Become A Member

 Our Mission Statement: to achieve equity, political rights and social inclusion by advancing policies and practices that expand human and civil rights, eliminate discrimination and accelerate the wellbeing, education and economic security of Black people and all persons of color.


Message from the President

Our Year End

Thank you to the members of the Executive Committee and members of the standing committees for their commitment and dedication to getting things done in 2024.

In 2024, the NAACP Brockton Area Branch celebrated its 70th Anniversary and remains focused on the mission of the NAACP. 

We held branch elections: 


President – Phyllis Ellis

1st VP Bishop Tony Branch

2nd VP – Apostle Edward Campbell

3rd VP – LaTwanda Merricks

Secretary -Miles Jackson

Treasurer – Sydne Marrow


Executive Committee

Steve Abrams*

Nishawnda Ellis-Castillo

Tiffanie Ellis-Niles

Courtney Henderson

Dr. Patricia Jackson

Leona Martin

Janet Trask

*Chair, Veterans Committee


Here is a summary of all events the NAACP Brockton Area Branch covered in 2024. A special thank yuu to all who attended.

  • Hosted our 38th Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast
  • Hosted African American Book Fair celebrating Black History Month
  • Hosted Local Competition in April and competed at the National ACTSO Competition in Las Vegas (Local: 5 Gold, 1 Silver won; National: 1 Silver; 1 Bronze won)
  • Hosted Phenomenal Women Event (honoring 10 exceptional women)
  • Hosted 3rd Annual Educational Scholarships (3 awardees at $1000 each)
  • In partenership with Lawyers for Civil Rights, a letter to Governor Healy protesting the use of the National Guard at Brockton High School
  • In partnership, a Stand Out showing support for Brockton High School Students
  • In partnership, a Community Townhall focusing on the problems at Brockton High School
  • Participation in the Prostate Cancer Awareness Day at the State House
  • Hosted forum for Ward 1 School Committee Candidates seekig to fill vacant seat
  • Hosted two Prostate Cancer Events
  • Blood Drive in partnership with Brockton High School Boxer Outreach Club
  • Hosted Greenlining Project with Plymouth County Registrar of Deeds
  • Numerous intakes on discrimination in housing, employment, school
  • Hosted NAACP Forum Interview with new principal of Brockton High
  • Hosted Annual Harry O. Bernard Golf Tournament with proceeds to ACTSO
  • Hosted Why We Don’t Vote Event
  • Hosted Get out the Vote Event
  • In partnership, NAACP Postcard Campaign to Encourage Voter Participation
  • In partnership, High School Voter Registration
  • Hosted Listening Session with GBH to Reimagine Basic Black
  • Hosted The Future is Female Event (WIN)
  • Hosted Doula Event (WIN)
  • Hosted Human Trafficking Event (WIN)
  • Hosted CPR Event (WIN)
  • Hosted Mental Health Event (WIN)
  • In partnership, STEM Event (WIN)
  • Collaborations, community engagement and support for our veterans of African American descent
  • Attracted New Members
  • Collaborated with the National Black Museum for their Christmas event
  • Participation in the Holiday Parade

 Become a member and join us as we continue our mission in 2025 and beyond!


-Phyllis Ellis


Are we really going to criminalize Homeless People in Brockton?

Is DEI a thing of the Past in Brockton Schools? Restructured or Dismantled?


Mission: To prepare, recognize and reward youth of African descent who exemplify scholastic and artistic excellence.


To mobilize the adult community for the

promotion of academic and artistic


• To recognize creative talent and academic

achievement; and

• To provide and assist students with the

necessary skills to establish goals and

acquire the confidence and training to make a

successful contribution to society.

ACTSO is a steppingstone to greatness!

In 2014, the Brockton Area Branch reestablished the ACT-SO program, which begins each Fall with an informing and effective mentoring program. The strength of the Branch’s mentoring program has manifested itself with the Branch’s winning record.  Since 2015, the Brockton Area Branch has had at least one contestant to win a medal every year, except for one year, 2018. We have a total of 18 medals since 2015. The students are extraordinary!

What is ACT-SO?

The NAACP's Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics is a yearlong achievement program designed to recruit, stimulate, and encourage high academic and cultural achievement among African-American high school students.

ACT-SO includes 30 competitions in STEM, humanities, business,and performing, visual and culinary arts. Almost 300,000 young people have participated from the program since its inception.

The 2025 ACT-SO has begun. Our first meeting is January 25. We are accepting applications for students in grades 9-12. Please visit our website at for more information or contact

Phyllis Ellis, Chair

ACTSO Committee


Governor Healey Nominates Tiffanie Ellis-Niles to Juvenile Court

“I’m excited to nominate these two incredibly smart, qualified and fair attorneys to the Juvenile Court,” said Governor Healey. “They both have tremendous experience working with juveniles and their families, and in this role, they will add important perspectives to the Court. We’re grateful for the work of the Governor’s Council as they consider these three nominations.”

The NAACP Brockton Area Branch congratulates Attorney Ellis-Niles on being nominated.

Well done!


January 18, 2025

Please join us for the 39th Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast on January 18, 2025.

The breakfast is being held at the Envision in Mansfield.

Our keynote speaker: Rev. Alicia Johnson, Senior Pastor, Messiah Baptist Church. Our theme: King, Women and America!

Tickets on sale now. Visit our website at or call 781-807-1092

Adults: $40, Under 17 $20

"We are not makers of history. We are made by history" 

"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope" 

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'

January 20, 2025

Join Us for Stoughton’s Martin Luther King Jr. 2025 Event  


Theme: “Pursuing Your Purpose” What Is it Like To Be Black In America? 


Let’s come together as a community to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and reflect on how we can each live with intention, drive, and impact. 


Date: Monday January 20th 

Location: Stoughton Public Library 84 Park Street Stoughton, MA 

Time: 10AM-2PM

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy

January 20, 2025

Helping the Homeless!

In continuing our celebration of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., we are helping the Homeless.

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service is a national day of service that encourages Americans to volunteer and improve their communities.

Day of Service Janury 20, 2025 at 4 Main Street, Brockton

The NAACP Brockton Area Branch is partnering with FAM. Please help the Homeless and donate!

We will be gathering donations to assemble care packages for individuals experiencing homelessness.

Donation Drive - January 6 through January 19, 2025

Dropoff: 209 Quincy Street, Brockton

GOODBYE 2024 - HELLO 2025

Happy New Year from the NAACP Brockton Area Branch

As the new year approaches, we reflected on what we did in 2024. At times. it was challenging and at times we felt a loss. However, challenges and losses are expected. It is what you do next that is key.

A New Year's resolution is a personal goal or commitment that someone makes to improve themselves or their lifestyle.

The NAACP Brockton Area Branch's 2025 resolution is to keep moving Forward.

What is yours?


The Brockton Area Branch NAACP is extremely busy. If you would like to join our organization and become a member of any of the active commitees, please contact:



  • ACT-SO - The Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological & Scientific Olympics mentoring program for high school students. With ACT-SO, the NAACP is providing an instrument through which African-American youth are encouraged and inspired toward excellence in academic and cultural pursuits while benefiting from the maximum support of their communities;
  • The Committee on Armed Services and Veterans’ Affairs shall: (1) seek to establish a working relationship with those agencies in government, national, state and local, having the responsibility in the affairs of members of the various Armed Services and Veterans and to see that the programs to which they are responsible are administered fairly and justly to members of the minority community; (2) study conditions pertaining to veterans and members of the Military Service and their dependents and/or survivors in the community; (3) serve as a center of information on matters affecting the members of the Active Military, Reserves, State National Guard and Veterans; (4) maintain a repository of materials, information and forms to be used in assisting veterans and/or dependents of veterans and military personnel with their problems; (5) receive and act on all complaints relative to acts of discrimination on account of race, color, creed, or denial of benefits to which they are entitled because of discrimination; (6) prepare a quarterly report on committee activities to be submitted to the Executive Committee of the Unit and the National Director of Armed Services and Veterans Affairs.ed Services and Veterans’ Affairs. 
  • Education - The Committee on Education shall: (1) seek to eliminate segregation and other discriminatory. practices in public education; (2) study local educational conditions affecting minority groups; (3) investigate the public school system and school zoning; (4) familiarize itself with textbook material there from which racially derogatory; (5) seek to stimulate school attendance; (6) keep informed of school conditions and strive to correct abuses where found; (7) investigate the effects of standardized and high stakes testing practices; (8) teacher certification; (9) promote parental involvement in education; and (10) aim to be a center of popular education on the race question and on the work of the Association.
  • Health - The Health Committee shall: (1) work to promote, protect and maintain the health of African Americans; (2) assess the health needs of the community; (3) advocate for equal access to health education, care, treatment and research for all Americans; (4) sponsor health-related activities such as health forums, fairs and workshops highlighting issues of importance to people of color; and (5) support health initiatives of the Association
  • Housing - The Committee on Housing shall:) (1) study housing conditions in the local community; (2) receive and seek to address complaints of discrimination; (3) oppose all restrictive practices whether public or private; and (4) disseminate information and render such other assistance which may eliminate discrimination in housing.
  • Legal Redress - The Legal Redress Committee shall: (1) investigate all cases reported to it; (2) supervise all litigation in which the Unit is interested; and (3) keep the National Office and the Branch informed on the progress of every case. It shall not give general legal advice.
  • Political Action - The Political Action Committee shall: (1) seek to increase registration and voting; (2) work for the enactment of municipal, state and federal legislation designed to improve the educational, political and economic status of minority groups; (3) seek the repeal of racially discriminatory legislation; (4) work to improve the administration of justice; (5) work to secure equal enforcement of the law; and (6) keep the National Office and the Unit informed of all proposed legislation which affects minority groups. The Committee shall be nonpartisan and shall not endorse candidates for public office
  • WIN (Women in NAACP) WIN shall address within the framework of the NAACP, civil rights issues affecting women and children and shall carry out other civil and cultural activities to enhance membership and provide financial support to the Branch. The purpose WIN is (1) to enhance the leadership role of women; (2) to serve as an advocacy vehicle to address the social, economic, political, educational, health and welfare issues affecting women; (3) to advocate for the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual development of children and (4) to support the policies as well as the on-going mission and vision of the NAACP. 



Brockton Area Branch NAACP

PO Box 1535

Brockton, MA 02303

(781) 807-1092

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