Copyright Filters Are On a Collision Course With EU Data Privacy Rules
Join us on APRIL 16, 2020 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law Auditorium
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Copyright Filters Are On a Collision Course With EU Data Privacy Rules
The European Union’s controversial new copyright rules are on a collision course with EU data privacy rules. The GDPR guards data protection, privacy, and other fundamental rights in the handling of personal data. Such rights are likely to be affected by an automated decision-making system that’s guaranteed to be used, and abused, under Article 17 to find and filter out unauthorized copyrighted material.
What is Clearview AI and why is it raising so many privacy red flags?

Clearview AI, a startup that sells a facial recognition system to law enforcement and businesses, has been called "alarming" and "dystopian." Its technology lets clients match faces to billions of images in a database, eroding most anonymity people have in public.
New Jersey Lawmakers Push Data-Privacy Bill

New Jersey legislators are proposing a bill to strengthen data protections and impose tougher restrictions on the tech industry, potentially following in the footsteps of privacy laws passed in California and Europe.
Deepfakes Threaten Politics Like Nothing Else – and Indians Are Pioneers

If not regulated, deepfakes have the potential to not just rewrite history but drown us in a toxic politics that will thrive on our inability to distinguish the real from the unreal.
Deepfake Porn Nearly Ruined My Life

Two years ago, Noelle Martin was emailed graphic videos of herself performing sex acts. Except, she hadn’t actually enacted any of the sexual scenes in the videos. The footage was a deepfake, but who would believe her?
U.S. national security agencies gather to combat potential election interference

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - National security professionals from across the U.S. government will meet on Tuesday in a Northern Virginia office building for an unprecedented monitoring effort to counter cyberattacks and foreign disinformation aimed at Super Tuesday presidential primaries.
What Security Leaders Can Learn From the Coronavirus Threat

A key role in corporate security leadership is in understanding global vulnerabilities as part of a shift that goes beyond traditional security concerns, in order to anticipate new risks to your organization.
WhatsApp Security: Is This Hidden Flaw A New Reason To Quit?

Consumer-friendly and encrypted, WhatsApp is one of the most popular apps in use today with a whopping  1.5 billion users . But over recent months, an increasing number of questions are being raised about the encrypted app’s security.