Contract Assembly, Custom Services from APC International
To help our customers rise above the challenges of working with piezo materials, APC offers a wide range of c
ustom solutions
including: device assembly, contract manufacturing, design consulting, and product development support.
Customers currently taking advantage of APC's decades of experience in epoxies, bonding, potting, and soldering have seen increased performance and yield while taking advantage of reduced internal costs, space savings, and overflow manufacturing capacity.
- piezo transducer and sensor development
- assembly of piezo ceramic devices, subassemblies, and components
- level, flow, and pressure sensors assembly
- print head manufacturing
- accelerometer development
- unimorph & bimorph assembly
- cleaning transducer assembly
- stack & flexing actuator production
- soldering/wire attachment
- custom cabling with custom connectors
- shielding
- general bonding, potting, sealing
- custom design of piezo ceramics, devices & transducers
- materials development
- systems optimization
- piezo device project design, management, and manufacturing
- evaluation of piezo ceramics and devices
If you have interest in letting APC assist you in your piezo designs, contract assembly work, overflow manufacturing, or second sourcing please contact our technical team today.
Custom Piezo Sensor Assembly, Manufacturing and Design Assistance from APC International
APC is excited to either assist you with the design and
assembly of piezo sensors
or to
contract manufacture
sensors to your existing designs. APC's team of application engineers will also work with you to review your piezoelectric sensor designs to determine if APC can reduce your assembly costs or improve the quality of your piezo sensor.
APC offers four piezoelectric materials for use in sensing applications: APC 850, APC 854, APC 855, and porous APC 860 materials. APC 850 is generally the material of choice for most sensing applications. It has the best overall combination of properties and should be the first material to try for sensing applications. APC 854 and APC 855 offer higher sensitivities, with a few limitations. They have lower use temperatures, higher dielectric constants and higher dissipation factors. APC 860 boasts a reduced acoustic impedance (50% of standard dense PZT) for (when optimized) higher efficiency and better matching to low impedance mediums.
APC offers custom assembly and manufacturing on multiple types of piezoelectric sensors:
Piezo sensors operate by converting a physical acceleration, pressure, or force to an electrical signal that will serve as an input to a data processing system. The signal from the sensor will often result in a response from the associated processing system.
APC Needs Your Feedback!
APC is fully committed to providing a great experience to our customers.
Please take a minute to fill out our survey. Using the link on the website or pointing your browser to
www.americanpiezo.com/customerfeedback will allow you to fill out the survey on an order specific basis should you choose. We appreciate ALL feedback.
The survey is designed to take less than a minute to complete, consisting of only 4 meaningful questions.
We sincerely appreciate your participation, we look forward to growing together with our customers, and we thank you for your continued business.
Industry Events UIA Symposium 49 April 22 - 24, 2020 | Warwick, UK | Get Details Ceramics Expo 2020 May 5 - 6, 2020 | Cleveland, OH | Get Details |