November 9, 2022
Convention Offering, Donations Help Diaper Ministries
Over $1,700 raised; diapers and wipes collected
The offering at this year's diocesan convention Eucharist, held October 28 at St. Peter's, Niagara Falls, totaled $1,705. The proceeds have been shared equally between two congregational ministries that provide diapers and wipes to families in need:

Delegates also brought hundreds of diapers and wipes to convention, and the two ministries split the donations.

"I see us in congregations across the partnership answering that call: living in exile and seeking the welfare of the city," Bishop Sean said during his convention address. "At this convention, we're supporting two ministries that distribute diapers to those who cannot afford them. Diapers. We live in a world in which access to diapers for our children, it turns out, is a privilege. Talk about exile."

To support the ministry of St. Mary's, Gowanda or the Episcopal Mission of Warren County, donate online.

image: Sue Ashby and Marolie Harvey of St. Mary's Gowanda, and the Rev. Dr. Matthew Scott of the Episcopal Mission of Warren County.
2022 Convention Business Session Video Now Available
The recording of the business session of the annual joint conventions of the Diocese of Western New York and the Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania is now available. Watch the recording.

Read convention news, including budgets, resolutions, election results, and bishop's nominations and appointments on the partnership website and see a photo album on Facebook.
Partnership Dioceses, UBE, and Commission to Receive Social Justice Awards from New York State Council of Churches
The New York State Council of Churches has announced that the Commission to Dismantle Racism and Discrimination, the Bishop Holly Chapter of Union of Black Episcopaliansand the partnership dioceses and Bishop Sean will receive Excellence in Social Justice Awards for work in anti-racism education and anti-discrimination.

The award will be presented at the New York State Council of Churches Seventh Annual Awards and Fundraising Dinner on December 9 at the Desmond Hotel in Albany.

Claudia Scheda Installed as Priest in Charge at St. John's-Grace
Congratulations to the Rev. Claudia Scheda and the people of St. John's-Grace, Buffalo, who celebrated Scheda's installation as priest-in-charge on Sunday, November 6. Bishop Sean presided at the service, which was followed by a reception.

Image: the Rev. Leann McConchie, the Rev. Claudia Scheda and Bishop Sean.
2023 United Thank Offering Grants Available
The application for 2023 United Thank Offering grants is now open. The grant focus for 2023 includes support for ministries that focus on the worldwide incarceration crisis, including preventative programs and intervention; prisoner support outreach; prison reform work; and post-prison re-entry. Proposals are due by March 10.

Community Thanksgiving Dinner November 16
Volunteers Needed
St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buffalo is hosting a community thanksgiving dinner with TURF, the Urban Redemption Foundation, from 1 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, November 16. Approximately 900 to 1,000 takeout dinners will be provided, and a tent will be set up in Cathedral Park, with a food truck from True Bethel Baptist serving coffee. A dining area will be available for people who are unhoused or in transit.

This event is a community collaboration with volunteers from all Buffalo-area Episcopal churches. If you or members of your congregation can volunteer, please email Dean Twila Smith.
Welcoming During Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany
An online discussion on November 17 at 7 p.m
On November 17 at 7 p.m., Canon Twila Smith will lead an online discussion exploring creative ways to welcome people during Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany using concepts of Invite-Welcome-Connect, with seasonal variations.

RSVP via email to Canon Smith for the Zoom link.
Upcoming Retreats at St. Paul's Cathedral, Buffalo
Advent Quiet Day: Fragments of Blessing
December 3 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. Paul's Cathedral, Buffalo
  • This Advent mini-retreat will offer space for gently entering into the blessings of the season, with time for quiet, prayer, creativity, and peace. Light lunch provided. RSVP via email.

Naming the Holy: Spiritual Travels in the Light of Christmas & Epiphany
December 31 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. Paul's Cathedral, Buffalo
  • This retreat meets us in that turning point from one calendar year to the next, as Christmas unfolds into Epiphany. Come and see your own spiritual journeys, illumined through the Holy Name of Jesus. Light lunch provided. RSVP via email.
Clergy News
Ordination Anniversaries
Best wishes to the following clergy who are celebrating ordination anniversaries in the next two weeks:

The Rev. Charles R. Wheeler, November 13
The Rev. Sandra N. Dower, November 13
The Rev. Linda M. Malia, November 15
The Rev. Andrea R. Polvino, November 15
The Rev. Geoffrey M. Wild, November 15
The Rev. Glen C. Fuller, November 20
The Rev. Martha S. Ishman, November 22

Special congratulations to those celebrating significant ordination anniversaries:

  • The Rev. Gail G. Winslow, who celebrates 20 years of ordained ministry today, November 9.
  • The Rev. Thomas N. Tripp, who celebrates 15 years of ordained ministry on November 17.
  • The Rev. Donald L. Baxter, who celebrates 20 years of ordained ministry on November 17.
  • The Rev. Richard Rowe, who celebrates 20 years of ordained ministry on November 17.
  • The Rev. Matthew W. Ryan who celebrates 20 years of ordained ministry on November 17.
Masking Recommendation
The CDC guidance on masking continues to be that vaccinated people should wear a mask indoors in areas of substantial or high COVID transmission and that unvaccinated people over age 2 should wear a mask indoors at all times.

Make sure to keep an eye on your county so you know what your risk is. Find Centers for Disease Control county-level data.

If you have questions or would like to discuss your congregation’s continuing COVID response, please talk with Canon Twila Smith or Canon Vanessa Butler. Thank you for your continued faithfulness to our congregations throughout this long pandemic.
Partnership in Prayer on Facebook Live
The bishop's staff invites people across the partnership dioceses to join them online Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon for virtual prayer on the Partnership in Prayer Facebook page.
Join the Union of Black Episcopalians
The Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) is an Episcopal organization supporting Black institutions and Black leadership in the U.S. and throughout the world. The diocesan partnership has a local chapter dedicated to providing programming for the region with a focus on spiritual development, education and anti-racism advocacy.

Become a member of the local chapter with an annual commitment of $25. A contribution will go far to help UBE in its work. Congregations can also become members for a suggested donation of $100. Congregational members can borrow the documentary, John Lewis Get In The Way for small groups to screen and discuss.

Make Gifts and Pledges to Congregations Online
Though many congregations are now meeting in person, the bishop's office will continue to maintain an online giving platform that accepts gifts and pledge payments for any congregation. The partnership dioceses will absorb payment processing fees so contributions will go entirely to local mission.

Publication Schedule
Anyone can subscribe to the leadership newsletter and the general newsletter, which are published on alternate Wednesdays.

The general newsletter contains stories, congregational event listings, and other news of general interest. The leadership news focuses on governance and administrative updates and reminders, leadership events and clergy news. Updates are also available on the partnership Facebook page and the partnership website.

Please send news about your congregation's ministry, mission and events to To contribute photos, stories, or event announcements to the newsletter, please see our submission guidelines.