Dan Hale is Special Advisor to the President of Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center and Director of the Healthy Community Partnership. He also is an Assistant Professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, with appointments in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences and the Division of Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology. Prior to assuming his position at Johns Hopkins Bayview in 2011, Dr. Hale was Professor of Clinical Psychology at Stetson University, where he also served as Director of the Community Health Initiative. Dr. Hale’s early research focused on depression, especially among older adults. In 1992, he began working with Drs. Richard Bennett and John Burton of the Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology at Johns Hopkins to develop community-based health programs built around partnerships between medical institutions and religious congregations. This successful collaboration with Drs. Burton and Bennett led to the publication of several reports on their work and co-authorship with Dr. Bennett of Building Healthy Communities through Medical-Religious Partnerships , published by Johns Hopkins University Press and now in its third edition (2018). He also co-authored Healing Bodies and Souls: A Practical Guide for Congregations (Fortress Press, 2003) with Dr. Harold Koenig, Director of the Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health at Duke University Medical Center.