August 6 marks both the Feast of the Transfiguration and the day that the first atomic weapon was used at Hiroshima 75 years ago: both vastly different transfiguring, or profoundly revelatory, events. One demonstrated the power and beauty of divinity; the other, the tortured and horrifying consequences of humanity’s failure to embrace that divinity dwelling in all of us.
The upheaval of recent events, including the pandemic, ongoing systemic racism, police brutality, unprecedented unemployment, and more, are also transfiguring, revealing the deep fissures in our social foundation.
We are all invited into transformation, into Love, into the infinite power of the indwelling God. These tumultuous times are providing us with yet another opportunity to examine our relationship to both the beauty and the horror.
What wisdom are we mining from all we are witnessing and experiencing? To what are we awakening? What do we envision as the sacred world we are creating together with the Source of All Being? What is needed for our personal and collective transformation?