An update on construction projects taking place as

LSU Vet Med grows!

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Renovations inside the LSU Vet Med Library will begin on Monday, December 11. Three new conference rooms will be built. The construction is expected to last 60 days. Access to the outdoor path that runs across the large set of front windows will be blocked to allow for construction materials to move in and out of the library.

The construction material laydown for the Library is shown in red in the map below:

The map above is the anticipated equipment and material laydown areas for construction.  The map may change after contractors are chosen and projects are ready to begin. 

Not included in this map are the laydown areas for the BSL3 project and 3rd floor labs. The material laydown areas for these construction jobs have not been determined. 

Please reference the construction timeline in this email for details on construction dates for each project.

Bone displays will move from Anatomy hallway

The location of the bone displays will be relocated to the hall between the auditorium and the lunchroom. This will provide a safe location for the displays during construction. 

Bushes to be removed

The bushes shown below will be removed next week, December 11-15. Detour signs will be in place while this is happening to secure a safe walking path for everyone while crews are removing the bushes.

Class composite pictures removed due to Junior Surgery construction

The LSU Vet Med class composite pictures have been removed for safekeeping during construction. The wall is being replaced as part of renovations to Junior Surgery. A digital version of each class composite is available for viewing on the interactive display located outside the entrance to the Library.

Construction of sidewalk to the modular building will begin next week

The new sidewalk will allow access to the Fish Tox building and rear entry to the modular building without going through the Dog Daycare Center.

New pedestrian gate added to east parking lot

A new pedestrian gate has been added to the east parking lot to accommodate access to the Dog Daycare Center.

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