President's Message
By Koen Van Goethem
I hope that this newsletter finds you all in good health and that you were able to enjoy a nice summer.
We’re still in pandemic times, but we’re reaching the end of the tunnel due to respect for measures taken and the increasing numbers of vaccinated people.
We’re able to pick up, in a limited way, business travels, and in-person meetings. It’s clear that we have been missing for almost 2 years. It feels good just to have a long conversation while not even addressing business topics. (those we were able to maintain in our virtual communication).
As president of the Cordage Institute, I’m very proud of how we are all addressing the continuity of our association.
We still attract new members, and we’re further establishing our association in order to serve our industry with technical support.
We had an enthusiastic outcome of our TC meeting on the 23rd and 24th of June due to the excellent organization by Sarah Padilla, Meghan Woody, James Wolfington, Pete Lance, and all the technical chairs. Action points were made and will be picked up after summer.
Our joined efforts, Cordage Institute – Eurocord continued through Virtual CIRTS, MEG 4, and Machine Directive meetings, although we all feel the need of exchanging experience and knowledge while sitting in a normal meeting room.
Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting in person with the new President of Eurocord, Caroline Van Beelen. We discussed the possibilities of the progress on the development of more joined initiatives between our 2 associations in the future. (see below photo)
The joined annual meeting, Cordage Institute – Eurocord, will be organized in Europe in Vienna, June 2022.
Last, but not least, I’m expressing my hope to be able to welcome all of you at the Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia for our Annual Meeting on November 9th – 11th. It will be a joy for all of us to be able to sit in meetings and especially to spend time together outside the meetings, during the welcome reception, the breaks, the gala-diner, the golf, the bar … and finally meet each other in person.
Stay healthy and take good care of yourself and your families.
Koen Van Goethem, I-Coats/President of the Cordage Instute, and Caroline Van Beelen, Van Beelen Group/President of Eurocord
Cordage Institute Happenings
Cordage Institute Annual Conference & Anniversary Celebration is Almost Here! Register Today!
Please make sure you register for the Cordage Institute’s Annual Conference and 100th Anniversary Celebration on November 9-11, 2021 at The Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia.
To commemorate the Cordage Institute’s 100th anniversary, a special President’s Night Reception and Dinner, featuring a black-tie optional dress code, is being planned for Wednesday, November 10th. The evening will feature entertainment, a presentation of the Gale Foster Award of Merit, the Richards Technical Contribution Awards, and several surprises.
The program will also feature in-person technical working group meetings, a meeting of the Technical Committee, the annual business meeting, a technical seminar, the Annual Gale Foster Memorial Golf Tournament, and plenty of opportunities to interact and connect with Cordage Institute members and industry professionals.
Registration Deadline: October 15, 2021
CI Registration Cancellation Policy: Cancellations through October 29th will be refunded in full, less a $50 US per registration processing.
Hotel Reservation Cancellation Policy: The deposit, which is equal to one night’s room and tax, is refundable up to 14 days prior to arrival.
Fran Hoffman Elected to Cordage Institute’s Board of Directors
The Cordage Institute is pleased to announce the election of Fran Hoffman to a two-year term on the Board of Directors. Fran Hoffman, Chief Operating Officer at Miami Cordage, Florida Wire & Rigging Works, began her career at the company in 2010 in their Sales and Marketing division and advanced to the position of COO in 2015. Miami Cordage is a fourth-generation, family owned and operated company, that specializes in fiber rope manufacturing, wire rope rigging, and custom fabrication across both industries.
While spearheading quality manufacturing and operation initiatives throughout the organization, Fran's greatest passion remains centered around the employees of Miami Cordage and their successful development. This group of talented individuals remain the bedrock of the company's core values and growth initiatives. She's excited to join the Cordage Institute's Board of Directors and collaborate with this talented group of individuals. According to Fran, "the work the CI does to advance standards, bring industry issues to the forefront, and provide foundational knowledge to customers and interested parties is both valuable and exciting."
She and her husband, Jason share the helm of running the company, and live in Miami full-time. In her free time, she enjoys anything involved with playing on the water – windsurfing, boating, diving, paddle boarding and her new adventures in wing surfing. Fran's life mantra is that "we can overcome any challenges that come our way together," because she is resourceful and powerful to make great things happen from unexpected changes.
Highlights of the June 2021 Technical Meetings
On June 23-24, 2021, the Cordage Institute held its fourth Virtual Meeting. The two-day meeting consisted of Technical Subcommittee and Task Group meetings, and a meeting of the full Technical Committee. In addition, a Special Meeting of Members was held on June 24th to review and approve the Cordage Institute's operating budget, and to elect Officers and Directors. During the full Technical Committee Meeting, reports from each Subcommittee and Task Group were provided.
Cordage Institute Members
The Cordage Institute is happy to welcome the following members:
Nova Scotia, Canada
CoastLine Cordage Group Ltd. is an innovative manufacturer of utility and specialty rope products offering outstanding quality and value. All of our products are manufactured in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and distributed throughout Canada, the USA, and Australia. We are an SGS certified ISO:9001-2015 company. As a proudly Canadian company, we value integrity, honesty, and we promote respect in our relationships with each other, and with our customers around the world. Experienced management and a fantastic production team manufacturers products such as semi-static and static kernmantle safety ropes, double braided synthetic fiber ropes, specialty commercial fishery/aquaculture ropes, and general multi-purpose ropes.
International Manufactuer
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Gulf Rope & Plastics Products Co. LLC. (GRPP) is the largest synthetic rope and baler twine manufacturer in the Middle East. It was established in 1994 in Sharjah UAE and belongs to the esteemed Sharjah Cement & Industrial Development Co. group.
One of the first ISO 9001 certified synthetic rope factories in Middle East, GRPP is manufacturing synthetic ropes under the brand name FALCON. The machines are all state of the art technology which demonstrates the management’s commitment to quality. We are members of Cordage Institute, EuroCord and IMPA.
From sourcing raw materials to the finished products utmost care is taken to ensure that the entire process conforms to internationally accepted standards such as ISO, DIN OR BS.
The vision of the company has always been to be a preferred partner to our customers by providing innovative solutions to enhance their business.
We strive continuously to improve our products & services by developing long lasting products and solutions.
Technical And Testing
Brest, France
IFREMER, the French Ocean Research Institute, has a triple interest in ropes.
First, as managers of the French Oceanographic fleet, including ocean-going, coastal, and deep submergence vessels, we are rope users. As an example, we have been using Dyneema™ ropes for coring operations down to 6000 meters in depth since 2010. The fleet is both a resource for numerous fields of scientific research and observation, related to every aspect of oceanography and also tasked with surveillance, surveys and other public service missions on behalf of the government.
Second, in our Marine Structures laboratory, we have internal research activities devoted to understanding rope behavior in a marine environment. This has resulted in several Ph.D. theses over the last 20 years on aramid, polyester, HMPE, and nylon fibers.
And third, we have test facilities allowing us to perform industrial contract work at scales from fibers to small ropes. These include a 1000 kN tensile test frame, a 250 kN CBOS frame, and various smaller test machines and seawater aging facilities. Projects have included JIP’s, work on deep-sea moorings, and the development of deep-water handling ropes. Much of that work, performed in collaboration with fiber producers, rope-makers and end-users, has been presented at OTC meetings. Current projects are focused on renewable marine energy.
Veteran-owned and operated, SGT KNOTS Supply Company has its 70,000 square foot distribution center located in Statesville, North Carolina. With pioneering efforts rooted in one of the web's first portals for paracord products, SGT KNOTS has grown into an industry leader in the rope and cordage industry by specializing in E-commerce fulfillment services, brand management, third party logistics, contract warehousing, Amazon listings, and website development. Our webpage at reflects our commitment to offering high-quality rope and cordage with logistic services that are second to none. At the crossroads of Rope and E-commerce is where you will find SGT KNOTS Supply Company.
Knots & Notes
By Sarah Padilla, Cordage Institute Technical Director
The Knots and N otes section of Ropecord News informs you of the standards being developed by the Cordage Institute, as well as by other industry organizations. As we develop this section of the newsletter, please let us know what type of content is of interest to you by sending an email to or
Standards Update
Updates from the Cordage Institute Standards subcommittees on how things are progressing since the last newsletter.
The Standard Review
Updates from other standards bodies that are relevant to the cordage industry.
Applied Fiber: Digitized Terminations for Large Diameter Fiber Ropes
In today’s environment, heavy industries are pushed to swiftly reduce cost while managing associated risk. Digitization of high-value assets and operations are key to achieving both.
As an example, offshore renewables, particularly the FOW sector is emerging as the new revenue driver for fiber rope in the coming years. Economics are driving the need for larger turbines with the supporting structures carrying much different loading profiles than traditional offshore O&G platforms. The need to optimize and monitor the mooring system is critical for success.
Matt Reid Joins Kuraray America, Inc.
Matt Reid has joined Kuraray America, Inc. to lead efforts for the development and growth of the Vectran Industrial business.
Matt comes to Kuraray with an extensive background in fibers and textiles. The majority of his experience has been spent with high-performance fiber manufacturers as well as specialty end users. He has served in global sales leadership roles overseeing several product launches and has been a key strategy contributor in those roles. He has served on ASTM standards committees and other professional associations, most notably as the Vice President and former Board Member of the International Glove Association as well as Chairman of the ISEA Hand Protection Committee.
He is a UNC Chapel Hill graduate and completed his MBA at Appalachian State with Honors. Matt enjoys fishing on Lake Norman and spending time with family in his free time
New Investment on High Tenacity Polyester Yarn Capacity: R+D Reinforcement and Capacity Extension
BRILEN is pleased to inform to the market the approval of a new investment on High Tenacity Polyester Yarn capacity at our premises of Barbastro (Spain) with two main purposes: R+D reinforcement and capacity extension.
Ravenox Makes Products to Tie Up All Your Loose Ends; You May Have Even Seen Them on the Small Screen
A local company is finding its products are reaching a whole new generation of customers who are all looking for a way to tie up loose ends.
They’ve discovered Ravenox, the company behind a growing brand that you may have seen on your television screen. If you’re not too distracted by Jason Momoa.
Tom Yale Secures Brunswick Landing Site to Build 50,000-Square-Foot Facility
By Laurie Schreiber, MaineBiz
The buyer of 9.1 acres at Brunswick Landing has committed to putting up a building in the 50,000-square-foot range as part of the deal.
“It’s somewhat speculative on my part,” said Tom Yale, former owner of Yale Cordage Inc. in Saco.
Yale bought 10 Allagash Drive from the Midcoast Regional Development Authority for $825,000.
Nick Lucas of the Boulos Co. and Debrah Yale of Benchmark Real Estate brokered the transaction.
Plymouth Cordage Museum: Honoring Plymouth's Other History
By Rich Harbert, Wicked Local
Just as importantly, thousands of workers found jobs that offered a decent wage with a company that educated their children and kept them well nourished. The company had a doctor on call, its own nurse making weekly visits and two beds reserved for workers at the local hospital.
It all fell apart in 1965, when corporate raiders realized the company had saved enough cash that is was worth more than its stock price. Within a generation of the hostile takeover, the last of the raw materials was turned into rope and the machinery was sold at auction.
October 25-28, 2021
Chicago, IL
November 9-11, 2021
White Sulphur Springs, WV
The Greenbrier
December 1-3, 2021
New Orleans, LA
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
April 24-27, 2022
Houston, TX
Marriott Marquis Houston
May 17-19 2022
Atlanta, GA
Ropecord News
Ropecord News is published by the Cordage Institute. The Cordage Institute is an international association of rope, twine, and related manufacturers, their suppliers, and affiliated industries. Articles appearing in Ropecord News are the views of the authors and not necessarily those of the Cordage Institute. Members are encouraged to contribute articles and items of interest by emailing them to
Peter M. Lance, Executive Director
Tel: 610-971-4854
Fax: 610-971-4859