Welcome to Christ Lutheran e-news, a weekly electronic newsletter which highlights programs and activities of our congregation. Feel free to .

Pastor Bourret, Rolf Larson, and about a dozen others from the New England Synod head for the border this week. After an orientation on Saturday, we'll worship in a bi-lingual service on Sunday at Christo Rey Lutheran Church in El Paso. Throughout the week we'll visit colonias in Juarez, speak with an immigration attorney, and volunteer with some of the migrants. Thank you to all who donated so generously toward providing supplies! You are an amazing congregation! Watch for more news-and photos--when we return.
Music Notes
Tom Berryman, Music Director
Organist Karin Gustafson will be leading the music for the hymns and liturgy for our worship service on Sunday, May 12.  The CLC Choir, led by Kim Petot will sing Alice Parker's setting of "We are a garden walled around," an Isaac Watts (1674-1748) text.

Tom Berryman, Music Director
Youth & Family
Gail Weston-Roberts, Interim Youth & Family Ministries Coordinator
Hello, CLC Youth and Parents and all!

The final numbers are in: the Youth Group Lenten appeal on behalf of Hoops & Homework in Framingham generated a total of... $800.00!!  So with Seminarian Sharon's help, we'll want to drive over there soon and present them with the check from our congregation.  We also need to discuss when we can start volunteering with the kids there during the summer--maybe along with youth from Christ the King in Holliston? We'll see.  As always, CALENDARS must be consulted, so I hope you'll be ready to pick some dates!

Many thanks to all of you who gave generously to help the kids in need of safe, after-school activities in their neighborhoods. You'll be hearing more about Hoops & Homework.  Thank you, thank you!  --Yr. Int. Yo. & Fam. Coord. Gail W-R
Adult Formation
Adult Forum

In the adult forum this week the mini-series on Islam continues. This Sunday there will be a video on the history of Islam. Come and learn a little about this monotheistic, Abrahamic faith. It's a great week to learn, our Muslim friends begin the celebration of Ramadan.

CLC Book Group

The book group will meet next on Monday, May 20, at 7:30 p.m. Under discussion will be Exit West  by Mohsen Hamid.  It tells the story of a young couple whose courtship plays out as their country is lurching toward civil war. As they flee the violence through special portals to Mykonos, London, and San Francisco they struggle with the changes migration brings to their lives. Magical realism and dystopian scenes combine to make this one of the New York Times 10 Best Books of 2017. Join the conversation, and help select the next read!

Bible Study

Led by Pastor Richard Hurst, the Bible study group meets each Thursday at the church. We invite you to join with us as we gather for coffee and refreshments at 9:45 a.m. in the Memorial Room so that the hour discussion/study can begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. 
Call to Action

The Lutheran World Relief "Ingathering," i.e. collection of health kits, school kits, and quilts, will be held at CLC on Friday, May 17, from 11-4. Donors will bring their items in boxes--none terribly heavy--and they need to be recorded, weighed, and loaded onto the truck. Thanks to those who have agreed to help! We could use a few more hands! A sign-up sheet is posted on the kiosk. (We'll be blessing the quilts designed, pieced and quilted by the Christ Lutheran/Lutheran Church of Framingham group this Sunday.)

Looking Ahead
Seminarian Sharon Ward has just about completed her time with us. Her last official day will be this Sunday; the following week we'll have a chance to greet her and thank her during coffee hour, and express our thanks and best wishes to her.

Mark your calendars for the semi-annual meeting on Sunday, June 2, following worship. We'll review the ministries of the past year and hold elections. 
On Sunday, May 12th , we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Easter ,  9:00 a.m. Adult Forum, 10:00 a.m. worship.  Rev.
Ángel Marrero  preaching and presiding.
May 12, 2019  Fourth Sunday of Easter

This coming fourth Sunday of Easter is called Good Shepherd Sunday, since on this Sunday all three years of the lectionary celebrate Christ imagined as a shepherd. We will sing the beloved Psalm 23. Unfortunately, most art depicting the Good Shepherd is unrealistic and sentimental: shepherding was a difficult and dirty job for the men and women who herded the flocks, but sheep were gifts from God and essential sources of life for the people. Join us to thank Christ for being our shepherd.

First Reading        Psalm           Second Reading        Gospel
Acts 9:36-43           Psalm 23      Revelation 7:9-17         John 10:22-30
Sing For Joy
Enhance your understanding of the weekly scripture readings by listening to Sing For Joy http://www.stolaf.edu/singforjoy/ from St. Olaf College.  The Sing For Joy radio program, produced by St. Olaf College , has a simple mission: to explore the weekly themes of Christian worship by providing the best in sacred choral music and thoughtful commentary. The musical performances eloquently "do the talking," while the concise remarks from host Pastor Bruce Benson illuminate the meaning of the texts.
Do you have information for our weekly e-news? 
Please be in touch by email if you have news to include.
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