June 2021

Drew and Jessica Welch

Missionaries to Liberia

We sincerely thank God for you! God's love has been made manifest to us through your kindness in this season of grief. The process of grief is not something that you can prepare for, but as we continue to lean on our Heavenly Father and our loved ones, healing is coming forth. We thank God for the leaders in our lives that have advocated for us to take time to heal, and to be a support to our family.

Recently, as my family and I were helping my mom move, I discovered something that was lost for more than 20 years. Tucked away in the drawer of an old piece of furniture was my Royal Ranger pocket New Testament. I got excited as I opened it and found my spiritual birth date recorded in its pages and was humbly reminded of some forgotten details of that moment. Not only had I forgotten my spiritual birth date, but that my father, now at home with Jesus, led me to Christ on February 12, 1986 at 8:45 p.m. I am eternally grateful that my natural father led me to my Heavenly Father. Is there any other thing that can have more significance in a person's life than making a decision to follow Christ? I am reminded of the scripture that reads:

Paul was called to follow Christ and to be a spiritual father to many who were once lost. This is God's design for His kingdom. We thank God for the call on our family to father (disciple) the people of Liberia. Even though we have gone through a difficult season, we can still declare over our lives and the nations, "Jesus you are number 1."

We want to extend our gratitude for your prayers for our family, financial support that helps us bring the Gospel to Liberia, and to Pacific Region for a successful virtual itineration. Please pray for our trip to Liberia on June 29th and for the launching of the Legacy Learning Center.

We praise God for the windows being completed at the Legacy Learning Center of Liberia and for all the people that contributed to the construction of Legacy. It has already begun to be an outpost for the love of Jesus to be shared with the community, and a place to facilitate the growth of our Open Bible churches in Liberia.

Upon our return, we aim to launch the various ministries that will take place at Legacy. The primary initiative is to teach literacy to children and adults. We pray that by teaching the skill of reading that they will be able to read the Word of God for themselves, and share the Good News with others. It will be necessary for reading coaches and teachers to be trained before we launch.

Literacy is just one area of focus for Legacy. There are five building blocks that we will be implementing as we continue to build a lasting legacy in Liberia. Thank you for being part of building this legacy for future generations!

Pray for each of The Five Building Blocks of the Legacy Learning Center.

The Operation of the Legacy Learning Center is a new ministry. Monthly funding will be essential to its success. The estimated monthly cost is $800, or about $3 a reading lesson to cover the center's cost. Any gift, large or small, will bring hope to someone's life.

Donate to Legacy Today!

Our heart's desire is to pour out the Lord's compassion upon the people of Liberia. We are honored to help rebuild the foundation that was laid by former Open Bible missionaries. We are working with national leaders to build healthy churches and schools through discipleship and training. The Legacy Learning Center is a place to share the love of Jesus, while teaching people of all ages to read.

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Open Bible Churches

2020 Bell Ave, Des Moines, IA 50315

Designated: Welch Support

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2020 Bell Ave, Des Moines, IA 50315 | missions@openbible.org | www.globalmissionsobc.org