Hello St. John’s Family,
It feels so good to open this update by sharing news of improvement and recovery, as both Jennifer and I are feeling better. Our encounter with Covid was a mild one, with most symptoms passing within a few days. Like many illnesses, there are some lingering effects, yet we’re thankful to be on the mend. We’re also incredibly thankful for your prayers, and the many messages, cards, and notes of encouragement over the past week. Thank you for your prayers and kindness – we greatly appreciate your concern and care.
While the Leight household is on the mend, it’s clear the Omicron variant is significantly impacting our local community (and far beyond it). Several families and friends of St. John’s have been impacted by positive tests over the past week, and it appears the first few weeks of 2022 will be challenging ones. Please pray for all those who are affected by Covid, for healing, strength, and a rapid recovery.
To help minimize the chance of unintended transmission, distanced seating (every other row remaining vacant) will be in place in the Sanctuary for the next few weeks. The Leadership Board discussed this at Christmas and felt it was a prudent step to take while local case counts remain high. Also, the Vocal Choirs and Handbell Choirs are pausing rehearsals and participation in worship for 2 weeks, at which time the local situation will be re-evaluated. In the interim, a small group of distanced singers will lead us in worship. Christian education opportunities will continue, provided we have teachers and leaders available. Masking and appropriate distance continue to be important tools to help keep us safe; thank you for your continued diligence with these precautions.
If you are like me, you’re likely weary from dealing with the uncertainty and constant precautions that have been a hallmark of the past 22 months. Please hang in there! God hasn’t abandoned us. God’s Holy Spirit is right here with us, sustaining and strengthening us. In fact, I believe God is using us as witnesses: showing the world how nothing can stop or diminish the true Light of the world that was revealed to all people at Epiphany. We’re called to continue pressing on, adapting and doing what’s necessary to help protect those most vulnerable while faithfully worshipping and serving our Lord. That witness is a powerful one; one I believe paints a beautiful picture of what it means to make personal sacrifices for God’s glory.
Ultimately, I believe there isn’t anything more important or powerful that we can do than faithfully and joyously worship our Lord in this uncertain time. For those who are healthy and comfortable attending in person, please come out and worship. For those who are uncertain, or who may be struggling with health issues, join us online at 10:30 on Sunday via YouTube and worship with us (the service can be accessed from our website or from the Order of Worship email that is sent each Friday). One Body, connected by the Holy Spirit, pausing at the same time to worship our Lord together: a beautiful picture of the Church that Christ built… a Church that nothing can overcome (Matthew 16:18)!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Brad
Please click below to read the latest Congregational Update regarding COVID-19 measures:
Worship this Sunday,
January 09, 2022
Contemporary Service
at 9:00 AM
Traditional Service
at 10:30 AM
This service can be viewed LIVE through
St. John's Youtube Channel
or on our homepage:
Past worship service videos can also be found:
Auto-generated closed captions are usually provided by YouTube about a week after the service has posted for the hearing impaired.
Children's Activities This Week
Children's Sunday School at 10:30 AM
Pre-K - Grade 6
10:30 - 11:30 AM
We trust God no matter what. Even when we face unexpected circumstances, we can respond to them with self-control. We can trust that we don't need to rush in or take matters into our own hands. We can trust that God is working. Please come and join us!
Youth Activities This Week
No Youth Sunday School -
January 9th
Youth Night -
Sunday evening
January 9th 7:15 - 8:30 PM
Next Sunday,
January 16, 2022
Grades 7 - 12
YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL at 10:30 AM in the Youth Lounge
Youth Night
Grades 7 - 12
This Sunday,
January 9, 2022
7:15 - 8:30 pm
Youth Lounge
Join us for Nine Square!
All God's Children Have a Place in the Choir!
Join the choir - you'll be glad you did.
Please save your aluminum tab tops for the UMW Naomi Circle collection for Ronald McDonald House. The collection bin is beneath the UMW bulletin board just off the Narthex.
Thank you for supporting this worthy cause.
Bright Future Academy
at El Mesias UMC, Kensington
St. John's friends and family,
you are truly serving the Lord
with gladness!
Our Advent Offering to assist in providing a safe playground area for the children of Bright Future Academy totaled over $12,200.
Thank you and
bless you!
For a church named El Mesias (the Messiah)
and a preschool named Bright Future,
located together on a street named Hope,
their hope is that with the help of their new friends at St. John's, all those names will prophesy a very bright future for the children and their parents.
If you missed the video of our visit to Bright Future, please click the link below.
Donations Needed of
Non-perishable foods
Please place contributions in the shopping carts located in the narthex
Volunteers are also needed to deliver food and clothing to the Eastwick Food Bank.
Thank you for your support.
Starting January 12, 2022
Wednesday nights
at 7 PM in the parlor
Throughout Scripture, the people who were moved by the Holy Spirit knew Him in a personal way. In this study, we will gain a better understanding of the role the Holy Spirit played in the lives of early believers, and how we too can personally know the Holy Spirit in our own life.
Please contact the Church office or Lynne Tomlinson (215-378-9574 or Billynne1978@gmail.com) to order a book, Cost is $20.00
The Upper Room
January/February 2022
are available in the Narthex
Be sure to pick up one for yourself
and one for a friend.
St. John's Book Club
When God Winks
by Squire Rushnell substantiates that every single one of us can constantly be guided by God. When you think about your own life, you realize just how important coincidences are. The question is are they really coincidences?
Join us Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 10:00 AM or 7:00 PM in the Grace Cafe'. Carol Campbell & Barbara Schneider, facilitators.
Our heartfelt "thanks" goes to Maryanne May for her tireless efforts to serve our Lord. UMW recently acknowledged Maryanne with our Special Mission Recognition Pin.
January is a great time to join one of our Circles. You will make new friends, study and discuss selected faith-based topics, and work on one of several service projects. Contact Arlene Williams for more information.
St. John’s congregation has talented people with many wonderful and exciting experiences to tell. To showcase this talent, United Methodist Men will be featuring this talent at their monthly meetings on the third Saturday of each month.
Our January speaker will be Dr. Richard (Rick) Gray, who will be speaking on “Our Trip to Israel: My Spiritual Awakening”. Rick has a great story to tell and one I think everyone will find personally meaningful.
Please join us at The Sycamore Grill, 255 North Sycamore Street, Newtown on Saturday, January 15th at 10 a.m. We will enjoy a great breakfast, good fellowship and camaraderie, as well as Rick’s inspiring words.
Other talent who will be sharing with us in future months will include Sandy Rice and Jonathan Seamans.
Prayer requests can be submitted
Prayer requests are reviewed
Monday-Friday AM.
All "Ongoing Prayer Concerns"
will be listed for two weeks.
Please submit a new prayer request
if you desire to renew the listing for 2 additional weeks.
Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the Month
10 AM in the Parlor.
Come join us in knitting/crocheting various items for those in need.
Contact Carol Rice for more information.
Requests for prayer shawls or lap robes to comfort those experiencing serious illness, bereavement, or other major life issues may be made through the prayer request form on the church website, or by contacting the church office
at 215-357-6998 or stjumc@aol.com.
- Just go to our website stjohnsivyland.com
Click on the 'Give' button in red, Donate Any Amount and register.
Once you've registered, you can either make donations by debit or credit. Lenten Offerings may also be received through our website.
Simply text the amount you wish to give to 877-960-2396.
You will immediately receive a one-time registration link, then just follow the prompts to complete your donation!
You may also send your tithes and offerings to the church office:
820 Almshouse Road, Ivyland, PA 18974
If you have any questions about mobile or text giving,
If your contact information changes:
address, phone, email, etc.
please notify the church office at
215-357-6998 or stjumc@aol.com
and we'll be sure to update your information in our files.
Thank you!
The latest Devotionals, News and Worship Videos can be be accessed below, as well as, under the
"What's Happening"tab on our website.
CCLI Streaming License #CSPL049266
St. John's Ivyland
820 Almshouse Road
Ivyland, PA 18974
Rev. Brad Leight, Sr. Pastor