Troop Cookie Managers and Leaders,
Cookie Share is our program that allows customers to purchase cookies that are then donated to GSKSMO’s Cookie Share partners.
GSKSMO partners with the USO, Harvesters, Convoy of Hope, and our Cookies for Heroes initiative (donated to first responders across our region); cookies sold as Cookie Shares are donated to organizations / individuals. Your troop and the Girl Scout get credit for the sale but you never have to get the physical packages nor do you have to deliver!
For girls to have the correct Cookie Shares assigned to them, you will want
to run a couple of reports.
First, log into Digital Cookie and choose the troop role.
- On the Dashboard tab, scroll all the way down to the bottom to Reports.
- Click ‘GET REPORT’ All Order Data.
- This will open an excel report. We suggest you add a filter.
- Filter by girl.
Scroll over to Column U titled ‘Donations.’ Total the number of donations for each girl.
Then, log into Smart Cookies as your TCM role.
- Go to the Reports tab and choose Current.
- Under the Report Categories box on the far left, choose Orders.
- Under the Reports box to the right, choose Girl Cookie Order Details.
- Click ‘Go to Report’
- Change the Unit of Measure to packages and click View Report.
A report will open in a new screen.
Look at the Smart Cookie Report and compare the number of packages in the row titled “Girl Total” to the total number of Cookie Shares shown by girl in column U of the Digital Cookie Report.
- If they match: no action needed
If the number on the Digital Cookie is LOWER than what is showing on the Smart Cookie Report AND the girl hasn’t sold Cookie Shares face-to-face (meaning not through Digital Cookie), email and include your troop number, the Girl Scout’s full name, and how many Cookie Shares need to be removed
GSKSMO would like to see this step automated when a customer purchases a Cookie Share through Digital Cookie; we’ll continue to advocate for that to happen. In the meantime, this assures your Girl Scouts get all the credits they deserve.
Remember, Girl Scouts who sell at least 12 packages of cookies for Cookie Share earn a special patch! (this patch is the same art as the image above)
We recommend you do this now, and then again at the very end of the program before you place your recognition order.
If you have questions, email
Thank you!
The Product Program Team
PS - We've added some fun social media graphics and more to use for the rest of the season. Find these resources under the Marketing tab at