Convention 2024: Thursday, September 19

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Premier David Eby answers questions from UBCM delegates

Premier David Eby spoke at the UBCM convention Thursday, answering questions from President Trish Mandewo and delegates regarding public safety, housing and infrastructure funding. UBCM is calling on the Province to commit to an annual transfer of a percentage of the Provincial Property Transfer Tax to support local efforts in subsidizing affordable housing supply and homelessness responses, and $650 million annually to be delivered directly to communities for local infrastructure.

5 Minutes With: the Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia

Politicians expect public scrutiny as a regular part of the job, but personal attacks, especially on social media, have increased noticeably. One workshop at Convention 2024 focused on mental health of elected leaders. UBCM spent five minutes with one panelist, the Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia. 

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UBCM elects a slate of all-women table officers

Remaining Executive positions to be concluded Friday

UBCM’s president, and 1st, 2nd and 3rd vice presidents are all women for the 2024-2025 year. Current President, Councillor Trish Mandewo was acclaimed as president for a second year after the original candidate for president withdrew for health reasons. Councillor Cori Ramsay, Councillor Jenna Stoner, and Mayor Sarrah Storey will serve as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd vice presidents respectively.

Voting for the rest of the executive positions will conclude Friday morning at 8:30 am.

Renewed MOU with Ministry of Indigenous Relations & Reconciliation

UBCM signed a renewed Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Indigenous Relations & Reconciliation (MIRR) during the 2024 Convention. Prior to signing, UBCM asked the Province for a strengthened commitment in the form of an implementation plan, and proposed a draft workplan to be collaborated on by MIRR and UBCM.

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37 resolutions endorsed Thursday

UBCM delegates voted to endorse another 37 resolutions on Thursday, including a call for free public transit for students in Grade 12 and younger. UBCM delegates have endorsed 146 resolutions this year so far. Resolutions debate will continue during the policy session on Friday, September 20 beginning at 8:00 am beginning with the one resolution received after the deadline, followed by the remainder of the No Recommendation resolutions block, starting with NR37. Refer to the 2024 Resolutions Book for the full list of resolutions, plus one late resolution in Policy Book 1.

Last day!

Friday might be a half day, but it will be full of resolutions debate (starting at 8:00 am). Leaders of the BC Conservative and BC Greens parties will address delegates at 9:00 am and 9:40 am.

In the news

Jeremy Hainsworth of Glacier Media highlighted key themes from our plenary session exploring public safety, mental health and addictions

CBC’s Chad Pawson profiled the UBCM/LGMA discussion paper on responsible conductOptions for Change

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