The Consulate of Belize in Florida
Monthly Newsletter
#rememberitsgoodtobebelizean #thewaitisover
Honorary Consul's Monthly Message
Welcome to the August Monthly Newsletter!
Another month has slipped us by and as we look forward into the not-so-distant future, we are just hours away from the great month of September, a celebratory one for Belize marking its 40th Independence from Great Britain. Another huge holiday is the 223rd anniversary of The Battle of Saint George’s Caye day when the British won over the Spanish who attempted to invade, thereby forever changing the course of Belize’s history. This year’s Independence theme is “Belize at 40: Hopeful Hearts, Steady Hands, Together We Rise.” This resonates true for Belizeans throughout history who in the midst of adversity, remain hopeful and optimistic, managing to stay firm in their paths and united as a people.
We take this moment to offer our thoughts and prayers for Belize’s friends in Haiti who greatly suffered after the devastating earthquake as well as those in the State of Louisiana after Hurricane Ida hit as a category 4 only a few days ago causing massive damage and suffering.
Many important projects and events took place in August, one of which was the chat with the OAS regarding indigenous identity and the importance of cultural education in bringing the different cultures closer together through tolerance and respect for each’s differences. This informative video helps highlight the current situation within Belize’s indigenous community and it provides a better understanding as H.E. Froyla Tzalam, Governor General of Belize so well-articulated, along with guest speaker H.E. Nestor Mendez, Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States.
Additionally, August’s newsletter features the Prime Minister of Belize, Hon. John Briceño’s weekly message where he continues to share his vision for Belize and how Belizeans can partake in it. Included is his interview with the morning show where he discussed the country’s record number of cattle exports, tourism opportunities, and other topics that are positively impacting the country.
We are excited to share the official launch of Belize’s Investment Summit on August 19th. The purpose of this summit is part of the Prime Minister’s commitment to prioritize the country's economic recovery by attracting investments for Belize’s economic development. As a business hot spot with investment treaties, multi-lateral trade agreements, and economic partnerships, Belize is open for business!
On another front, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration, the Hon. Eamon Courtenay, continues to chart new paths on the international front for Belize by strengthening Belize’s foreign missions abroad while at the same time forging stronger diplomatic and economic ties with Belize’s important neighbors in the region. Plans are also underway to revamp the entire Immigration Department to ensure efficiency and productivity. Please listen to his interview with LOVE FM Morning Show to learn more. Minister Courtenay also had his first meeting with U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Leyla Moses-Ones, who emphasized the importance of strengthening the U.S.-Belize partnership.
As for the Ambassador’s Desk, we invite you to watch His Excellency Ambassador Lynn Young’ s interview with Pathlight International Speaker Series. The topics discussed include how the Government is working to improve the education system for all students as well as different forms of helping the children of Belize. Also, we are pleased to share with you his monthly message.
Belizeans residing in the USA, will always have a longing for Belize deep within their hearts. Belizeans have left so many good memories behind in the little Jewel we call Belize and perhaps this is the time for us to seriously explore the possibility of coming back “Home.” It could be that you may just want to take a trip to spend time with family and enjoy a cold Belikin Beer and some conch soup. Perhaps your longing goes further and you may want to retire, open a business, invest or even lend your time and expertise to important areas like education, law and order, agriculture etc. to help build a better Belize and you need some guidance. This is your chance to have your questions answered and really get a chance to engage with the Officials who are crafting important policies who can steer you in the right direction. The Ministry of Tourism is hosting Diaspora Town Hall sessions in several key cities (NY, Chicago, Houston, and Miami), in the months of September and October of this year. The Minister of Tourism, Hon. Anthony Mahler will be accompanied by other GOB Officials to include Minister Cordel Hyde, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Natural Resources, Petroleum, and Mining, and Minister Henry Usher, Minister of Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform.
The information flyer will be posted under “The Diaspora Desk” section with a link to rsvp if you are interested in attending. We welcome your participation! But remember, pace is limited so we urge you to RSVP at your earliest convenience.
In this edition of Street Food Series, we included a classic favorite, Powder Buns! Or as Belizeans say, “Powda Buns.” The irresistible combination of cinnamon, spicy nutmeg, and a sugary crust makes for a mouthwatering treat, perfect for an afternoon tea time snack. It is said to be a spin off from scones, a similar delicacy invented by the British and passed on to Belize. However, it can be argued that Belizeans perfected it with its Powda Bun version. Also in this section is a savory/sweet pineapple-mango rum chicken recipe, perfect for a summer meal. This tropical inspired dish is sure to be a crowd pleaser, so be sure to check it out!
Additionally, we recap the monthly news from the Government of Belize Press Office and share the stories of some visible Belizeans in our Star of The Month Section. Do not forget to check out the section Upcoming Events to find out more about different activities happening in September, scholarship opportunities, and much more!
Enjoy scrolling through the news in the areas of tourism, community engagement, the environment, and much more in this edition,
- Watch Prime Minister Honorable John Briceño’s monthly message where he talks about the chance of creating a new society.
- See the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, and Immigration’s informative LOVE FM interview.
- View Ambassador H.E. Lynn Young’s Pathlight International Speaker Series where he discusses different ways of improving the education system in Belize.
Read about the upcoming Town Hall Meeting being organized in Miami and other US cities and how you can participate. For Miami’s event please rsvp here
- Watch a chat with the OAS about indigenous identity with special speaker Governor General H.E. Froyla Tzalam.
- Read how the Government of Belize is working to make school textbooks digital.
- See how Belize Bank launched the country’s first e-wallet system.
- Learn why Belize is giving up to 40 grants of $1,000 each and how you can apply.
- Meet the newly crowned Miss Earth Belize.
- Get informed about the latest entry requirements for foreign tourists visiting Belize through land borders and a list of vaccines accepted by the Ministry of Health & Wellness.
- Read about the Marie Sklodowska– Curie fellowship and its aim to increase the number of women in the nuclear field.
- Get inspired by the life story of our Belizean Star of the Month, Mr. Marco Antonio Aguilar!
- Check out our upcoming events where we share different activities that are being held in the next month.
For those of you who have not had the opportunity to visit the Consulate's office nor are familiar with the services that we offer, you may visit our website at or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to receive updates about Belize, the Consulate, and upcoming events.
As we update our database, and to serve you better, the Consulate of Belize in Florida continues to conduct phone calls to its constituents to confirm each contact’s information. We appreciate your cooperation and support in sharing your contact information. This is so that you and your family can continue to be informed about services offered by the Consulate as well as get updates on Belize.
If you are aware of a Belizean residing in the United States who is making a positive impact on the lives of others while contributing to their native country, please submit their story to us so that we may feature them in our newsletter. Perhaps the Star of the Month could even be you!
Enjoy and share with your friends.
And remember, it is good to be Belizean!
#rememberitsgoodtobebelizean #thewaitisover #staysafe
Janine Sylvestre
Hon. Consul of Belize in Florida
Trade Representative of Belize in Florida
Prime Minister of Belize’s Desk
The 1981 Independence Phrase: “The Chance To Create A New Society…” still rings strong.
We are only one of 193 countries, this should serve as a reminder for us to never feel entitled or to expect special treatment, but it should stand as a testament to our duties and responsibilities to ourselves, to our regional neighbors and to the international community.
Watch the Prime Minister of Belize Honorable John Briceno's interview on The Morning Show where he discusses Belize's record number of cattle exports, the country's economy, tourism opportunities, and other pressing topics.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Morning Show interviewed Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Honorable Eamon Courtenay where he addressed questions regarding the ICJ and other topics including Guatemala and Belize's current state of foreign affairs.
U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Leyla Moses-Ones was pleased to have her first meeting with Honorable Eamon Courtenay. She emphasized the strength of the U.S.-Belize partnership & reaffirmed U.S. commitment to support Belizean security & prosperity, as well as to fight the spread of COVID-19.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Receives Funding from Taiwan for Institutional Strengthening
Republic of China (Taiwan) Ambassador David Kuan-Chou Chien met with Honorable Eamon Courtenay. Minister Courtenay “reaffirmed his unequivocal commitment to the cordial and close bilateral partnership” while Ambassador Chien “reiterated Taiwan’s continuing commitment to work with the MFA to carry out Belize’s foreign policy efficiently, while further reinforcing the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries.”
Dear Members of the Belizean Community,
Greetings from Washington D.C. As we enter September, I know that many of us are dying to spend at least a part of this month at home in Belize, enjoying all the festivities that come with our National Day and our Independence Day. This year is special. If Sep 10, 1798, is the day we put Spain’s claim on our territory to rest, Sep 21st is the day we took total control from the European Colonizers. And this Sep 21st we celebrate 40 years of proud Independence.
There should be a grand celebration at home. But like last year, we must continue to exercise caution because the COVID Pandemic is still with us, and the Delta Variant has precipitated another wave just as we were beginning to think that the end is in sight. Again, I encourage all to get vaccinated and follow the safety protocols so that we can keep everyone safe.
I’m sure you have been following the news from home. Our medical professionals have been grappling bravely with this latest surge and we are very happy to know that the Pfizer Vaccine has now been received as well as large quantity of the Johnson Vaccine. Vaccination of our young Belizeans is well underway. As the vaccination numbers increase, we should be able to flatten the curve again and get the situation under control.
On August 19th, I had a most enjoyable interview with Irv Henderson, facilitated by Pathlight International. My sincere thanks to Pathlight for inviting me to be a guest in their speaker series. They are a special group of Belizeans, focused on helping Belize through Education. They are one of the groups formed by our Diaspora that is making a significant difference. Again, thanks for all that they do, and I encourage everyone to support them in their efforts.
I have continued to receive valuable feedback from Belizeans all over the United States that will help to guide our efforts to improve our service to the Diaspora. With most of the staff at the Embassy fully vaccinated and following strict protocols, we are one of the few Embassies that are now open for in person visits. We are now working hard to catch up on the back log of appointments that accrued due to COVID and the closure of our New York Consulate. We are continuing efforts to re-open the consulate in New York which should help considerably. Meanwhile, I must thank our Honorary Consuls and our Consulates in Miami, Los Angeles, and Chicago for the great work they have been doing while making sure everyone is safe in these most difficult times.
Have a great September. I hope you get to enjoy some good Belizean music even if you enjoy it at home while you wear your mask and practice social distancing.
And please remember GET VACCINATED!!
His Excellency Lynn R. Young
Ambassador of Belize to the United States of America
& Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States
Pathlight International Speaker Series
His Excellency Ambassador Lynn Young discusses many ways that together we can help the children of Belize, work to improve the education system for all students.
H.E. Sandhya Murphy, newly appointed Ambassador of Belize for Diaspora Relations, invites you to the Diaspora Town Hall Meeting taking place in Miami, FL hosted by the Ministry of Tourism. Investors who are interested in venture capital opportunities or in doing business in Belize are highly encouraged to join. Please click the link below to register to the event and learn more about different opportunities in the Jewel.
Face masks are mandatory.
On Thursday August 19th, the Governor General of Belize, H.E. Froyla Tzalam, was featured on the virtual series “A Chat with the OAS". She was joined by OAS Assistant Secretary General, Ambassador Nestor Mendez. The main subject was the importance of cultural education in bridging the social divide.
For a Full List of This Month's Government Press Releases Please Click the Button Below
Government of Belize Working to Make School Textbooks Digital
The Government of Belize is aiming to lighten the load of students and their families, through a project that will produce digital copies of school textbooks.
Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Technology Francis Fonseca explained today that the idea to digitize textbooks formed part of the People’s United Party’s campaign promise to transform education in Belize. Fonseca said today that the project is currently underway.
Belizean Youth Present Ideas for Post-COVID Relief Efforts in International Hackathon
A group of Belizeans have come out on top of a regional competition to develop new ideas that support the COVID-19 recovery response.
Aesthetics Marketing Solutions pitched CaribTravels, a web page, and app that alerts tourists interested in visiting Caribbean countries on changes regarding the country’s travel policy during the pandemic and regulated events. They won US$800 (BZ$1,600) for their efforts.
CARICOM Secretary General Donates Books to the University of Belize
As she leaves Belize’s shores for Guyana to become Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Dr. Carla Barnett is leaving behind a gift – a donation of books from her personal collection to the University of Belize Library.
Collected during her travels with the Caribbean Development Bank and in Government, the University says they “represent the scope and breadth of (her) scholarship and interest…a showcase of the profound dedication and quest for knowledge that no doubt has propelled her to some of the highest leadership positions in the region.
Belizean Runner Brandon Adolphus Gets Scholarship to Study at El Paso Community College in Texas
Adolphus was approached by Colin Thurton, an athletics coach at Texas A&M University, who set him up with El Paso Community College.
Thurton is a Belizean who lives in the United States. He represented Belize at the Mexico City Olympics in 1968 and the Montreal Olympics in 1976. His specialty being the 100m and 200m sprints, he also competed in the 220m at the 1966 Commonwealth Games.
Belize Bank Hosts Historic Launch of Country’s First E-Wallet System
On August 5th the Belize Bank Limited hosted the launch of its E-Kyash mobile application which revolutionizes everyday transactions by eliminating the need for physical cash. The official launch ceremony was held at the Radisson Fort George Hotel and Marina and was attended by representatives of the Central Bank of Belize, Social Security Board, and Minister of Youth, Sports & E-governance Kevin Bernard.
First Ever Youth Lead Innovation Festival in Belize Held August 12-13
The first-ever Youth Lead Innovation Festival in Belize was held virtually on Thursday and Friday, August 12-13, in observation of the International Youth Day.
The Department of Youth Services said the Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth is hosting this fully virtual youth festival from 6:30 am to 9:30 am Belize time on August 12 and 13.
Regional Project Led by the European Union and World Health Organization Said to Strengthen Health Systems for Universal Health Care.
Two GeneXpert Machines were handed over to the Ministry of Health & Wellness as a part of a regional project led by the European Union and World Health Organization to strengthen health systems for universal health care. The machines will allow the Central Medical Laboratory to run more tests simultaneously and will enhance the lab's diagnostic capacity for early detection of disease-causing organisms.
Belize Receives Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine
The Government of Belize on August 26, 2021, received a shipment of 132,000 doses of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines acquired through UNICEF’s partnership with the African Union’s African Vaccine Acquisition Trust (AVAT). Alison Parker, UNICEF Representative to Belize, expressed the organization’s commitment to supporting the government to optimize vaccine uptake and achieve herd immunity to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Forty Belizeans Will Get the Chance to Receive $1000 in Grant Funds
To celebrate the 40th birthday of Belize, the National Celebrations Commission has launched a September Innovative Grants Program. Forty Belizeans will get the chance to receive $1000 in grant funds by submitting their ideas for a new, creative project or initiative. Check out the details in the video and click on the link for the forms.
Inauguration of Bella Vista Government Schools
Last week, the Bella Vista Government Preschool and Secondary School in the Toledo District were inaugurated. The Ministry of Education is not only providing brand new schools for children to learn in but is also focused on making education accessible to students living in rural communities.
Belize Tourism Board And Empire State Building "Nama-Slay" National Wellness Month In Iconic Partnership
Today, Belize Tourism Board (BTB), in partnership with the iconic Empire State Building, celebrated National Wellness Month with an intimate sunrise, skyline yoga session on the building's world-famous 86th Floor Observatory. Designed to inspire visitors to seek respite and relaxation in Belize, 28 golden hour enthusiasts enjoyed a private Maya-inspired salutation, complete with mindful breath, stretches and words of affirmation.
Historic Ship to be Turned into Diving Attraction in Turneffe Atoll
The Wit, a 375-foot long concrete ship is headed to the depths of the sea off Turneffe Atoll after decades of service. It will be used as an artificial diving attraction to join the likes of the Blue Hole and Half Moon Caye. The ship is being donated by Belize Sugar Industries Limited, which previously used it to store molasses offshore after a stint transporting materials in the Gulf of Mexico during the Second World War. The project is supported by Government, represented by Tourism Minister Anthony Mahler and Minister of the Blue Economy Andre Perez.
Led by Project Leader Raquel Rodriguez and Lead Artist Fernando Reyna, a team of artists of all ages has come together to paint a patriotic mural on 300 feet of fence in Belmopan. The project is part of the official September activities, which will include each municipality creating a prominent mural to honor our country on its 40th birthday. The Government Press Office was on site today to witness the successful collaboration between NICH, the Belmopan City Council and artists
Hon. Chris Coye Says Belize is Headed in the Right Direction
While all eyes are on Covid-19 numbers, and the new move to vaccinate students countrywide, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, Hon. Christopher Coye, this week revealed some welcome economic news. According to Coye, very shortly the Statistical Institute of Belize will reveal that the country's economy has shown explosive growth, tripling the projections made by the IMF.
‘A Gift from the Gods’ – The Story Behind the Belize Chocolate Company
The Beaumont’s established the Belize Chocolate Company in 2007. Over the years, the Belize Chocolate Company has continued to grow into a thriving enterprise. Chris and Jo built a 20ftx30ft concrete building on the back of their house where they manufacture the chocolate and remain true to their initial commitment to keep their products 100% Belizean. They buy their beans directly from indigenous farmers located in Southern Belize, who are of Kekchi or Mopan Maya descent, and their sugar comes from cane farmers in north Belize who have Yucatec Maya heritage.
The Cyberwomen Challenge is a 6-hour online technical workshop, where the participants will use tools that will help them in the analysis of cybersecurity incidents. The challenge will take place on September 9, 2021, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (local time). This activity is being organized by the OAS/CICTE Cybersecurity Program and Trend Micro to encourage more women to strengthen their technical skills and inspire them to enter the cybersecurity industry.
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Program Launches
The MSCFP aims to help increase the number of women in the nuclear field, supporting an inclusive workforce of both men and women who contribute to and drive global scientific and technological innovation. The Program aims to inspire and encourage young women to pursue a career in the nuclear field, by providing highly motivated female students with scholarships for Master’s programs and an opportunity to pursue an internship facilitated by the IAEA.
The application period is now open. The deadline for applications is 30 September 2021
Launch of Teacher Learning Institute (TLI)
Ministry of Education, Culture, Science & Technology has been hard at work to get the Teacher Learning Institute up and running. This will serve as a major tool for Belizean educators, allowing them to explore various ways to share knowledge with students and better understand the ever-changing curriculum.
Click the link below to learn how you can sign up.
GOB Beaks Ground for the Construction of a Clinic in Caye Caulker Village
On August 20th ground was broken in Caye Caulker Village at the site where a polyclinic is set to be constructed. A ceremony was held with addresses given by Prime Minister John Briceño as well as the Village Chairlady, Seleny Villanueva-Pott. Prime Minister Briceño noted that the event is a milestone for the residents of the island as a health facility has been long overdue.
Official Launch of the Belize Investment Summit 2021
The Government of Belize, through the Office of the Prime Minister, is holding a press conference to announce the upcoming first of its kind Belize Investment Summit 2021 (BIS 2021). This summit is a part of the Prime Minister’s commitment to prioritize the country’s economic recovery by attracting investments for the economic development of Belize.
Belize is Open for Business
Click the link below to learn about the different opportunities such as investment treaties, economic partnerships and cooperation agreements, as well as multilateral and bi-lateral free trade agreements that are turning Belize into a business hot spot.
New ePassport System Approved by Cabinet, ePassports May Be in Use by July 2022
At this week’s meeting of Cabinet, an update was provided on the current status in the implementation of the new ePassport system and ePassports. After the update was provided, Cabinet approved the base concept of the ePassport design proposal.
Congratulations to Aarti Sooknandan, on Her Appointment as Miss Earth Belize
The new Miss Earth Belize 2021 was revealed on August 8th through Miss Belize Earth's Facebook page in a special coronation video.
At 26 years-old, Ms. Aarti is a model, entrepreneur, public speaker, painter, and ballet dancer. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Advertising & Marketing from the University of South Florida and continued to receive a Master of Business Administration in Marketing from Nova Southeastern University where she graduated with honors, Magna Cum Laude.
Belize No Longer Recognizes Vaccinated Tourists: Testing Now Required
All travelers entering Belize at the Philip Goldson International Airport (PGIA) will be required to present a negative Covid-19 PCR test taken within 96 hours of travel or a negative result from any approved Antigen Rapid Test taken within 48 hours of travel. If no test is presented, a COVID-19 test will be administered at the airport for a fee of USD $50 per passenger. Children under the age of 5 years will not be required to present a negative test; but children 5 years and older will be required to present a negative test.
All travellers entering Belize through the Northern and Western Borders will be administered a Rapid Test for COVID-19 by the Ministry of Health and Wellness, at their own expense. No external COVID-19 PCR or Rapid Test will be accepted at these points of entry.
Belize Travel Health & Safety
Things to Know Before Traveling to Belize
- Vaccinated travelers must present a vaccination record card, with full inoculation completed at least two weeks before their arrival into Belize.
- Persons entering Belize are no longer required to download and complete the Belize Health App prior to arriving.
- International tourists must book a stay at a Gold Standard hotel and present confirmation at immigration.
- All travelers must present a negative PCR Test taken within 96 hours of travel or a Negative Rapid Test taken within 48 hours of travel.
- You can also take a Covid-19 Test at the airport upon arrival, the cost is $50 USD per person, and only positive cases will receive a notification within 24 hours.
Belize Tourism Board and Diaspora Relations
Why Ambergris Caye Was Named the #4 Best Island in Central America
The highly esteemed Conde Nast Traveler named Ambergris Caye one of the best islands in Central America! As the most-visited destination in the country, Ambergris is known for its “quintessential Caribbean island vibe, with humming golf carts and great snorkeling and diving.” Should you need a reminder, here’s what makes the island so special and worthy of that award.
Trade and Investment Tidbits
ICTSI Honduras and the Port of Big Creek in Belize Agree on a Mutual Benefit Pact
Operadora Portuaria Centro-americana (OPC), the Honduran subsidiary of International Container Terminal Services, Inc., has signed a sister port agreement with the Port of Big Creek in Belize to strengthen relations and promote interconnectivity between the two Central American ports. The partnership benefits both ports and their respective areas of influence.
Belize Wins 3 Gold, 5 Silver, 5 Bronze at Central American Athletics Championship in Nicaragua
Belize won three gold medals, five silver, and five bronze at the U-18, U-20 Central American Athletics Championships held in Nicaragua from July 30-August 1, 2021. Glenford Williams captured two gold medals and Kerwin Castillo won one gold at the IND Olympic Stadium in Managua. Williams started out winning gold in the Men’s U-18 100m in 11.14 seconds on Friday and then he captured his second gold medal on Saturday in the U-18 110m hurdles 0.91 in 14.83 seconds.
Barton Creek Cave is natural cave located near San Ignacio that was once used by the ancient Maya for ceremonial activities. This stunning cave can only be explored by canoe and is considered one of Belize’s most fascinating natural and cultural wonders.
Same Knife Weh Stick Sheep Stick Goat
English Translation:
The same knife that sticks the sheep sticks the goat.
Remember the ill you do to others can be done to you.
Let us preserve and protect our historical landmarks & protected sites
Belizean Star of the Month!
Marco Aguilar
#Rememberit'sgoodtobeBelizean #thewaitisover
Marco is a contemporary realist painter and art instructor, residing in Southern California. He is also an award winning actor, director, choreographer and set designer who has been involved in over 100 stage productions throughout the Los Angeles area. He displays his artworks throughout the United States and online, and his artwork has been purchased by collectors throughout the USA, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and of course, Belize. He is a Brand Ambassador for Chartpak, Inc., one of the world’s largest art supply manufacturers and demonstrates their products at art seminars throughout the United States and online through social media.
Marco is the son of the late Jaime Aguilar, a prominent accountant in Belize, and Janice Aguilar, a travel agent and past president of the Belize Tourism Industry Association. Thanks to his mother’s connections, Marco grew up very exposed to the tourism industry, visiting many of the Belize’s natural wonders since childhood. His favorites were diving the barrier reef and climbing the Mayan temples. He was born and raised in the King’s Park area of Belize City attending St. Josephs Primary School, St. John’s College High School and St. John’s Junior College. At St. John’s he studied art under the tutelage of the late, great Mrs. Michelle Perdomo. As an actor, Marco studied under the incredibly talented Beverly Smith-Lopez, before moving to America and immersing himself in the theatre arts.
Marco splits his time between the theatre and the easel, but is mostly known as a painter. He is a contemporary realist painter who focuses on the elements and nature. He uses the play of light, shadow and texture to create playful wildlife portraits, as well as, land and seascapes that capture the imagination. His work is known for its unique lighting and perspective, evoking energy and escapism.
“I love the play of light, shadow and texture,” Marco says, “I remember diving the barrier reef of Belize as a teenager and being fascinated with the shafts of light that illuminated the valleys of coral. Being a true water sign, Pisces, I have loved the sea and movement of water, since childhood, so my first instinct was to focus on water. This has now evolved into all elements, natural and man-made. I use my theatrical background as reference for the dramatic lighting that seems to be the general theme in all my work. Like a director of the stage, I often imagine the beams of light as theatre lights, illuminating these scenes and directing the viewer to look at highlighted areas in the painting. The main theme in my work is escapism, painting scenes of romance. The places where we want to be. My main stylistic influences come from the chiaroscuro style of Renaissance art and the 19thCentury Hudson River School Artists with a little bit of my own Caribbean flair thrown in.”
Marco teaches his style of painting at art conventions and seminars in the USA. He now teaches online lessons and has had young students from Belize join in on the lessons. He has had many young Belizean artists reach out to him, of late, through his website for advice in the business of art or art technique, and he is always happy to help.
Marco is currently working on a series of nature paintings focusing on wildlife native to Belize. His goal is to bring focus to the natural beauty of his home country and raise awareness for endangered species and the endangered reefs. Through his artwork, Marco aspires to focus public awareness on the Earth’s natural beauty and the need for global conservation. He is a proud member of the Ocean Artists Society, and the International Guild of Realism.
Instagram: @artisicmarco
TikTok: @Marcozart
We are proud to call Marco Aguilar
our Star of the Month!
Our deep condolences to the families of Belizeans at home and abroad who have lost their lives to COVID-19.
May they rest in peace.
- 1-1/2 cups coconut milk or evaporated milk
- A pinch of salt
- 6 oz (3/4 cup) shortening
- 3 tsps vanilla
- 6 tsps baking powder
- 1 tsp Cinnamon Powder
- 2 ozs (1/4 cup) margarine
- 1/2-1 cup raisin (optional)
- 2-1/2 cups of sugar
- 1 tsp grated nutmeg
- 6 cups all-purpose flour
Steps to Make It
- Grease baking sheet.
- Sift flour, salt and baking powder.
- Add sugar, cinnamon powder and grated nutmeg. Mix together.
- Add shortening and margarine. Cut into flour mixture or rub in with fingers.
- Add vanilla and coconut/evaporated milk. Mix with wooden spoon.
- Add raisins (optional). Mix well.
- Use dessert spoon and drop mix by spoonful on greased baking sheet.
- Bake on middle or top shelf at 375 F. for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown
Pineapple-Mango Rum Chicken
- 4 boneless chicken breasts
- 1/2 onion, diced
- 1 green pepper, minced
- 2 cloves of garlic, diced
- a pinch of salt and pepper
- 2 Tbsp. soy sauce
- 1/4 c. vegetable oil
- 1 jigger coconut rum
- 1/2 c. diced fresh pineapple
- 1/2 c. diced fresh mango
- 1/4 c. pineapple juice
Grill the chicken breasts and simmer in pineapple juice so the chicken can absorb the flavor. Approximately 30 mins, after your chicken has simmered sauté for 2 minutes and serve over your favorite rice.
For the toppings, sauté the onions, green peppers, garlic, salt, pepper, and soy sauce in vegetable oil, once they get cooked to your preferred consistency, flambé the rum (take sauté pan away from flame).
Add diced pineapple, mango, and pineapple juice.
Makes enough to serve 4.
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#Rememberit'sgoodtobeBelizean #thewaitisover