April 1, 2014
J. K. Rock Author News
Summer is coming...

"Wish you were here..."

Did you write letters home while you were at camp? We 
did, and we knew our characters at Camp Juniper Point would, too. That's why we have a whole section on the Camp Boyfriend website for Letters from Camp! As of now, you can read letters from the "Camp Kiss" year when the characters were younger, but we'll be adding more from the "Camp Boyfriend" era, too! Can you guess which character signed his letter "Written on this hot July day in the Third Age, Strider, Ranger of the North &Lost Heir of Isildur"? Or who is full of news about boys and braces? You'll get lots of fun peeks into the home lives of all the kids you know from camp! 

Join us at BEA in NYC!

Joanne & Karen will be signing books on May 30th at 9am during BookExpo America! Join us at the Jacob Javits Center in NYC, where we'll be signing books in the Camp Boyfriend series at the RWA booth. Readers, bloggers and reviewers, we'll be there all three days and would love to meet you! Message us!

The Camp Series 
so far...

With the release of Camp Payback just around the corner, we wanted to remind you to pick up our most recent story, Camp Christmas, a free holiday novella featuring characters from Camp Juniper Point during their Winter Break! Download Camp Christmas for free (PDF) or if you prefer to read on your Kindle, you can grab that version for just .99 cents.

(novella 1)

(book 1)

(novella 2)

(book 2)

After that, look for Camp Crush and 
Camp Forget Me Not available in fall 2014! 

Check out our Amazon Author page for links to videos, recent blog posts and a list of our upcoming book signings. 

Pre-Order Prize
Want a fast and easy way to fill your bookshelves with some amazing summer reads?? Check out all the great books you could win just by pre-ordering Camp Payback before the 4/29 release!! As a way to say "thank you" for pre-ordering the book, we're giving away this fabulous gift pack of spring releases to one random winner who pre-orders Camp Payback. You'll win copies of: To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han, What I Thought Was True by Huntley Fitzpatrick, Open Road Summer by Emery Lord,The Summer I Found You by Jolene Perry, Catch a Falling Star by Kim Culbertson, The Last Forever by Deb Caletti, The Last Best Kiss by Claire LaZebnik, & The Chance You Won't Return by Annie Cardi. 
Pre-Order Camp Payback at Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Goodreads 

Email Receipt to J.K. Rock to be entered, winner announced May 1st.

Sleep Away Camp 

Summer Party

by J.K. Rock



Blanket Fort

Maybe this will be the summer after your Senior Year and you need to make some memories before the fall.  Or maybe you're just bored of the same tired parties. Either way, it's almost time for some fun summer entertaining. Remember that Girl Scout camp you went to in fifth grade? The one where you flew kites, played flashlight tag as the stars came out and wore so many friendship bracelets your wrists never saw the sun? Relive the fun of summer camp with a Sleep-Away Party and share the silly, fun awesomeness of camp with your gfs.



Send invitations ahead of time and get everyone on board with the plan. Remind guests to bring an extra blanket and a flashlight (handy for navigating dark backyards or providing lighting effects in an impromptu karaoke laser show).  Let people know ahead of time they don't need to sleep outdoors... you can have a fire outside, but once the temp cools off, you can create a massive blanket fort in the living room for sleeping. Just find a few sturdy pieces of furniture to tie some twine between. Drape your blankets and voila- indoor tents with no bugs or crawlies.


Meet your friends before night falls. Get some help starting your backyard fire if you don't remember the proper techniques from your camping days.  While the fire gets going, you can search for wildflowers for braiding old fashioned daisy-chain necklaces or a floral crown. See who creates the best Nature Bling and take a picture of the group complete with floral headdresses. It's an Instagram for the Ages.


Once the fire is going, de-stress from your week while you nosh on s'mores and test out a Bonfire Breeze or Mess Hall Punch. Try mixing six cups cranberry juice with three cups orange juice and a half liter of Sierra Mist or ginger ale. Play with the proportions to suit your taste. Just be sure you give your specialty drink a fun, campy name. For that matter, you could try out this recipe at Yummly for Bug Juice.


Firefly Lights By now, night is falling and the fireflies are out. Challenge your friends to see who can catch and release the most fireflies. Or just enjoy the incredible magic of one or two lighting up your paper cup before you let them go again. You're never too old to be charmed by this!


Now, look up... Pass out copies of a map of the stars and take turns finding constellations in the sky. Or look up the Ten Brightest Stars in the Sky and give each friend a map. Have them find their star and share with the group.


Once you've got your camp fun in, you can head inside to build the blanket fort. Tell ghost stories. Let your girlfriends try on your killer floral crown. Most of all, pat yourself on the back for throwing a fun party and just be glad you recaptured the magic of camp one more time.  


Cover Art Coming Soon!

We can't wait to share the cover art for Camp Forget Me Not with you... it will go live later this month so check back on our Facebook page for updates!

Also coming soon, a Camp Countdown with a prize on Pinterest, a Goodreads giveaway of TEN copies of Camp Payback and all the dates for our blog tour


Until then, track our news on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest and Google + or follow Karen and Joanne on Twitter. We love to hear from our readers so please email us or message us anytime!



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Thank you for reading!


J. K. Rock  - Joanne & Karen  
Visit Us Online
Check out the J.K Rock website and the website for the Camp Boyfriend Camp Boyfriend series.