable to let patients die? Calling this two-year nightmare a “plandemic” only draws scorn.
Jan Markell welcomes back health expert Twila Brase and attorney Marjorie Holsten in part 2. We are not being told the truth as it concerns Covid-19. The truth-tellers are called conspiratorial. Evangelical Christians are blamed for vaccine hesitancy. Hear our attorney relate another story of hospital recklessness. What can we do to protect ourselves and those we love?
Join us in person!!
Thursday, February 10, 2022
7 pm – 9 pm (CST) – Doors open at 6 pm
No tickets needed: First-come, first-served
If you have any questions, please contact:
Host Venue: Revive Church
7849 West Broadway
Brooklyn Park, MN 55445
9 am – 4 pm (CST)
Awaiting His Return,
Jan Markell
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