Community Engagement Newsletter August 13, 2019
6 Resources for Financial and Other Professional Service Organizations
Need motivation and a reason to consider integrating values-based, end-of-life conversations into your organizational workflow? Or perhaps you are ready, and just need some simple steps to help you get started? Check out these resources , which we hope will ignite your thinking, tug at your heart, and spring you into action.
July 2019 Recap
During the month of July, The Conversation Project produced and compiled a host of resources to meet the needs of community members asking for additional ideas. We also had an incredible conversation with a New York Times bestselling writer who spoke to our theme of the importance of having end-of-life conversations. The month of July brought opportunities for reflection and critical thinking all about how to encourage ourselves and others to have the conversation. Check out this compilation of resources and materials and let us know what else you'd like to see from us in the coming months.
Planning Ahead: One Church’s Journey to Normalizing Conversations about What Matters Most in Life, Death, and Dying

Over the past years,  Bethel AME Church  has dedicated their energy, time and efforts to launching a ministry called Planning Ahead. This program not only prompts congregants to think critically about what matters most to them, it also encourages them to think about how their faith speaks to the values they would like to have honored towards the end of their lives.  Click here to read Bethel's case study  where they share their successes, challenges and insight around what it was like to meaningfully engage their congregation in having the conversation in a faith-based setting.

"What does this work mean to them spiritually? Pastor Gloria White-Hammond notes, 'There is an extended, eternal goal in this work: it helps [congregants] spiritually to connect with God, build stronger relations with family, get rid of fear about death and talk about it. It is their healing balm.'"
Conversation Champion Highlight: Caccavaro Fitzpatrick + Seifart
Temple Israel is a Conservative synagogue located in Springfield, the state capitol of Illinois. They are a warm, sociable congregation with members from diverse professional and religious backgrounds. They have had sermons, small workshops using the Starter Kits, group reads of Extreme Measures , and more.
Their congregation has participated in a small group called Kavod Conversation which has worked with TCP in the past. Click here to learn more about them.

Click here  to put your organization on The Conversation Project's Conversation Champion Map and possibly be featured in our next newsletter!

News Roundup: What We're Reading
The Conversation Starter Kit is a useful tool to help you have the conversation with a family member, friend, or other loved one about your – or their – wishes regarding end-of-life care. It is available in several languages.  All of the Starter Kits are available to download and print for free.

To purchase printed copies of the Starter Kits, print in bulk or add your logo and contact information,  visit our Mimeo Marketplace

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