The City of Gainesville’s Wild Spaces & Public Places program in conjunction with the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department and the Rotary Clubs of Gainesville Foundation are pleased to announce that improvements for Northside Park will begin this week.
Improvements being made:
  • Addition of 40 parking spaces
  • Construction of a Generations Play Zone
  • Construction of a new playground
Construction Milestones
  • Start date: September, 2019
  • Approximate completion date: April, 2020
In December/January of 2020, p arking lot improvements will temporarily disrupt a few of the existing parking spaces. The Senior Recreation Center and Northside Park will remain open during this time.  

For more details about the project, please click here to open a printable flyer about project improvements, the history of the project.
This project is being funded with the Wild Spaces & Public Places half-cent sales tax along with a sponsorship from the Rotary Clubs of Gainesville Foundation . The Wild Spaces & Public Places sales tax will continue to create, improve and maintain parks and recreational facilities and acquire and improve environmentally-sensitive lands. To sign up for updates, please visit .