525 S. Douglas St. , #100• El Segundo, CA 90245 • (310) 607-8000

Ocean cargo issues meet global disruption.

The global logistics landscape is witnessing significant shifts in ocean freight equipment balance and container volumes, driven by a confluence of factors, including geopolitical tensions, global trade patterns, and the adjustments to how transportation will evolve in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Container Volume Surge:

Transpacific eastbound box volumes surged by an impressive 16.9% in January 2024, marking a stark rebound from the challenging conditions experienced in the previous year. This upward trajectory is expected to continue, with full-year volumes projected to record positive growth after a 15.1% decline in 2023. The three major ocean carriers, COSCO, CMA CGM, and Evergreen, are holding strong positions, leveraging the strong cargo rebound to their advantage.

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Spring Festival can't complicate cargo for Coppersmith!

In the Chinese Zodiac, embodying strength, fortune, and authority, the Dragon introduces lucky numbers 1, 6, and 7 in all ways and is reflected in the luckiest days of the month, which are the 1st, 6th, 7th, and 16th. Lucky colors are silver, gold, and grayish white; auspicious directions are east, north, and south. The luckiest signs this year will be monkeys, roosters, and pigs.

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Cargo insurance is critical.

Remember accidents can happen anywhere.

Adequate insurance protects your shipment from pilferage, loss, accidents and weather.

Contact Coppersmith for assistance.

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The US Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) has ruled in favor of the American Trucking Association (ATA), affirming truckers' right to select their own chassis provider. Truckers' inability to select chassis has resulted in high demurrage fees and massive extra costs, estimated at $1.8bn between 2017 and 2020. The FMC's ruling aims to reduce supply chain delays and cut costs for motor carriers and consumers by improving choices and opportunities. 

Read more at The Loadstar

San Pedro Bay Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach report a significant increase in import container throughput, up 19% and 23.5% respectively, driven by a spike in demand for Asia-US west coast services. Ocean carriers are launching new joint services to meet this demand. Meanwhile, the Port of Los Angeles saw a 23% increase in exports and handled 287,336 TEU of empty containers, while Long Beach saw a 17.5% increase in total TEU handled and an 18.1% decrease in exports.

Learn more at The Loadstar
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