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CONTATTI UTILI: AIRE/Elettorale anagrafe.boston@esteri.it 617 722 9220 Notarile: notarile.boston@esteri.it 617 722 9205 Pensioni: sociale.boston@esteri.it 617 722 9225 Cittadinanza: boston.cittadinanza@esteri.it Stato Civile statocivile.boston@esteri.it
Passaporti: passaporti.boston@esteri.it 617 722 9223 Titoli di studio e Buoni postali: sociale.boston@esteri.it 617 722 9225 Per questioni di carattere generale: urp.boston@esteri.it |
Eataly has arrived in Boston!
PIB presenta: corsi "avanzati" di lingua italiana per i bambini di età dai 3 ai 10 anni che parlano bene l'italiano
Classes in First Level and Second Level Italian will be offered on Wednesdays. For additional information contact Steve Maio (781) 640-3637.
Appian Club of Stoneham, Italian classes for adults and children will begin in September.
For further details or registration forms, contact John Nocella at 781-438-5687 or, preferably, at john02180@gmail.com.
Classes are held on Saturday for a total of 30 weeks beginning September 20
P.O. Box 565 East Boston, MA 02128
Boston's all-Italian language program
Saturdays 11-12pm
Cari italiani e cari amici dell'Italia,
e' con grande piacere che vi comunico l'arrivo oggi a Boston della Nave Scuola Amerigo Vespucci, Dopo 17 anni, l'Amerigo Vespucci, il veliero più antico e bello della Marina Militare, è tornato a Boston. Il Vespucci rappresenta un'eccellenza tutta italiana, il prestigio delle nostre Forze Armate all'estero. Si tratta di uno dei simboli più noti dell'Italia nel mondo, come dimostra l'omaggio tributato dalla USS Indipendence nel 1962 che lo definì, a giusto titolo, "la nave più bella del mondo". Qui sotto troverete gli orari per le visite, non mancate assolutamente!
Tra i diversi altri eventi segnalo a tutti gli amanti del nostro calcio la partita Juve -A.S. Roma che si giocherà il 30 luglio presso il Gillette Stadium. Per chi fosse interessato, vi informo che e' possibile assistere agli allenamenti della A.S. Roma che si terranno qui a Boston semplicemente registrandovi qui sotto.
Un cordiale saluto e buona lettura a tutti!
Nicola De Santis
* * *
Dear Italians and dear friends of Italy,
It is with great pleasure that we announce the arrival today, in Boston, of the Amerigo Vespucci Teaching Vessel. After 17 years, the Amerigo Vespucci, the oldest and most beautiful Vessel of the Italian Military Navy, returns to Boston. The Ship represents an all Italian excellence, the prestige of our Armed Forces overseas. It is one of the most recognized and well known symbol of Italy in the world, as demonstrated by the definition attributed to the Ship by the USS Independence in 1962, a well deserved title, as the "most beautiful Ship in the world". You will find below the visiting hours for the public; please do not miss this occasion by all means!
Among all the other events, I would like to inform all the soccer fans that there will be the match between Juventus versus A.S. Roma on July the 30th at the Gillette Stadium. For those who are interested, there is the opportunity to assist at the training sessions of the A.S. Roma which will take place in Boston, by simply registering below.
Best regards and happy reading to all!.
Nicola De Santis
The Italian Communities of America's College Capital
Boston: a vibrant Italian-American community, hundreds of Italian students, professors and professionals, and a vast number of American Italophiles.
Civilization - Language - Creativity
The course started at the end of 2016, is organized in 5 themed 'flipped' workshops for reflection, exchange and creativity in which participants make both oral and written contribution.
July 18-22 | World Trade Center Pier 5 | Boston
The historic vessel Amerigo Vespucci will be in Boston July 18-22
Italy's Navy has unveiled the 2017 program for the their historic vessel Amerigo Vespucci, which dates from 1931. It will sail to US and Canada in the summer an
d will be in Boston on July 18-22 and in New York on July 26-31.
click image for more info Nave Amerigo Vespucci ormeggerà presso il World Trade Center Pier 5 ed aprirà al pubblico nei seguenti giorni e orari: Martedì 18 luglio: dalle 16.30 alle 18.30 Mercoledì 19 luglio: dalle 15.30 alle 16.30 Giovedí 20 luglio: dalle 10.30 alle 13.00 Venerdì 21 luglio: dalle 10.30 alle 13.00 e dalle 15.30 alle 18.30
During her stay in Boston, the Italian Navy Tall Ship Amerigo Vespucci will be moored at the World Trade Center Pier 5 and will be open to the public on the following dates/times:
Tuesday 18 july: 16.30 - 18.30
Wednesday 19 july: 15.30 - 16.30
Thursday 20 July: 10.30 - 13.00
Friday 21 july: 10.30 - 13.00 and 15.30 - 18.30
per maggiori informazioni - for more information |
Sunday, July 30 |5:00pm| Gillette Stadium
| Foxborough
Come watch AS Roma's players in action as they train for the upcoming match against Juventus FC!
click image to buy tickets
Come watch AS Roma's players in action as they train for the upcoming match against Juventus FC!
The team will be training at Harvard University -
Ohiri Field between July 20 - July 29 (no training on
July 25) from 9:30am to 12:30pm and from 4:30pm to 7:30pm (times subject to change).
To purchase tickets to AS Roma v. Juventus FC at Gillette Stadium, visit:
For more information on AS Roma's 2017 USA Summer Tour, visit AS Roma's Official
and follow them on their social media accounts.
Sunday, August 6 | 10:00am-2:00pm
| Larz Anderson Park
| 15 Newton Street, Brookline
Tutto Italiano: Largest Italian Car Festival in the Northeast
Friday, August 11 |5:00pm|Boston GreenFest
City Hall Plaza, Boston
Boston GreenFes: Mezzotono
click on image for more information
Mezzotono's show is entirely executed by five voices a-cappella, which means without the use of any musical instruments. Their voices reproduce the different instruments and the often comical approach of the five interpreters encourages audience participation in a nice and never pushy way. Real ambassadors of Italian music, 39 countries around the world have hosted their music, making Mezzotono the Italian vocal group with more concerts abroad!
We are grateful to
all the sponsors of Mezzotono which will enable them to travel to the USA.
Through August 13 2017 | Smith College | Hillyer Hall | Northampton
Leisure and Luxury in the Age of Nero: The Villas of Oplontis near Pompeii
click on image for more into |
Let's Learn Italian-Impariamo L'italiano! -
Are You Interested In Studying Italian?
 Welcome to our Italian classes. Are you ready for an exciting and rewarding ten weeks studying the most beautiful language in the world? Our Italian Level 1 classes are designed for beginners and Level 2 for more experienced speakers and readers of Italian. Classes are taught by native Italian speakers and will include a variety of communicative activities, short readings and and written exercises. During the ten weeks of study, participants will also study cultural aspects of Italy and its people.
Schedule: Classes are conducted in the evening from 6:30 -8:00 PM. Day classes and private lessons can be arranged.
Tuition: $250 for ten session (Total 150 Hours).
Location: C.A.S.IT., Inc., 37 Water St., Unit 4, Wakefield, MA 01880
Information and Registration: Call Steve (781) 640-3637;
C.A.S.IT Inc. (Centro Attivita scholastiche Italiane) is under the auspices of
the Consul General of Italy, Boston.
37 Water St-Unit #4
Wakefield, MA 01880
Office Phone (781) 224-0532
La scuola italiana del Sabato
click on image to learn more |
The PIB Italian Saturday School for Boston Children | Scuola Italiana del Sabato PIB per Bambini dell'Area di Boston
Full-immersion Saturday Italian classes in New England. School textbooks for optional homework. Professionally designed programs alternating comprehension, speaking, grammar, writing exercises and games. Mother tongue committed teachers. A Saturday joy for children and parents!
click image for more info |
Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies (JICMS)
 Founded and edited by Professor Flavia Laviosa (Wellesley College, USA) in 2012 and published by Intellect (UK), JICMS is the only English-language academic journal representing a forum for theoretical, methodological and critical debate on Italian film and media production, distribution, and reception. The journal enters the international publishing world as a platform for dialogue between academics, filmmakers, and cinema and media professionals. The journal includes critical articles, book and film reviews, notes on Italian film festivals, and a special section on independent filmmakers.
The journal dedicates a special issue (Volume 4:2, 2016), edited in collaboration with Massimo Mascolo, to the historic and artistic celebrations of the sixtieth anniversary of the David di Donatello Awards (1956-2016) with testimonials, reflections, and interviews with the following professionals in the Italian film industry: Gian Luigi Rondi, Giuliano Montaldo, Nicola Piovani, Paolo e Vittorio Taviani, Giuseppe Tornatore, Ennio Morricone, Emilia De Sica, Carlo Verdone, Giuseppe Battiston, Aldo Signoretti, Dino Trappetti, Luca Bigazzi, Francesca Calvelli and Paola Cortellesi. This special issue also includes several articles and the reviews of the films: Gian Luigi Rondi: Vita, Cinema, Passione di (Giorgio Treves, 2014); 50 Anni di David, 1956-2006, La storia per immagini (Massimo Mascolo, 2006); e La Grande Bellezza (Paolo Sorrentino, 2013).
This publication was made possible thanks to the collaboration with the Accademia del Cinema Italiano and generous support of Wellesley College
Accademia della Cucina Italiana
Commitment and Research for the protection of the traditions of Italian cuisine
Goethe disse "dimmi con chi vai e ti diro chi sei, e se so di cosa ti occupi sapro che cosa vuoi diventare".
L'Accademia Italiana della Cucina, ha lo scopo di identificare ristoranti italiani e di accertarne la qualita.
La qualita del cibo non puo essere isolata dalla qualita dell'ambiente, dal servizio, dalla conoscenza e gentilezza del personale. In sintesi, la vera esperienza italiana a tavola composta da tutti quegli elementi che contribuiscono a rendere la colazione un evento culturale e non una attivita mangiereccia, lo scopo non e' di sfamarsi bensi di ricordare odori e sapori autentici di una storia millenaria se pure in evoluzione. Gli Accademici condividono l'amore per la buona tavola e per la sana conversazione, l'Accademia riprende il pensiero di Goethe almeno nella sua prima parte tanto da celebrare lo stare insieme e nutrirne insegnamento. Al ristoratore, dedichiamo la seconda parte del pensiero di Goethe pertanto ci poniamo la domanda - di cosa si occupa principalmente il cuoco? Se si occupa della cucina allora l'amore per gli ingredienti e come innovarli rispettando la storia e la classicita della cucina Italiana, diventa l'attivita primaria. Tutto il resto e' business o peggio fuffa. I cuochi nel Medioevo erano organizzati e rappresentavano la propria gerarchia, con Enrico IV di Francia la gerarchia era stata suddivisa in aree di competenza con i "maestri chef, cuochi e porte chapes" dedicati a organizzare pranzi di nozze. Questi chef, alla fine del loro apprendistato avevano il compito di offrire 6 libbre di carne o pesce a ciascun membro della Confraternita e riceverne la critica.
Consulate General of Italy in Boston Tel. 617-722-9201 - Fax 617-722-9407 urp.boston@esteri.it |