We invite you to join us for another in our series of meaningful and civil discussions for personal and social transformation. 

Thursday, August 6, 2020, 7- 9 p.m.
Offered online via Zoom
Cost: $35. Scholarships available.

August 6 marks both the Feast of the Transfiguration and the day that the first atomic weapon was used at Hiroshima 75 years ago: both vastly different transfiguring, or profoundly revelatory, events. One demonstrated the power and beauty of divinity; the other, the tortured and horrifying consequences of humanity’s failure to embrace that divinity dwelling in all of us.

The upheaval of recent events, including the pandemic, ongoing systemic racism, police brutality, unprecedented unemployment, and more, are also transfiguring, revealing the deep fissures in our social foundation.

We are all invited into transformation, into Love, into the infinite power of the indwelling God. These tumultuous times are providing us with yet another opportunity to examine our relationship to both the beauty and the horror.

What wisdom are we mining from all we are witnessing and experiencing? To what are we awakening? What do we envision as the sacred world we are creating together with the Source of All Being?  What is needed for our personal and collective transformation?

Sharon Browning is currently working on the  JUST Listening Project, fostering social and personal change and transformation through just and effective communication. She serves as a consultant, coach, and facilitator to programs and organizations in the public interest and social services communities, concentrating on the affective dimensions of change and organizational stability.

"Today I realized how much truly listening to someone can open my heart, change me, and give hope for reducing the distances between people in our society." Past Participant
Conversations That Matter is a forum for contemplative dialogue and understanding. People of all affiliations and backgrounds are invited to participate in this meaningful and civil discussion for personal and social transformation. 

Sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy, Cranaleith offers a contemplative space for all those seeking wholeness and transformation for themselves and society. We are committed to making Cranaleith accessible to all, especially to persons who are poor and those who work in solidarity with them. We invite those at the center of need and those at the center of influence to reflection, reverent dialogue and meaningful partnerships.  Please help us support our work.
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Cranaleith Spiritual Center | 215-934-6206