Issue No. 54 2018.06.15
From the Associate Director
We are so excited here at CHESS to be starting our major upgrade project, or “massive upgrades,” as Director Joel Brock quotes in a radio broadcast in our first article below! Read about how just before the June 4th launch we squeezed a Users’ Meeting, a hands-on XES workshop and a “BioSAXS Essentials 8” workshop into the last few weeks of two-beam x-ray production. We hope to soon be releasing some photos of the demolition process and even one of those fun time-lapsed videos of a full house of workers buzzing around. In the meantime, education and outreach and science results can keep you busy until we shock you next month with pictures of a very empty floor! Enjoy your summertime.
Students running around the track at Cornell University’s Charles F. Berman field might not realize that about five stories down there’s another track sending atoms circling – a particle accelerator. It was shut down this week for massive upgrades... more>>
The annual CHESS Users’ Meeting was held this year on Tuesday, May 15, 2018, earlier than usual due to our upgrade project, CHESS-U, starting this June ... more>>
In conjunction with the Users’ Meeting, CHESS also hosted the 2nd X-ray Emission Spectroscopic Methods Workshop ... more>>
In an era when our most detailed pictures of biomolecules come from frozen or crystalline samples, biological small angle X-ray solution scattering (BioSAXS) is more essential than ever as a tool for learning how molecules actually behave under realistic biological conditions in the liquid state ... more>>
Even as CHESS’s Outreach and Education team refocuses its K12 efforts to concentrate on higher education, we haven’t abandoned the relationships we’ve built through a shared vision for equitable access to science in our community ... more>>
The world is a big place, but it’s gotten smaller with the advent of technologies that put people from across the globe in the palm of one’s hand... more>>
Nano-structure of thin polymer films is precisely controlled by new type of annealing

An international collaboration of the Physics Department at Technical University of Munich has established a novel and versatile approach to fine-tune the morphology and hence the functionality of thin polymer films ... more>>