• Are you interested in gaining a better understanding of missions?
  • Would you like to be used by God cross-culturally?
  • Do you want to become a missionary?

Be a part of our first group partnering with Open Bible College!

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New Partnership with Open Bible College in Des Moines, Iowa!

Missions Academics is an important part of part SGL. Students and other interested individuals will now take an online course through OBC entitled:

"Biblical Perspective of Missions"

This course is an introduction to the biblical theology of missions with an emphasis on the mission of the church to the world. This course will help the student in a study of ways to implement the Great Commission in the world today. It will consider the questions as to the call and qualifications for missionary work.


This is an online, self study course, with guidance by SGL directors Mike and Pam Lumbard.

Grading will be done by OBC.

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