GHF Conversations Dec 11

We are over the moon to offer this special opportunity for you to spend time with one of the foremost voices in the twice exceptional field, the inimitable Julie Skolnick! Folks, this was a GET - to say that Julie is “in demand” is the epitome of understatements. Mark your calendar, set alarms, plan on using the slow cooker, do what you’ve got to do, but don’t miss this one.

The format will be a little different - an aggregate Q&A, interview-style, rather than a presentation, focusing on nurturing gifted and 2e kids, as expounded upon in Julie’s instant must-have book, Gifted and Distractible: Understanding, Supporting, and Advocating for Your Twice Exceptional Child, followed by our usual open conversation with attendees. We warmly invite you to log in and participate as much or as little as you’re comfortable, but rest assured that you’re among people who understand and care. Please RSVP HERE.

A little about Julie:

Julie F. Rosenbaum Skolnick, M.A., J.D., Founder of With Understanding Comes Calm, LLC, passionately guides parents of gifted and distractible children, mentors 2e adults, trains educators and advises professionals on how to bring out the best and raise self-confidence in their twice exceptional students and clients. Her book, Gifted and Distractible, has earned a 2024 Best Book award from American Bookfest, and is being lauded by parents, educators, and 2e adults alike.


Julie hosts "The Haystack 2e Adult Membership Group" which welcomes all ‘2e adult needles,’ as well as book studies for educators; she also publishes “Gifted & Distractible,” a free weekly newsletter.


Julie and her husband raise three twice exceptional kids who keep them on their toes and uproariously laughing!


Located in Maryland, USA, Julie's clients and audience hale from all four corners of the world.


Learn more:



LinkedIn: Julie Rosenbaum Skolnick


Winter Parenting 2e Course

Our amazing VP (and GHF Journey Editor, and recent Conversations presenter), Marna is offering a free, six-week course for parents and caregivers of 2e youth in Jan-Feb. The course will focus on using the "Five Environments" - physical, intellectual, creative, social, and emotional - to create positive, strength-based support for your child. She will also include information about nervous system support and (co)regulation. This project is part of her doctoral work for Bridges Graduate School and will include some research (anonymous surveys, optional focus group and interviews).

Marna's mentor and longtime GHF friend, Dr. Jade Rivera writes, "Marna's dedication to supporting twice-exceptional (2e) youth is truly inspiring, and her work reflects the heart of what we strive for at the SBA Lab—empowering families with strength-based strategies to help their children thrive. This six-week Education and Support Program is a vital component of her doctoral dissertation and a valuable resource for parents and caregivers like you seeking effective ways to navigate the unique constellation of needs of 2e children. Your participation will contribute to groundbreaking research and help shape a program designed to make a real difference in the lives of families."

Read more and register HERE.

GHF Out & About: NAGC 24

Friends and colleagues abounded at November's NAGC Conference in Seattle, where Directors, Marna Wohlfeld, Erinn Fears Floyd, Lin Lim and Lisa Jobe presented their insights, research and publications to thousands of gifted community professionals and parents.

TOP, L-R: Kristina H. Collins, PhD, Michelle Frazier Trotman Scott, PhD, Joy Lawson Davis, EdD, Dir. Erinn Fears Floyd, PhD, Javetta Jones Roberson, EdD

ABOVE: VP Marna Wohlfeld, MA & Past President Barry Gelston, EdD

BELOW: GHF Contributor, Yekaterina O'Neil, Dir. Lisa Jobe, JD, VP Marna Wohlfeld, MA, GHF Contributor, Marni Kammersell, MA, Jessica Lawrence, MEd, NBCT (The Bridges Doctoral Crew!)

GHF Professionals Networking Group

Every week, GHF Professionals get together to develop new relationships, create business referral partnerships, and take the isolation out of being an individual or small businessperson supporting the gifted community. Led by the amazing Dr. Heidi Lack, we hope you consider yourself warmly invited and welcome!

RSVP: Follow the links below to join the Professionals Discussion Group and schedule yourself for our online meeting.

Gifted Home Education Conference Recordings

Available for Friends members in the Recorded Events tab on the GHF Forum.

GHF Conversations Recording Library

Enjoy past GHF Conversations at your leisure... you know where to find them!

Please Join GHF Friends Membership

GHF Friends (formerly "Choices") Membership is the primary source of income for our 501C3 nonprofit. Your tax-deductible $49.99 annual membership is how you can support GHF so that we can continue to serve the gifted and 2e community. Thanks!

Members of GHF Friends enjoy these benefits for $49.99 per year:

  • Gifted Home Ed Conference Library
  • GHF Conversations Library
  • GHF Expert Series Library
  • GHF Weekly Professionals Group
  • Friends Discounts & Special Thank-you's
For those already in the GHF Forum
For those new to the GHF Forum


The GHF President’s Club sponsorship program is to provide an acknowledgment for larger GHF donations. President’s Club donors are listed (with click-through link to their business) perpetually on this page, and in the official GHF website footer of The GHF Journey monthly newsletter, as well as other regular mailings to our 7000+ audience. Click here for more info - donations may also be made anonymously:

Platinum – $2,500

Gold – $1,500

Silver – $500

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