SIGN UP NOW OPEN for Corey Goode's new 5-week course covering Corey’s incredible testimony of interfacing with higher density angelic beings and the connections and correlations to The Law of One channeled material.
Following up on the success of Corey's previous course, Accelerating Ascension, Corey will go even deeper into the spiritual topics and principles that form the basis of our current reality and the Law of One, as well as go deeper into the Anshar teachings which give us a sense of where we are headed as Earth transitions to 4th density consciousness.
Five Week Course Outline (Subject to change)
Week 1.
Nature of Oneness, Reality & Creation
Week 2.
The Grand Spiritual Experiment & Local ET Confederation
Week 3.
Growing into Fourth Density & The Harvest/Graduation
Week 4.
Life in Fourth Density (Love & Understanding)
Week 5.
Transcending the Matrix of Control Through Free Will Consensus
The course will cover subjects including Corey's history of interaction with the Blue Avians and their information about the universe and our upcoming ascension event, Corey's experiences with the Anshar (4th density, inner earth confederation members), and many other subjects related to spiritual growth & the Law of One.