The HomeAid Atlanta team is working hard on all of our projects that experienced delays in 2023.
Breakthru House: Two new homes to add 31 beds for women and mothers overcoming addiction with Builder Captain Taylor Morrison. Permitting phase.
Veterans Empowerment Organization (VEO): Renovation led by Builder Captain Lennar to provide nine affordable housing units for veterans. Finalizing architectural plans.
North Georgia Angel House: New family visitation center for foster youth led by Bulder Captain Taylor Morrison. Working with municipality on variances.
Gigi's House: New supportive service building with space for 20 girls escaping sex trafficking to go to school and more, led by Builder Captain Meritage Homes. Grading is complete (see photo above) and concrete footings are set to be poured this week.
In addition to our projects, we’ll complete 10+ Care Days, assemble 5,000 CareKits and hold our 23rd Annual Essentials Drive.