February 03, 2022
Pastor's Reflection

Hello St. John’s Family,
  Last Sunday in worship we had the opportunity to recall the characteristics of God’s amazing love, and then were invited to join our children as they embark on 21 days of acts of love and kindness. Recently, I have been reminded of the powerful impact of kind words of encouragement. Thoughtful words in a short note, a kind sentence in an email, or a warm greeting over the phone can brighten and uplift us in the midst of the challenges of daily life. These are wonderful acts of love and kindness that I have experienced; I encourage you to look for opportunities to extend those to others.
  As I thought about the powerful impact of kind and encouraging words, I was also reminded of the destructive power of harsh words. I sense most of us have been mocked or called a name at some point in our lives, and thus understand how those experiences impact us in powerful ways. One of our most dangerous human tendencies is to use words to denigrate those who we disagree with, or who may simply be different than us in some way. In seminary, I formed a close friendship with a fellow student about my age who is African American. I will never forget the time he shared how, as a young child, the father of one of his playmates came down the street and pulled his young friend away by the arm, saying “You’re not gonna play with that [racial epithet] anymore.” While I’m thankful those words are no longer tolerated broadly in our society, I also recognize how too many people still encounter similar words. It grieves me greatly that any person would have to face the crushing weight of those hurtful words.
  I think we all recognize how our society at large is wrestling with the impact and power of our words. Much of that discussion has to do with freedoms and rights in a legal sense. And yes, those are very important considerations that must be carefully discerned. Yet I sense that, for followers of Christ Jesus, there is a more important consideration: how do our words reflect the image of our Lord? In other words, do our words affirm and bring Christ honor, or do they conflict with the teachings and example of Christ’s life? I believe the answers to those questions are crucial in our calling to embody God’s goodness and peace in this broken world! In closing, I’ll leave you with a short prayer to help us all allow God to guide our words. May it be so-
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
    be acceptable to you,
    O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14
  Grace and Peace,
      Pastor Brad
Please click below to read the latest Congregational Update regarding COVID-19 measures:

Worship this Sunday,
February 06, 2022

Contemporary Service
at 9:00 AM

Traditional Service
at 10:30 AM

This service can be viewed LIVE through
St. John's Youtube Channel
or on our homepage:

Past worship service videos can also be found:

Auto-generated closed captions are usually provided by YouTube about a week after the service has posted for the hearing impaired.
  • Sunday School helpers
  • Ushers
  • Greeters

21 Days
"Let all that you do be done in Love"
I Corinthians 16:14

Join our children and youth in practicing mindful acts of kindness for the next 21 days.
Show God's love to others and change the world!

Children's Activities This Week

  • Children's Sunday School at 10:30 AM
Parents, children will check-in at the mobile cart
in the Education Wing
  • Joyful Voices Choir sings this Sunday 10:30 AM

Pre-K to Grade 6 Sunday School

Youth Activities This Week

  • Youth Sunday School -
February 6th 10:30 AM

  • Confirmation Class
1st Communion
Sunday at 10:30

  • Youth Choir
Sunday 6:15 PM

  • Youth Night -
Sunday 7:15 - 8:30 PM

February 6th, 2022

Grades 7 - 12

YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL at 10:30 AM in the Youth Lounge

From off-brand cereals to knock-off luxury items, we know that anything of value probably has a counterfeit version floating around out there. The same is true for our faith. Maybe copying the behaviors of other believers was a great place to start your faith journey (we all start somewhere), but how can we move beyond copying Christians to actually following Jesus? How do we make our faith our own? The difference between a counterfeit faith and an authentic faith is growth and heart change.
Join Mrs. Gutsch and Mrs. Zesinger and discover that God can use just about anything to help us grow a faith of our own.
Youth Night

Grades 7 - 12

This Sunday,
February 6th, 2022
7:15 - 8:30 pm
 Youth Lounge

Theme: We will watch a few YouTube clips about building an amazing Youth Ministry program, we will pray for one another,
….and then hang out and play some games.
Sunday, February 13
special time of 11:30am to 1:30pm (instead of at night)

Theme: Speak Out & Super Bowl Sunday Party

Join us at 11:30 right after church for a Youth Super Bowl Party (think pizza, soft drinks, games and fun). You will also have a chance to privately "Speak Out" to your group leaders to share suggestions and ideas for our Youth Ministry program.

 Confirmation Class

1st Communion Sunday

Sunday, February 06th
10:30 AM

All God's Children Have a Place in the Choir!

Join the choir - you'll be glad you did.
Living Nativity Participants, please return your laundered costume to the church as soon as possible. We are still missing Angels A2, 12 & 16; Shepherd SH 7. Thank you for participating and thank you to all who have returned their costumes.

Donations Needed of
Non-perishable foods

 Please place contributions in the shopping carts located in the narthex

Volunteers are also needed to deliver food and clothing to the Eastwick Food Bank. 

Please contact Lou Lescas at stjohns820@gmail.com if you are available to help. 
Thank you for your support.

Wednesday nights
at 7 PM in the parlor

Throughout Scripture, the people who were moved by the Holy Spirit knew Him in a personal way. In this study, we will gain a better understanding of the role the Holy Spirit played in the lives of early believers, and how we too can personally know the Holy Spirit in our own life.
Ken Lee, facilitator
Please contact Ken Lee to order a book, Cost is $20.00

Special Zoom Session featuring
Blair Revak, MD 
February 8th
at 10:30 AM   


           On Tuesday, February 8th, Paul Henry’s Zoom class will feature Blair Revak, MD, speaking of her husband’s nearly two-year journey through a diagnosis of esophageal cancer. David, her husband, also a physician, died in 2014, but during his two years of treatment following the diagnosis, David dealt with his feelings by beginning to paint. During that time period he completed over 57 paintings, many with religious themes.

David and Blair practiced medicine for 33 years in Bloomsburg, PA. They relocated to Arizona to be closer to family and David continued as a physician with the Bureau of Indian Affairs. David played college football, and with relaxed time he became a season ticket holder with the Arizona Cardinals. He also was a season patron of the Phoenix Symphony. After years of long hours in family practice he and Blair were enjoying retirement. Then came the diagnosis.

On Zoom, Blair will show us the art work he did and discuss David’s journey through his diagnosis and treatment.

Blair is a life-long active Lutheran, and she facilitates grief support groups and speaks on grief.

If you wish to join the Zoom group for this special session please contact Paul at 215-962-6719, or email at phenry605@verizon.net
Tuesdays at 10:30 AM

Topics will include:

  • Special guest speaker Blair Revak, MD
  • Old Testament Heroes and Heroines
  • C. S. Lewis - The Great "Apologist"
of the 20th Century

Contact Paul Henry at phenry605@verizon.net for Zoom info

We're back for another award-winning team effort!

UMW Souper Bowl Sundays

Now thru
February 13th

Please place your donations of non-perishable food items in the big green barrel located just off the Narthex. This year, food donations will go to
Jesus Focus Ministry Food Pantry at Bethanna.
Please save your aluminum tab tops for the UMW Naomi Circle collection for Ronald McDonald House. The collection bin is beneath the UMW bulletin board just off the Narthex.
Thank you for supporting this worthy cause.

United Methodist Men
February Breakfast Meeting

St. John's has talent!
St. John’s congregation has talented people with many wonderful and exciting experiences to share. United Methodist Men will be featuring this talent at their monthly meetings on the third Saturday of each month.
Our February speaker will be
Wade (Sandy) Rice.
Sandy is a retired military transportation specialist for the Department of Defense. He finished his Federal career as the Transportation Officer at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia. Sandy has been active for almost 40 years in the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Historical Society, where he served on the Board of Directors, gave presentations at railroad history conferences, and authored articles published in its historical journal. Since moving to Bucks County, he has also become a member of the Reading Railroad Technical and Historical Society. Sandy's presentation will focus on The Baldwin Locomotive Works, which was a Philadelphia industrial giant from 1831 to 1951.

Please join us at The Sycamore Grill, 255 North Sycamore Street, Newtown on
Saturday, February 19th at 10 a.m.

We will enjoy a great breakfast and good fellowship, as well as Sandy's interesting presentation. Other talent who will be sharing with us in future months will include Jonathan Seamans.

Prayer requests can be submitted
online (click here).or through the church email at stjumc@aol.com
Prayer requests are reviewed
Monday-Friday AM.

All "Ongoing Prayer Concerns"
will be listed for two weeks.
 Please submit a new prayer request
if you desire to renew the listing for 2 additional weeks. 
Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the Month
10 AM in the Parlor.

Come join us in knitting/crocheting various items for those in need.
Contact Carol Rice for more information.

Requests for prayer shawls or lap robes to comfort those experiencing serious illness, bereavement, or other major life issues may be made through the prayer request form on the church website, or by contacting the church office
at 215-357-6998 or stjumc@aol.com. 

  • Just go to our website stjohnsivyland.com
  • Click on the 'Give' button in red, Donate Any Amount and register.

Once you've registered, you can either make donations by debit or credit. Lenten Offerings may also be received through our website.

Simply text the amount you wish to give to 877-960-2396.
You will immediately receive a one-time registration link, then just follow the prompts to complete your donation!

You may also send your tithes and offerings to the church office:
820 Almshouse Road, Ivyland, PA 18974

If you have any questions about mobile or text giving,
email Lou Lescas at stjohns820@gmail.com
If your contact information changes: 
address, phone, email, etc.
please notify the church office at
215-357-6998 or stjumc@aol.com
and we'll be sure to update your information in our files.
Thank you!
Click on the button below to view the video about Bright Future Academy at El Mesias UMC, the recipient of our
2021 Advent Offering

The latest Devotionals, News and Worship Videos can be be accessed below, as well as, under the
"What's Happening"tab on our website.
CCLI Streaming License #CSPL049266

St. John's Ivyland
820 Almshouse Road
Ivyland, PA 18974

Rev. Brad Leight, Sr. Pastor