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Spring Migration Begins

When you look overhead, it's easy to see spring migration is here. As we transition into spring and wild water fowl are on the move, we need to be on high alert for HPAI. We should assume all the birds migrating right now are positive for HPAI, and pose a threat. We understand it has been a long year. Please keep biosecurity on the forefront of everything you do. The most critical of that biosecurity being line of separation, this includes every person, every time and all your equipment you bring in. We appreciate all the extra effort you have put into biosecurity, thank you. Take a minute to assess your farm and any gaps in biosecurity. In the recent phone call Bill mentioned the birdcast website where bird migration can be tracked, that along with other helpful websites can be found below.

Helpful links for monitoring HPAI

A map website for all HPAI cases can be found at:

Water Fowl Tracker:

Ohio specific HPAI cases: HPAI: Biosecurity, Reporting, and Resources | Ohio Department of Agriculture

Indiana specific HPAI cases: BOAH: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

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Cooper Farms