May 2023 Vol 100

The Consulate of Belize in Florida
Monthly Newsletter
#rememberitsgoodtobebelizean #thewaitisover

Honorary Consul's Monthly Message

Welcome to the May Newsletter!

“Among the changing months, May stands confessed The sweetest, and in fairest colors dressed!” –James Thomson, Scottish poet (1700–48).


We hope that your May has been as lovely and bright as the month promises. From the fresh blooms of spring to greet our special Mothers on Mother’s Day and to celebrate the Blessed Mother Mary’s month, to commemorate Labor Day, Memorial Day, and for Belize's neighbors in the North, Cinco de Mayo, May was full of life and love.

Another important milestone happened this month. After 8 years and three months, the Consulate of Belize in Florida is publishing its 100th edition! Congratulations to all the staff, especially Tracy Gomez and Daniela Valle, who have tirelessly worked on producing an amazing newsletter, a medium designed especially for the Diaspora to receive the latest news about the Jewel.


During the past month, Belize continues in furthering its steps towards improving and developing the nation. As Henry David Thoreau once said, "Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." This rings true for Belize, as the country has been engaged with numerous projects and initiatives. From infrastructure improvements to educational programs, Belize is committed to advancement and progress.


The Prime Minister represented Belize at the 7th Association of Caribbean States International Cooperation Conference and traveled to South Korea to attend the World Climate Industry Expo - Leaders' Summit. While working to expand and strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries, he also advocated for a $90 million loan from Saudi Arabia for a state-of-the-art hospital in Belmopan.


Meanwhile, the Office of the Special Envoy for the Development of Families and Children distributed sanitary napkins and other essential supplies to several high schools and communities in the Stann Creek and Toledo Districts as part of the Don’t Tax my Femininity Initiative. 


Along with H.E. Mrs. Rossana Briceno, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted an award ceremony for “Women Who Boss” competition and celebrated Caricom Week with an educational forum. While the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration, Hon. Eamon Courtenay worked to strengthen diplomatic relations with Spain.


In GOB Movers and Shakers, we highlight how the different ministries worked on several ongoing projects. From the Ministry of Education managing the Belize Resilient School Feeding Program, to tips for preventing and controlling wildfires from the Ministry of Sustainable Development. And that's not all, we also included exciting news about the new leadership for the Ministry of Blue Economy. With so much happening in Belize, it's important to stay informed about all the work being done to make Belize a better and stronger country.

Furthermore, as the world continues to navigate through the complexities of international relations, the European Union has shown support for activities aimed at promoting peace and stability in the Belize-Guatemala border area. In recent news, Belize filed a "Memorial" to the International Court of Justice regarding its dispute with Honduras over the Sapodilla Caye.

Additionally, Belize and Barbados are set to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to deepen cooperation in the Blue Economy.

Moving on to the Star of the Month, this edition we shared the inspiring story of Nicole Ann Cain. A Belizean with a caring and selfless nature, Nicole's commitment to helping those in need has been a driving force in her life for many years.

We hope you enjoy this read, and if you know someone who is making a difference, nominate them as the Consulate of Belize’s Star of the Month! Who knows, maybe you, your friend or a family member can be our next edition’s Star of the Month! #Belizeansdogreatthingswhereevertheygo

For our foodie readers, you'll love this month's addition of creole flavor with a very popular dish, Boil Up! This traditional Belizean dish is a must try that combines a variety of local ingredients, including fish, plantain, and root vegetables, all deliciously brewed in a large pot.


In addition to this savory meal, we also included a recipe for crispy plantain chips, a beloved street snack in Belize under Street Food Series. Be sure to pair them with your favorite dip or salsa for an extra bite of flavor! We suggest the Belizean favorite, Happy Cow cheese dip.

Thank you for reading this newsletter. Enjoy and share with your family and friends!


And remember, it is good to be Belizean!

#rememberitsgoodtobebelizean #thewaitisover #staysafe

Warm wishes,

Janine Sylvestre
Hon. Consul of Belize in Florida 
Trade Representative of Belize in Florida
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WEBINAR: U.S. Government Financing for the Private Sector in Belize

Event Description


The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) are pleased to invite you to participate in our upcoming webinar on Tuesday, June 13th, 2023 from 12:00 PM to 1:45 PM Eastern (US & Canada) for a discussion regarding U.S. Government financing for the private sector in Belize. These programs are designed to enhance the private sector’s access to capital and support their operations. This event will provide valuable insights on the U.S. DFC’s and MCC’s processes and opportunities for potential foreign direct investors interested in Belize with those businesses potentially being either diaspora and/or non-diaspora investors.


MCC in partnership with the US Development Finance Corporation (USDFC) is hosting this webinar to promote agency awareness, review financing instruments, and foster understanding of potential investment opportunities in Belize. The webinar will provide participants with an understanding of the US DFC which is the US Government’s foreign investment agency that provides debt and equity capital to foreign projects and companies. During the event, we will have the opportunity to spotlight MCC’s emerging Belize Compact and garner potential for the American Catalyst Facility for Development (ACFD). We welcome support and attendance by all interested parties.



Tuesday, June 13th, 2023

12:00 PM - 1:45 PM (UTC-4:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

please note this event is virtual via Webex

please RSVP no later than Monday June 12th, close of business

Contact MCC Info ( with any questions.

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Prime Minister Briceño Attends IX Summit of the Association of Caribbean States

Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño led Belize’s delegation at the IX Summit of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) held in Antigua, Guatemala, on May 12. The summit was held under the theme, “Innovating integration through the sustainable development of the Greater Caribbean.” It was preceded by Senior Officials and Ministerial meetings.

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Hon. John Briceño was the Keynote Speaker at the World Climate Industry Expo - Leaders’ Summit in Busan, South Korea

The Summit's theme was "Global Cooperation and Solidarity for the Fight against Climate Change in the Ocean.” The Prime Minister shared in his statement "The developed nations should support developing nations in their efforts to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change through scientific research, knowledge-sharing, and capacity building initiatives."

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South Korea Proposes Agreement to Support Belize

Prime Minister of South Korea, Han Duck-soo proposed a Bilateral Agreement with Belize to provide financial support, trade facilitation, and education scholarship opportunities. Prime Minister Briceño also requested support for Belize's application to join the World Bank's International Development Association (IDA) and the Korean Economic Development Co-operation Fund (EDCF). Read More

Belize and Saudi Arabia Signed A Development Loan Agreement for $45 Million USD

Prime Minister Briceño and H.E. Ahmed bin Aqil al-Khateeb, Saudi Minister of Tourism and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD), signed a development loan agreement for US$45 million to construct a tertiary hospital in Belmopan, benefiting 200,000 citizens annually and training health personnel from the University of Belize.

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Belize is Open for Business.

Former PUP Minister of Works Henry Canton and Amelio Chi met with two investors from Bamboo Bioproducts, interested in starting a new industry in Belize. The new industry represents a potential investment of US$500M and the creation of many jobs for Belizeans, in line with #PlanBelize.

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Prime Minister Unveils Future Strategy for Boledo

Prime Minister John Briceno announced that revenues from the Boledo Gaming Group Limited would be used to fund the National Health Insurance (NHI). He cited successful models such as Costa Rica and Canada where lottery profits are used for societal benefits. Read More

Prime Minister Meets with Green Climate Fund and Global Green Growth Institute

The Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño invited representatives of the GCF to visit Belize and have a firsthand experience of the challenges Belize faces due to climate change. The meeting ended favourably, with GCF offering assistance in providing capacity-building expertise within the human resource sector. Read More

The Office of the Special Envoy Distributed Sanitary Napkins in Southern Belize

The Office of the Special Envoy for the Development of Families and Children distributed sanitary napkins and other essential supplies to several high schools and communities in the Stann Creek and Toledo Districts on Menstrual Hygiene Day. This initiative was started by Ms. Seidi Quetzal and her "Don't Tax My Femininity Campaign" to raise awareness and increase access to proper menstrual care.

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CARICOM's 50th Anniversary

Honourable Eamon Courtenay, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, and Immigration, delivered a speech at the High-Level Forum commemorating CARICOM's 50th anniversary. Read More

Educational Forum on CARICOM and Belize's Development.

In commemoration of Belize signing the Treaty of Chaguaramas, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, and Immigration hosted an educational forum on CARICOM and Belize's development.

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Belize and Taiwan Host Award Ceremony for “Women Who Boss” Competition

Thе Міnіѕtrу оf Fоrеіgn Аffаіrѕ, Fоrеіgn Тrаdе аnd Іmmіgrаtіоn аnd thе Таіwаn Еmbаѕѕу hеld аn аwаrd сеrеmоnу fоr thе wіnnеrѕ оf thе МЅМЕ Wоmеn Есоnоmіс Еmроwеrmеnt Соmреtіtіоn: “Wоmеn whо Воѕѕ”.

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Belize Seeking to Strengthen Diplomatic Relations with Spain

The Government of Belize and Spain are in talks to strengthen diplomatic relations, according to Eamon Courtenay. They established diplomatic relations on 13 January 1989 and have shared a cordial relationship since. Belize has an embassy and honorary consulates in Madrid, Barcelona, and Palma de Mallorca, while Spain has a non-resident embassy for Belize in Guatemala and an honorary consulate located in Belize City. In 2003, the Said Musa Administration began talks to strengthen diplomatic ties. Read More

CARICOM Foreign Ministers Meet in Jamaica to Tackle Regional Issues

The two-day meeting will be chaired by Jamaica's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator Kamina Johnson Smith.

This 26th Meeting of the CARICOM Council Foreign and Community Relations will tackle a packed agenda, including relations with India, Europe, Canada, Mexico, and Cuba, and bilateral relations with CARICOM and the USA, Africa, Dominica Republic, and the Central America Integration System (SICA). Read More

Consulate of Belize in Florida

"House Keeping Business"

New Epic System is Now Officially Up and Running!

All those who were on our waiting list for passport renewals have completed their appointments. Our calendar is filling up fast so please call as soon as you can to schedule an appointment.

Contact Information:



Email: to hearing from you!

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Belizean Diaspora in the USA

Belize Business Directory

USA Database

Here at the Consulate, we continue to work diligently in updating our database by calling members of the Belizean Diaspora and asking for their most recent contact information. This is to ensure we are able to share upcoming events, new services, and business opportunities in a timely manner. We appreciate your cooperation and support in sharing your contact information. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Market your Business in our Consulate's Website

The Consulate's Belize Business Directory is new and improved!

The Directory's objective is to promote Belizean businesses in the US and in Belize. If you own a business or know of a Belizean who does and would like to publish it on our website, please send us an email with your contact information so that we can add it to our Belizean Business Directory.

Visit our Website

Belize Embassy, Mission and Consulates

Contact Information

Register with us as a Belizean in Florida and keep up to date on all news and events happening in Florida and Belize!

The information you provide is strictly confidential and used for database purposes only. 

Click Here to Register

Tourism Tidbits

Belize Hosts CXXV Ordinary Meeting of the Central American Tourism Council

Ministers, tourism boards, and private sector associations from Central America and the Dominican Republic met in person and virtually to advance the goals of the regional tourism agenda established in the Strategic Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development.

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Trade and Investment Tidbits

Belize Attends the Americas Competitiveness Exchange

Dr. Leroy Almendarez, Executive Director of BELTRAIDE, is one of 60 persons who visited Seattle to participate in the Americas Competitiveness Exchange (ACE). ACE connects leaders from different countries to foster trade and investment opportunities, allowing Belize to explore partnerships and discuss methodologies and programs that can lead to economic development. Read More

Cultural Tidbits

The Garifuna Cultural Expo

Unity, Respect and Celebration are the three elements echoed at the festive celebration with our Garifuna brothers and sisters.

The Ministry of Human Development, Families and Indigenous Peoples' Affairs is proud to collaborate and sponsor this event with the National Garifuna Council of Belize. Read More

Nicole Ann Cain

Nicole Ann Cain’s motto in life is "Each one helps one! " She lives her motto every day in her personal and professional life. Her passion, dedication, and love for her country and its people trigger her caring and selfless nature to impact the lives of those in need. She simply cannot help herself. This is her legacy!

Nicole is a visionary, a community servant, and a born collaborator whose open and friendly nature draws like-minded people together at the right time to serve. She is genuine and authentic; her approachable demeanor draws people to her infectiousness.

Her humility and integrity are just a few reasons she can mobilize people from all walks of life to unite for common causes of giving back to her communities in Belize, the United States, and other countries. Her vision, filled with sunlight and love, goes forth to aid the lives of many unfortunate and forgotten. She coordinates and distributes for established global charity foundations to help extend the impact of others. She links the people who have the means to the people in need.

Nicole is a highly respected professional as a legal supervisor at Kahane & Associates, P.A. in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Over her last 15 years of employment, she mentored and supported young adults embarking on their careers. Over time, she formed a sisterly bond with many people from different countries. This group grew under Nicole’s leadership over time through grassroots efforts.

 In addition, she continued to spearhead and execute many more initiatives to benefit organizations and individuals in Belize, including but not limited to fundraising for several cancer patients, providing hope amid challenging health situations. She is a solid supporter of the Charlie Burton Foundation, her steadfast belief in their ongoing efforts to provide a positive outlet for youth in the Queen Square area in Belize City keeps her committed to assist in providing the necessary supplies for the program's continued success. She works closely with lxchel Caribe Foundation to facilitate the distribution of school supplies and secured laptops for deserving students.

Post-Hurricane Lisa, Nicole, in collaboration with other individuals, partnered with the churches on the Southside of Belize City, to create a food pantry known as "the People's project," where over 2000 families were provided with meals. In addition, she organized a clothing drive for the Welcome Resource Center in Belize, purchased household supplies, school supplies, and other needy products in bulk, divided the items based on need, packed countless barrels, and shipped them to the appropriate charities in Belize. She continues her partnership with the Lupus & RA Association of Belize to drive educational and health-related programs.

Nicole is driven by her passion for building communities and facilitating meaningful relationships. In addition to dedicating her time and resources to various charities, she also forms deep bonds with the families to whom she provides services. Her charitable endeavors are to her supportive friends and family who do not hesitate to fund, buy tickets, or donate to the causes.

Her propensity to help others started at an early age in Belize City, where she was born. Due to her father’s career, she and her family lived in Honduras and the United States before settling back in Belize. During her formative primary education, she attended St. Ignatius Primary School and St. Hilda’s Elementary School. She went on to graduate from St. Catherine Academy high school in 1985, shortly after she migrated to the United States, where she still resides.

Nicole is the mother of two and aunt to many for whom she continues to play an integral role in their lives. She is fiercely protective of her family, friends, and those who do not have a voice. Besides her volunteerism, she loves music, dancing, reading, and simply sharing tips and tricks for everyone’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Anyone impacted by Nicole’s ‘touch’ is always willing and able to pay it forward by supporting her in all she initiates.

We cannot wait to see what’s next for Nicole as she continues to make a difference in the lives of many as she lives her motto ‘"Each one helps one!”, one person at a time, one day at a time.


We are proud to call you our Star of the Month!

Landmark of the Month

Green Hills Butterfly Ranch

Green Hills Butterfly Ranch is the premier Live Butterfly Exibit in Belize. Green Hills literally has thousands of live butterflies on display in a 4,000 square feet walk-in flight area. See the full metamorphosis from egg to adult butterfly.

Belizeanism of the Month

To Sweat Other People's Fever

Meaning: To be overly concerned about injustices to others, especially strangers.

  • Ministry of Food Security Hands Over Belize Resilient School Feeding Program to Ministry of Education Read More

  • Ministry of Education Kicks off Education Week Celebration with Ecumenical Service in Belize City Read More

  • Ministry of Sustainable Development, Forest Department, Department of the Environment Give Tips to Prevent and Control Wildfires Read More

  • The Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing Gives Resident Joleen Martinez Keys to her Brand New Home Read More

  • John Burgos to Lead Ministry of Blue Economy’s Marine Protected Areas Program Read More

  • Government of Belize and UNICEF Enter into Partnership to Transform Education Through Technology Read More
  • European Union Provides Further Support for Activity in the Belize-Guatemala Border Area Read More

  • Belize Submits Memorial to ICJ in Sovereignty Dispute with Honduras over Sapodilla Caye Read More

  • Taiwan Thanks Belize for Expressing Support for Inclusion at World Health Assembly Read More

  • Belize and Barbados to Sign MoU Deepening Blue Economy Cooperation Read More

  • Belize Newest Country to Join Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labour Read More

  • Belizean Centenarian Celebrates Milestone Occasion with Family Gala in New York Read More

  • Belize Wins Two Bronze Medals in Guatemalan Judo Invitational National Championship Read More

  • Belize Boxing Development Council Announces the First World Boxing Council Championship Bout in Belize in June Read More

  • Chocolate Festival of Belize in Santa Cruz, Toledo with the Cacao & Culture Event Read More
  • Belize Hosts Regional Training Workshop on Climate Change Reporting for 30 Latin American, Caribbean Countries Read More

  • Belize Fund for a Sustainable Future (BFSF) Presents First Annual Impact Report Read More

  • Friends for Conservation and Development Conduct Educational Farm Visits in Vaca Plateau, Cayo Read More

  • Farmers in Maskall Area Receive Training in Climate Smart Agriculture Read More

  • A Wildlife Rescue Project Protects Belize’s Threatened Seascapes and Wildlife–One Manatee at a Time Read More

  • Belizean Businesses to Benefit from Partnership Between Belize Bank Ltd. and IDB Invest Read More

  • Around 40 Entrepreneurs Attend Digital Marketing Workshop Hosted by BELTRAIDE Read More

  • Central Bank Sets Formal Exchange Rate for U.S. dollar Read More

  • Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute Participate in Agric 2023 Read More

  • Save the Date for Belize Investment Summit 2023 from August 30th - September 1st Read More

  • Belize Making Strides in Strategy for Women, Children and Adolescents’ Health Read More

  • US Ambassador Michelle Kwan, Minister of Tourism Anthony Mahler exchange views on current and future trends of tourism in Belize Read More

  • Regenerative Hotels Launch Innovative Scuba Diving Programs in Belize and Tanzania for World Oceans Day 2023 Read More

  • Belize Shines as Coco Plum and Manta Island Resorts Top TripAdvisor’s Best Small Hotels Rankings Read More

  • How to Unleash the Potential of Belize as a Superyacht Destination Read More

Boil Up


  • Fish (sliced)
  • Small piece of salted pork (diced)
  • Eggs
  • Yam
  • Cassava
  • Large sweet potatoes
  • Ripe plantains

  • Green bananas
  • Onion
  • Tomatoes / can of diced tomatoes
  • Baking powder
  • Water
  • Pepper
  • Salt

Full Recipe

Plantain Chips


  • 2 green plantains
  • Vegetable oil, for frying (about 2 cups/475ml)
  • Kosher salt


  • Cut off the ends of each plantain.
  • Peel plantains.
  • Cut plantains in half crosswise.
  • Using a mandoline slicer, slice plantains lengthwise into planks 1/8 inch thick.

Line a rimmed baking sheet with a wire rack. Fill a large, deep cast iron or stainless-steel skillet halfway with oil. Set over medium-high heat until the oil reaches 350°F (175°C). Working in batches and avoiding crowding the pan, add plantain slices and fry, turning occasionally, until golden brown all over, about 4 minutes total. Using a spider or slotted spoon, transfer plantains to wire rack to drain. Season right away with salt. Repeat with remaining plantain slices.

Full Recipe
Missed an Issue of our monthly newsletter?
March 2022, VOL. 98 Read More
February 2023, VOL. 97 Read More
January 2023, VOL. 96. Read More
December 2022, VOL. 95 Read More
November 2022, VOL. 94 Read More
October 2022, VOL. 93 Read More
September 2022, VOL. 92. Read More
August 2022, VOL. 91. Read More
July 2022, VOL. 90 Read More
June 2022, VOL. 89 Read More
May 2022, VOL. 88 Read More
April 2022, VOL. 87 Read More

Prime Minister Briceño's Latest Statement on the ICJ

On September 26, as Prime Minister Briceno addressed the Protocolary Session of the (OAS), he reiterated the important role the organization has played in not only for the territorial dispute between Guatemala and Belize but in relations among all Member States.

I emphasized our hope for a peaceful solution to the Guatemala Belize matter currently at the ICJ, where Belize is allowed to maintain the integrity of all its borders.

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Belize Submits Its Counter-Memorial to the ICJ Regarding the Guatemalan Claim

On June 3rd during the sitting of the House of Representatives, Prime Minister John Briceño announced that Belize delivered its counter-memorial to the Registrar of the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Belize’s counter-memorial makes a robust defence of Belize’s sovereignty over its entire territory including islands and the pertaining maritime areas under international law. Following the timetable announced by the Court, which was amended as a result of the pandemic, Guatemala submitted its memorial on December 8, 2020, and is due to submit its reply to Belize’s counter-memorial in December 2022. Belize will then have until June 2023 to submit its rejoinder, after which the Court will set a date for the oral hearings. Briceno says that the hearing is expected to possibly be held by 2024.
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Belize's International Team for the  ICJ
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Extension of Time Limits