The Consulate of Belize in Florida
Monthly Newsletter
#rememberitsgoodtobebelizean #thewaitisover
Honorary Consul's Monthly Message
Welcome to the July Monthly Newsletter!
We are in the middle of the “dog days of summer” evoking hot days and sultry nights. And indeed, while one can find their dogs panting in the heat, the history of the name has little to do with dogs, instead referring to Sirius, the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major, which means “big dog” in Latin and is said to represent one of Orion’s hunting dogs.
According to the Almanac (July 16th 2021), “Dog days” to the Greeks and Romans, occurred around the time Sirius appears to rise alongside the sun, in late July in the Northern Hemisphere. They believed the heat from the two stars combined is what made these days the hottest of the year, a period that could bring fever or even catastrophe. In 2021, the dog days span from July 3 to August 11. (Check out this family guide to stargazing during the dog days of summer.)(Almanac 2021) In Belize, we have the beautiful Caribbean sea and crisp river waters to dip into and we hope that wherever you are, you are finding an enjoyable way to cool off.
To start off this month we celebrated the 4th of July in the United States, which commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 marking the birth of the independence of the United States celebrated today with festivities ranging from fireworks, parades and concerts to more casual family gatherings and barbecues.
Throughout the month we continued with other celebrations such as the start of the Olympics on July 23rd and the celebration of Parent’s Day on July 25th.
While at the Consulate in July, we have been busy processing more passports than any other year during this month. We welcome those who are in need of a renewal or a new passport.
Belizeans around the world beam with pride as the world watches the historical Olympics held in Japan because Belize is represented by some of its brightest athletes! Let’s take this moment to congratulate athletes Shaun Gill, Samantha Dirks, and Amado Cruz. Representing Belize at the Olympics, the world stage for sports, displays the culmination of years of hard work, perseverance, and dedication and we applaud their gallant efforts.
We are happy to announce that we will be resuming the “Ambassador’s Desk” section now that that there is a newly appointed Ambassador of Belize to Washington, DC and so this month we dedicated a section of this newsletter to welcome Belize’s newly appointed Ambassador, H.E. Lynn Young. The Consulate of Belize in Florida takes this opportunity to congratulate Ambassador Young in his new appointment. We invite you to read his first official message for this newsletter and learn more about his impressive professional trajectory in Belize along with his exciting plans as Ambassador of Belize in The United States. The Consulate of Belize in Florida looks forward to working with the Ambassador in realizing his goals and objectives.
A new and exciting section that we will be including is the “Diaspora Desk” because there is now a dedicated area within the Ministry of Tourism and an Ambassador of the Diaspora, Mrs. Sandhya Murphy was appointed to focus specifically on the Diaspora in the US. We will be sharing with you their plans to further engage with you so please stay tuned!
As always, we include the Prime Minister of Belize, the Honorable John Briceno’s list of achievements this month and his most recent travels to the United States, where he met H.E. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, who commended Belize’s leadership within CARICOM and congratulated Belize for being elected to the United Nations Economic and Social Council. You can read more about this under the Section “Prime Minister of Belize’s Desk”.
This month the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hon. Eamon Courtenay helped arrange a donation of 42 thousand doses of AstraZeneca vaccines from the United Kingdom, which will be used in the ongoing national vaccine program. The deal was arranged alongside Minister of State for the Commonwealth Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon and British High Commissioner Claire Evans. Additionally, he explained the Finance and Audit Reform Amendment Bill and how it is intended for the establishment of a Contingencies Fund to be used in emergency situations such as hurricanes or Covid-19.
The tourism industry also had exciting news during July. One of them was welcoming the first cruise ship after 16 months since suspension started in March of 2020. Additionally, the Belize Tourism Board developed a new Travel Belize App to help travelers customize their perfect holiday getaway, and it is embarking on new projects that include plans of airport expansion and improvement proposals to prepare for increased numbers of tourist arrivals. We are excited to see how these changes have a positive impact on the economy.
I took the opportunity to meet with the Minister of Tourism, Minister Anthony Mahler and we discussed ways that the Consulate of Belize in Florida can assist his Ministry in attaining his goals and objectives in promoting tourism and establishing closer ties with the Belizean Diaspora in Florida. We take this opportunity to congratulate him on the great work he is doing in the industry. It is reported that thus far the number of tourists coming to Belize this year has surpassed the numbers reported in 2019 (Before COVID-19).
Nothing beats a hearty home cooked meal, that’s why in this edition we continue to celebrate lobster season and included a simple but delicious lobster dish that is stewed in the traditional Belizean style (any protein can be substituted) along with white rice made with coconut milk. Did you know that not only savory dishes could be stewed? Don’t put it passed a Belizean to stew just about anything and here we showcase a tropical fruit, Cocoplum, which is sweetly stewed for hours and whala, we have an exotic gourmet desert! It’s delicious eaten by itself or topped over your favorite ice cream or pound cake, or both. So, make sure to check it out in our Street Food Series.
We also recap the monthly news from the Government of Belize Press Office and share the stories of some visible Belizeans in our Star of The Month Section. Do not forget to check out the section Upcoming Events to find out more about different activities happening in August, scholarship opportunities, and much more!
Enjoy scrolling through the news in the areas of tourism, community engagement, the environment, and much more in this edition,
- Learn about some of the issues discussed between Prime Minister Briceño and Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres at the UN Headquarters in New York.
- Read the first message from our newly appointed Ambassador, H.E. Lynn Young.
- Check out the new Belizean rum that is making waves, critics are even calling it “outstanding”.
- View the newly launched Travel Belize App developed by the Belize Tourism Board and see how it can help you plan the perfect Belizean getaway!
- Meet the different athletes that are representing Belize in the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.
- Get informed about the latest entry requirements for foreign tourists visiting Belize through land borders and a list of vaccines accepted by the Ministry of Health & Wellness.
- Learn more about the vaccine donation made from the United Kingdom to Belize, a total 42,000 doses of AstraZeneca were donated to the country this month.
- Check out how Belizean beef could be entering American and Canadian meat markets.
- Read how the Peace Corps is preparing to reopen aid programs in Belize and the different opportunities this could create.
- Get inspired by the life story of our Belizean Star of the Month, Mrs. Elvira Mendez!
- Check out our upcoming events where we share different activities that are being held in the next month.
For those of you who have not had the opportunity to visit the Consulate's office nor are familiar with the services that we offer, you may visit our website at or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to receive updates about Belize, the Consulate, and upcoming events.
As we update our database, and to serve you better, the Consulate of Belize in Florida continues to conduct phone calls to its constituents to confirm each contact’s information. We appreciate your cooperation and support in sharing your contact information. This is so that you and your family can continue to be informed about services offered by the Consulate as well as get updates on Belize.
If you are aware of a Belizean residing in the United States who is making a positive impact on the lives of others while contributing to their native country, please submit their story to us so that we may feature them in our newsletter. Perhaps the Star of the Month could even be you!
Enjoy and share with your friends.
And remember, it is good to be Belizean!
#rememberitsgoodtobebelizean #thewaitisover #staysafe
Janine Sylvestre
Hon. Consul of Belize in Florida
Trade Representative of Belize in Florida
Prime Minister of Belize’s Desk
Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño Met With H.E. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations.
The Secretary-General welcomed the Prime Minister and expressed the UN’s commitment to continue assisting Belize. He commended Belize’s leadership within CARICOM and congratulated Belize for being elected to the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Concerning threats posed to Small Islands Developing States, the Secretary-General reiterated his commitment to continue championing the call for more assistance for climate change mitigation and adaptation, and recommending raising financial assistance for adaptation to 50%. On the equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, the Secretary-General has called for the production and distribution of 11 billion vaccines to all developing countries in order to ensure that everyone has access.
Dear Members of the Belizean Community,
Greetings from Washington D.C. I want to firstly thank everyone who warmly welcomed me as I assumed the post of Ambassador of Belize to the United States and Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States. This is my first diplomatic posting and as you can imagine, the first two months have been intense. I am very grateful to the staff here at the Embassy led by Counsellor Michael Mena for assisting myself and my wife Althea to settle in. I must also especially recognize Ambassador Nestor Mendez and his wife Elvira for their assistance as well. I have also had very good support and feedback from our consulates for which I am very grateful.
Based on the feedback I have received from our consulates as well as members of our Diaspora, there is a lot of work to be done. The closure of our consular services in New York coupled with the challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic has severely crippled our ability to provide a high level of service to the Diaspora. This is an issue that we are urgently addressing. We hope to resume services in New York before the end of August. Meanwhile, we are looking at ways to improve service here at the Embassy as well as at the Consulates in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Miami and through our Honorary Consuls in other states.
As we progress, we will keep you informed. Meanwhile, we welcome advice from you to assist us in meeting and even exceeding your expectations. You can send us your thoughts at
Finally, COVID permitting, I hope to be able to visit all our consulates and meet as many of you as I can before the end of the year. That interaction is important to me to hear first-hand from you, and if possible, engage you in helping us to meet the challenges facing our nation here in the United States and back home.
Meanwhile, please stay safe, practice social distancing, wear a mask where required, and please, GET VACCINATED!!
His Excellency Lynn R. Young
Ambassador of Belize to the United States of America
& Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States
Pathlight International
Speaker Series
Please join a fireside chat with H.E. Ambassador Lynn Young, Belize's Ambassador to the United States and Permanent Representative to the OAS. Click below to register for this event on Thursday August 19th, at 11am EST.
New Ambassador Presented His Credentials to the Secretary General of the OAS
H.E. Sandhya Murphy, newly appointed Ambassador of Belize for Diaspora Relations, has issued an introductory letter encouraging Belizeans living outside the Jewel to make contact as part of the new Government’s engagement with this important group of Belizeans. Ambassador Murphy identifies the main purpose of the new Diaspora Relations Unit under the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations as “to facilitate, support, and include the diaspora as a part of national development, as well as raise Belize’s profile, grow the economy, encourage expertise exchange, and promote trade.” At the moment, the Unit’s primary focus is on the Belizean community in the United States, with which it is busy organizing meetings with various organizations and the Government’s diplomatic outposts from New York to Los Angeles.
Hon. Consul Meets With the Minister of Tourism
Honorary Consul Ms. Janine Sylvestre met with the Minister of Tourism and discussed ways that the Consulate of Belize in Florida can assist his Ministry in attaining his goals and objectives in promoting tourism and establishing closer ties with the Belizean Diaspora in Florida.
For a Full List of This Month's Government Press Releases Please Click the Button Below
Marie Sharp Peppers to be Exported to Israel
Congratulations to Marie Sharp Fine Food Limited for reaching a new milestone! in less than a month three different tastes of Marie Sharp pepper sauce will be displayed on the shelves of different supermarkets in Tel Aviv, Israel. It took six to seven months of paperwork for Marie Sharp to send almost three thousand bottles of their delicious hot sauce to the Israeli capital.
Marie Sharp pepper sauce now sells in thirty-seven countries
Copalli, an Outstanding New Rum from Belize
In the heart of a rainforest in southern Belize, one of the Caribbean’s newest rum companies is doing something very special. A sustainable rum made from sugarcane, called Copalli. Despite a spectacular Caribbean coastline and what has always been a sizable sugar industry, Belize has never been known as a rum powerhouse. But that is changing.
Cemento Rocafuerte Opens Belize's First Cement Plant
Cemento Rocafuerto, a subsidiary of Guatemala-based Cemento Progreso, has opened Belize’s first cement plant at Mile 34 of the George Price Highway, near the capital Belmopan, in the presence of the country’s Prime Minister, John Briceño.
The 10ha plant represents an investment of US$8m and provides employment to 28 Belizeans. The plant uses European technology that meets modern environmental and quality standards
Belize Tourism Board Launches the Travel Belize App
Belize Forest Department Inaugurates Rehabilitated Facilities in Mountain Pine Ridge
The Forest Department under the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management held an inauguration ceremony for key facilities in Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve renovated under the Selva Maya Natural Resources Protection Project. The facilities include the San Ignacio Forest Station, the Cooma Cairn Ranger Station, Pine Ridge ranger quarters and visitors’ restroom, and a storage facility at Forest Department headquarters in Belmopan.
The Belize Tourism Board (BTB) has launched the Travel Belize App which provides a new immersive experience allowing travelers to curate their perfect Belize getaway before even stepping foot in the country. the Travel Belize app helps travelers customize a personal itinerary based on adventure level and preferred locations in-country. The app, which is available for free download in the Google Play and Apple iOS stores, entices visitors to go beyond the destination’s signature experiences and to begin their vacation early and enjoy the planning process.
Peace Corps Prepares to Re-Open Program in Belize
“Following 15 months of global isolation, tireless work by our staff around the world and incredible patience from our applicants and host country partners, the Peace Corps is moving forward in the process of returning to our overseas posts,” said Acting Peace Corps Director Carol Spahn.
The Peace Corps is implementing plans to move forward with re-opening its program in Belize.
At the request of the government of Belize, volunteers will engage in literacy work to help local schools recover following disruptions to the education system during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mexico Wants to Maximize Its Friendship With Belize
“We have put forward the topics that we want to discuss with them in agriculture, such as technical cooperation, genetic improvement in cattle, development of the sheep industry, aquaculture, beekeeping, cooperation in the sectors of fruits and fruit trees such as coconut, citrus and soursop, and tariff exemption on cattle exported to Mexico,” said Minister Mai before travelling to Chetumal. Belize stands to gain considerably from these talks considering our Northern neighbor is a giant in the region. With a population of 126.1 million people, Mexico offers significant trade opportunities to Belizean producers and service providers. The neighboring state of Quintana Roo alone had approximately 1.5 million people in the 2015 census.
Huge Wildlife Corridor in Belize Sees Progress, Boosting Hope for Jaguars and More
The hope is that 2,000 acres of this farm will be a forested part of the MFC, while the other 4,000 acres will be for agricultural purposes, such as growing hemp. The hope is protecting the land as agricultural will prevent developers from acquiring it. Current estimates are that approximately 60 jaguars exist in the MFC. Hopefully these additional acquisitions will secure more habitat for jaguars, the other four species of cats, and their prey. And in so doing, hopefully the populations of all these species will increase.
Belize Is One of the World’s Greatest Places, According to TIME Magazine
Belize continues to rake in tourism and environmental accolades as it welcomes back tourists who long for sunny skies and open spaces after being locked up by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This week, it is recognition by TIME magazine as one of the World’s 100 Greatest Places. The blurb on TIME’s website notes the purchase of 236 thousand acres of forest covering nine percent of the national landmass as an effort to protect the spider monkeys, jaguars, and ocelots that call the forest home as an example of how seriously Belize takes protecting this pristine environment.
Belize Considered One of the Safest Countries in the World Right Now
Belize is considered a level one destination by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) in the United States, which means we are one of the safest countries in the world right now – we are on track for a quick recovery,” Belize’s Tourism Minister Anthony Mahler told Breaking Travel News. As tourism is regaining its footing amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Belize is “one bright spot” as it is rapidly recovering and should return to pre-pandemic numbers by early 2022.
Inaugural Belize Taiwan Academic Conference Held
The Belize Embassy in Taiwan, in collaboration with Belize Taiwan Association (BTA) and Central America Trade Office (CATO), hosted the inaugural Belize Taiwan Academic Conference (BTAC), which is set to become an annual event designed to increase interactions between students and scholars from both countries. The event was held virtually due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and live streamed on the embassy's Facebook page. It was also simulcasted on various media platforms in the Central American state. In her opening remarks, Belize Ambassador to Taiwan Candice Pitts said the concept of BTAC was inspired by the Belizean students in Taiwan, who wanted to do more with the knowledge they learned.
Belize Signs Financial Agreements With EU For Technical Help
The government of Belize has assigned that they have signed a financing agreement with the European Union (EU) that provides grant funds and technical help for electricity projects that use mini-grid & stand-alone solar technology to reach communities whose connections to the national grid are not currently feasible. According to the Belizan government, The overarching goal of the initiative is to bring electricity to those communities & villages that are unserved and lack access to energy services and are supported by the EU through LAIT UP BELIZE!, a project for capacity building in the energy sector. The project also provides grant funding to NGOs and BEL for the improvement of access to energy services in the country.
Newly Crowned Queen of the Bay-Belize District Representative Preps for National Pageant
Twenty-four-year old Druwel Jones is the new Queen of the Bay-Belize District representative. The Albert Division delegate will now be representing the Belize District at the National Queen of the Bay Pageant in August. Today, the newly crowned queen stopped by our studios and spoke about what the completion was like and her upcoming preparations for the national pageant.
Seven Best Outdoor Experiences on Ambergris Caye, Belize
Ambergris Caye remains best known among the scuba diving community for the easiest access to the Blue Hole, its vibrant marine life, and the protective barrier reef just a half-mile offshore.
Ambergris Caye, founded in 1848 by Mestizo refugees from the wars in the Yucatan, is a quick, scenic 13-minute prop-plane flight from the Belize City Airport on Tropic Air or Maya Air. It has one city, San Pedro, named for Peter, patron saint of fishermen.
UNHCR & Department of Youth Services Sign Agreement to Support Refugee, Local Youth in Belize
“Youth are the beacons of hope, perticularly in challenging times like these,” said Renee Cuijper’s UNHCR’s Deputy Representative of the Multi-Country Office covering Belize amid her visit to the country. “By ties with the Department of Youth Services, we can enable safe & inclusive environments for refugees and locals to develop their skills and contribute to Belize together.”
‘Our Borders Are Non-Negotiable,’ Says Belize Progressive Party
“Our Belize Defense Force continues to make us proud,” said a press release issued on Thursday by the Belize Progressive Party (BPP). “These courageous men and women risk their lives to protect and preserve our borders and natural resources, and we at the BPP are grateful for their unwavering commitment to our national security,” continued the BPP statement. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said earlier that it had strongly protested the incidents to the Guatemalan Government.
The Caye Caulker Marine Reserve Receives Uniforms and Equipment From Tourism Ministry
The Caye Caulker Marine Reserve (CCMR) received uniforms and equipment valued at over BZD$35,000 from the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations, which was delivered this morning to the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation.
"Still Waters" the Biography of Manuel Esquivel
Former two term Prime Minister Sir Manuel Esquivel is 81 years old now, and - while the senior statesman is now in the autumn of his years, his name is written large in history as Belize's first post-independence Prime Minister. Lady Kathy Esquivel, author and wife of former Prime Minister, Sir Manuel Esquivel, Publishes her third book, called "Still Waters", the Biography of Manuel Esquivel.
The book traces the career of Manuel Esquivel from a Physics teacher to Belize's first post independence Prime Minister, and it reveals much according to reviewers.
Senate Debates the Finance and Audit Reform Amendment Bill
GOB Expresses Condolences on the Assassination of Haiti’s President
On July 7th there was a debate on the Finance and Audit Reform Amendment Bill. Leader of Government Business, Senator Eamon Courtenay explained that it was to provide for the establishment of a Contingencies Fund to be used in emergency situations. "What we seek to do is to create the contingencies fund which will then have a line in the budget and when an unforeseen emergency hits, the funds are already appropriated by parliament for that purpose."
The news of the assassination triggered several emergency meetings being called by regional and international bodies including the United Nations. Belize, via a press release, has condemned the killing, stating, quote, “Such a heinous act of political violence has no place in democratic societies or in the Caribbean Community, which is firmly committed to the rule of law and democratic principles.” End of quote.
Athletes Shaun Gill, Samantha Dirks, and Amado Cruz Head to Tokyo to Represent Belize in 2021 Olympics
Samantha Dirks and Shaun Gill were Belize’s Flag Bearers at the Olympics Opening Ceremony on July 23 in Tokyo, according to the National Olympic Committee (NOC). Dirks, Gill, and Deon Sutherland (Athletics president and coach) arrived in Tokyo on July 19 and will be training in a designated camp organized by Pan Am Sports in Tachikawa, a city located in the western portion of Tokyo Metropolis. Two more persons will be joining them as part of the Belize Delegation.
Dirks and Gill are representing Belize in Athletics and Cruz in Canoeing, the XXXII Olympiad runs from July 23-August 8, 2021.
Belize Participates in 42nd CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting
Prime Minister John Briceño, headed the Belize delegation to the 42nd regular meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) from 5th July 2021 to 6th July 2021. In speaking a wide range of critical points during the virtual meeting, the heads assessed the regional advancements made in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The heads agreed to intensify their efforts to acquire adequate supplies of vaccines with the determination to complete regional herd immunity of 80% coverage by the end of 2021 and mandated the mobilization of resources to address COVID vaccine hesitancy.
"This month we celebrated the 48th anniversary of the creation of CARICOM, which has unified our Caribbean nations to work together and prosper together. Cooperation is not only beneficial but necessary to overcome the historical challenges our nations face." - Prime Minister Briceño
Belize Lands Donation of 42 Thousand Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccines From the United Kingdom
As part of its 100 million excess, Oxford-AstraZeneca produced COVID-19 vaccine supplies to be donated to developing countries, the United Kingdom will deliver 42 thousand doses to Belize, the Government announced today. The deal was arranged between Belize Minister of Foreign Affairs Eamon Courtenay and Minister of State for the Commonwealth Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon as well as British High Commissioner Claire Evans and will be in use for the ongoing national vaccine program. Belize has primarily been using AstraZeneca vaccine donated from Mexico, Barbados through India, and the COVAX program of the World Health Organization, which it bought last year. Belize has also used the Sinopharm vaccine from China, mainly for the local Taiwanese and Mainland Chinese population. As of today, more than 125 thousand Belizeans are partially vaccinated and more than 50 thousand fully vaccinated.
Belize Hotel Association President Supports Tourism Plan
The new BHA President, Mrs. Alina Saldivar, is optimistic about the Plan’s pre-covid-19 goals for tourism arrivals, and expressed that the new plans that BTB has embarked on are much needed and would have been necessary even if the pandemic had not happened, in order to prepare for increased numbers of tourist arrivals.
Saldivar applauded the planned airport expansion and improvement proposals, and the focus on airlift development, but she feels that airlift development is pivotal. “When the flights are full and the hotels are full, so many other beneficiaries fall into place. The wheels start turning again.” she said. Saldivar feels that a reduced hotel tax for the Belizean traveler is a good idea but added that the BHA hopes that BTB keeps its commitment to sharing the weight in order to make it a mutually beneficial venture.
Handing Over of Enforcement Equipment to Department of Transport
The Government of Belize, through a loan from the Caribbean Development Bank, has launched the Second Road Safety Project. The purpose of the project is to decrease the number of fatalities and serious injuries caused by road traffic accidents. As enforcers of road safety, the Department of Transport received 26 breathalyzers with 5,000 mouthpieces and 16 speed guns.
Traffic wardens will be traveling to receive training for the equipment.
Government of Belize & Caribbean Development Bank Sign Grant Agreement for Basic Needs Trust Fund's 10th Program
The BNTF Program is the principal program of the CDB pointed at reducing the incidence of poverty in low-income, vulnerable communities. Under the program, sub-projects are performed to improve access to quality education and training, water and sanitation, basic community access and drainage, livelihoods improvement and human resource development services.
According to the Government of Belize, these projects contribute significantly to addressing the basic needs of Belizeans, creating opportunities to integrate residents into the national development grid of Belize.
The sub-projects will be implemented by SIF, the implementing agency for the Government of Belize tasked with addressing the basic needs of all Belizeans.
Belize Travel Health & Safety
Things to Know Before Traveling to Belize
- Vaccinated travelers must present a vaccination record card, with full inoculation completed at least two weeks before their arrival into Belize.
- Persons entering Belize are no longer required to download and complete the Belize Health App prior to arriving.
- International tourists must book a stay at a Gold Standard hotel and present confirmation at immigration.
- You must present a negative PCR Test taken within 96 hours of travel or a Negative Rapid Test taken within 48 hours of travel.
- You can also take a Covid-19 Test at the airport upon arrival, the cost is $50 USD per person, and only positive cases will receive a notification within 24 hours.
Belize Tourism Board and Diaspora Relations
Belize City, Belize, Tuesday, July 27th, 2021: The Belize Tourism Board (BTB) welcomes the announcement by Frontier Airlines on the start of a non-stop service to Belize from Denver, Colorado and Orlando, Florida beginning on December 11, 2021. The service, which will be offered initially only on Saturdays, will be year-round with the potential for additional growth in the future.
The first flight will depart Denver at 8:36 am and arrive in Belize at 1:44 pm. That flight will depart Belize to Orlando at 2:49 pm and arrive at 6:14 pm. The second flight will depart Orlando at 1:42 pm and arrive in Belize at 3:10 pm. It will depart Belize to Denver at 4:15 pm and arrive at 9:40 pm.
“We’re delighted to announce service to Belize City from two major U.S. markets: Denver and Orlando,” said Daniel Shurz, senior vice president of commercial, Frontier Airlines. “Frontier is not only known for its affordability, but also its commitment to more sustainable flying as America’s Greenest Airline. Our fleet is comprised of the youngest aircraft in the industry and with each flight we’re maximizing efficiency. We look forward to welcoming visitors to Belize onboard our Green airline to explore the destination’s unique natural environment, wildlife and sun-filled activities as well as local residents seeking affordable travel to the U.S.”
Frontier Airlines (NASDAQ: ULCC) is committed to “Low Fares Done Right.” Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, the company operates more than 100 A320 family aircraft and has the largest A320neo fleet in the U.S. The use of these aircraft, Frontier’s seating configuration, weight-saving tactics and baggage process have all contributed to the airline’s average of 43 percent fuel savings compared to other U.S. airlines (fuel savings is based on Frontier Airlines’ 2019 fuel consumption per seat-mile compared to the weighted average of major U.S. airlines), which makes Frontier the most fuel-efficient U.S. airline. Frontier is also committed to families enabling children 14 years and younger to fly free through the airline’s Discount Den travel club on qualifying flights. With approximately 150 new Airbus planes on order, Frontier will continue to grow to deliver on the mission of providing affordable travel across America.
The BTB views the start of Frontier Airlines’ service to Belize as a critical expansion in the country’s international connectivity since it will afford visitors from the Western and South-Eastern United States greater travel options to enjoy Belize as a premier vacation destination.
Belize’s efforts to increase its international flight connectivity are already paying off. The month of May registered 19,544 overnight visitors to Belize while the month of June registered 26,215 visitors. The numbers for July also continue to trend well, which signals that Belize’s tourism industry is on the path to recovery.
Belize Welcomes First Cruise Ship in 16 Months
As part of the resumption of cruise operations, Carnival Cruise Line continues to return to ports for the first time since suspensions first started in March 2020. This includes the Carnival Vista making a visit to Belize for the first time in 16 months and passengers enjoying the port to boost the local economy.
Trade and Investment Tidbits
Belizean Beef Could be Entering The U.S. and Canada's Meat Markets
Minister of Agriculture, Food Security, and Enterprise, Jose Abelardo Mai, stated that Mexican buyers are happy with Belizean beef. “SuKarne seems to have penetrated the US market with our beef and is seeking to penetrate the Canadian market as well”. Mexican multinational SuKarne, is the company buying Belizean cattle. As of July Belize has exported over 20,000 head of cattle to Mexico and Guatemala over the last eight months.
Belize Invited to Pan American, Caribbean Cycling Championships in Dominican Republic in August
The Cycling Federation of Belize (CFB) said on Tuesday that the Pan American Federation sent an official invitation to Belize to participate in the Pan American Road Cycling Championships and the Caribbean Road Cycling Championships.
Both events are to be held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, from August 11-15, 2021.
Shark Ray Alley is located just one mile south of the Hol Chan cut and is listed as “Zone D” of the Hol Chan Marine Reserve. Once a place where fishermen would clean their catches, this 1,280-acre protected region, has evolved into a top snorkeling location!
Wen Pikni Waa(nt) Cry, Yu Only Look Pan A(m) An E Cry
English Translation:
When a baby wants to cry, you only look at it and it cries.
When a person intends to do something, the unlikeliest circumstances serve as rationalizations.
Let us preserve and protect our historical landmarks & protected sites
Belizean Star of the Month!
Elvira Mendez
Belize’s Representative on the Board of Directors of the Inter-American Development Bank and Board Member for Pathlight International and Pathlight Belize
#Rememberit'sgoodtobeBelizean #thewaitisover
Elvira is a professional in the development field, a leader in fundraising for humanitarian causes, an avid event planner and a dedicated mother of two, Kiara and Anwar Mendez. She is married to a well-known Belizean Diplomat, Ambassador Nestor Mendez, Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States (former Ambassador of Belize to the US 2008-2015).
Elvira is the youngest of 12 children and was raised by the fifth child in the family, Nurse Martha Melendez after losing her mother at only nine months old. Her childhood was defined and shaped by her personal resilience to difficult life situations at a very early age. Her guardian and sister taught her that anything is possible with hard work, passion, perseverance, resilience, tenacity and having a good Christian faith. Growing up with a health provider meant living in many rural areas in the Orange Walk and Corozal Districts. During her high school years at Escuela Secundaria Tecnica Mexico in the Corozal District, Elvira was an avid dancer, a star athlete and a beauty queen.
For over twenty years, Elvira has worked in different sectors of the development sphere, and since 2013, she has been serving as the Belize Representative on the Board of Executive Directors of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Washington, DC. As the first ever representative for the Government of Belize on the IDB Board, she is committed to promoting and defending Belize’s interests at this important financial institution, while complying with her fiduciary responsibilities as a Board Member which include providing oversight and policy formulation of the IDB Group.
In both her professional and personal endeavors, Elvira has always been committed to developing strong relationships and partnerships for Belize. She is passionate about giving back to her country and has championed several philanthropic projects to benefit Belize. Elvira is also well known within the Belizean Community in the United States of America through her active engagement as the spouse of Ambassador Nestor Mendez and she continues to actively engage with the Belizean Diaspora serving as a Belize Justice of the Peace since 2017 and a member of the Champions for Belize diaspora group in the Washington D.C. area. She is also a member since 2008 of the Board of Directors of the Organization Women of the Americas in Washington, DC, where she has served in several senior capacities including as President. Some organizations that have benefited from her fundraising activities are the Belize Inspiration Center, Hand in Hand Ministries, Liberty Children’s Home, the Pannerifix Steel Band, the Belize Red Cross, and recently HelpAge Belize, Orange Walk Branch.
Since November 2020, Elvira Mendez is also a member of the Board of Directors of Pathlight International and PathLight Belize, where she is focused on bringing international funding alongside PathLight’s mission to help transform lives of Belizean children and teachers through education.
Elvira Mendez holds a Master’s degree in Global Policy from The Paul H. Nitze School of Advance International Studies of Johns Hopkins University in Washington, DC; a Master’s Degree in Project Management and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration both from the Keller Graduate School of Devry University in Washington, DC. She also has a Bachelor’s in Science in Business Administration from the University of Belize.
July 2021
For over ten years, Pathlight has been training teachers and providing scholarships to students in Belize. Elvira Mendez encourages the Belizean Diaspora to join her and the Pathlight Belize ream in making a real impact on the lives of Belizean teachers and students through education.
Pathlight’s 100% Promise means that your donation goes directly to helping children and teachers of Belize.
We are proud to call Elvira
our Star of the Month!
Our deep condolences to the families of Belizeans at home and abroad who have lost their lives to COVID-19.
May they rest in peace.
Lobster Stew With Coconut Rice
- 2 large lobsters (about 4 pounds total, cooked; or approximately 4 cups of lobster meat)
- 4 to 6 tablespoons butter
- 6 cups milk
- 2 cups heavy cream
- Salt, to taste
- Black pepper, to taste
- Paprika, to taste
Dry sherry, as desired, optional
- Fresh parsley or green onions, chopped, for garnish
Steps to Make It
Remove the meat from steamed lobsters and cut it into cubes, or cube the already deshelled lobster meat. Pan-fry the meat in a generous amount of butter (4 to 6 tablespoons) until it's lightly browned. Be careful not to burn the butter.
In a separate pan, heat up the milk, being careful not to boil it. Add the lobster meat to the hot milk and cook slowly for 5 to 10 minutes.
Stir in the heavy cream and bring it nearly to a boil but not over. Lower the heat. Add salt and pepper to taste and a little paprika for color. If desired, stir in a dash of sherry for extra flavor.
Serve hot and enjoy!
- 1 13.5 ounce can coconut milk
- 1/3 cup water
- 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
- 2 cups 5 minute white rice
- 2 tablespoons finely chopped cilantro
Add coconut milk and water to a pot and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and stir in the minced garlic and rice. Let it sit for 5 minutes and then stir in the cilantro.
Caye Caulker Stewed Coco Plum
- 75 Coco plums
- 3 cups of brown sugar
- 4 cups of water
- Cinnamon sticks and spice seed.
Fill a pot with water and add in the coco plums. Bring the water to a boil and when the coco plums have cooled off drain the water.
To make the syrup add three cups of brown sugar to half a pot of water. Add in cinnamon sticks and spice seed to taste. When the syrup is complete add in the coco plums.
Bring to a boil again, reduce heat and simmer for as long as the syrup thickens and fruit darkens. Let it sit for up to 2 days.
When fruit and syrup are dark and fairly medium thick, keep in a sterilized jar and fill up to three quarters of the jar.
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April 2020, VOL. 64 Read More
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Upcoming Events
#Rememberit'sgoodtobeBelizean #thewaitisover
Deer Dance Festival
August 1
A uniquely Belizean experience, the Deer Dance Festival is held in the Mayan village of San Antonio in Belize’s southern Toledo District. The event features a ritualized dance emulating the hunting of a deer, followed by locals attempting to scale a greased pole. Hilarity ensues!
International Costa Maya Festival
August – 1
The Costa Maya Festival is a week-long celebration that brings musical groups, artists and beauty queens from the neighboring countries of Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Costa Rica.
San Joaquin Fiesta
August 16 – 19
The San Joaquin Fiesta is receiving more attention as the years go by; in fact, it has become the biggest event the village hosts. The Fiesta is in celebration of the village’s patron saint: San Joaquin,” said Marceli Tzul, Chairperson of the San Joaquin Village Council. “Every year, we first pay tribute to our Saint and then the party begins. The general public is invited to join the celebration