Hello St. John’s Family,
After some time away last week for rest and relaxation with my family, it is good to return! I’m very thankful for the opportunity I had to visit my parents, celebrate my daughter’s birthday, visit with my son, stop by the Philadelphia Car Show (and eat at the Reading Terminal Market!), and spend time outside in reflection and prayer. It never fails… dedicated time to pause, rest, and focus on family always helps me to both re-center myself and re-gain clarity on the work Christ is calling me to. Throughout that time away, you – the amazing people of St. John’s – came to mind countless times. I missed you and am so thankful for the wonderful work God is accomplishing through us! Thank you for your prayers during my vacation time, and for your ongoing commitment to Christ that you live out daily.
During my time of prayer and reflection, I revisited several historical prayers that I have encountered over the years. One that I’ve found very meaningful – and is appropriate for today – is an adaptation of a prayer attributed to St. Patrick. Often called the Lorica, or Breastplate Prayer of St. Patrick, this prayer offers a powerful reminder of Christ’s presence with us, as well as how we’re called to reflect Christ in every aspect of our life. The prayer is listed below; I hope you’ll reflect on and be strengthened by it as you go about your day,
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Brad
Breastplate Prayer of St. Patrick
I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity
Through belief in the threeness; through confession of the Oneness
Of the Creator of creation.
I arise today
Through the strength of Christ with his baptism,
Through the strength of his crucifixion with his burial,
Through the strength of his resurrection with his ascension.
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down,
Christ in the heart of all who think of me,
Christ in the mouth of all who speak of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.
Salvation is of the Lord
Salvation is of Christ
May thy salvation, O Lord, be ever with us.
Please click below to read the latest Congregational Update regarding COVID-19 measures:
Worship this Sunday,
March 20, 2022
Contemporary Service
at 9:00 AM
Traditional Service
at 10:30 AM
This service can be viewed LIVE through
St. John's Youtube Channel
or on our homepage:
Past worship service videos can also be found:
Auto-generated closed captions are usually provided by YouTube about a week after the service has posted for the hearing impaired.
Special Offering - Aid for Ukraine
Anyone wishing to provide humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people in the wake of the Russian invasion of their country may contribute to the UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery. This fund will provide direct assistance to those in Ukraine as well as assistance to Ukrainians fleeing to neighboring countries. Please make checks payable to St. John’s UMC and note “Ukraine” or “Communion Offering” in the memo section.
Lenten Project
St. John’s Mission/Outreach
Easter Bags for
Bright Future Academy
Help fill Easter bags for the children of Bright Future Academy and our St. John’s Children and Youth.
Please stop by the table in the Narthex during the month of March (before and after the 10:30 service) to view the items and purchase a donation amount from the list provided.
The date/time for those congregants who would like to join us in compiling the final project will be announced later. All items have been purchased, are age appropriate, and will be assembled into Easter bags in early April.
St. John’s Mission/Outreach Team
Still need sewers -
maybe 10 more to each sew 25?
Basic straight & zig zag stitches. PLEASE help the St John's Sew & Sows (sewing fabric & sowing seeds of hope) finish up our SaniPanti project. These hygiene items are desperately needed by young girls in Africa. We have about 250 more to sew. No cutting, no assembly. Just sew. And sew and sow! Call the church office or Lynne Tomlinson (cell 215-378-9574) to pick up a batch of 25 to complete. Please? Please? Please? And thank you!
Children's Activities This Week
- Children's Message & Sunday School at 10:30 AM
Parents, children will check-in at the mobile cart
in the Narthex
Pre-K - Grade 6
Sunday 10:30 - 11:30 AM
Cooperation is a spiritual concept that originates with God. God created us to work together in a community. Throughout the Bible, we see how God brought people together to accomplish something big for Him. Join us in March as we learn about what Jesus envisioned for His followers. Our love for one another can point people to Him.
Youth Activities This Week
Youth Sunday School
at 10:30 AM
Youth Night
This Sunday the 20th
7:15 - 8:30 PM
March 20, 2022
Grades 7 - 12
in the Youth Lounge
Chances are, you have heard the phrase “thoughts and prayers before”—maybe in response to a global tragedy or from someone looking for a way to sound spiritual but not too spiritual. Whatever the context, we know that saying “thoughts and prayers,” “prayers up,” or sending a praying hands emoji as a response aren’t exactly the same thing as actually praying. Join Heidi Gutsch and Ashley Zesinger for a 2-week series called “Thoughts and Prayers,” Students will talk about how to eliminate the worry about “what to say,” and our Leaders will help students see that prayer can be approachable for everyone. Just imagine what would happen if high schoolers started approaching prayer with the confidence that they were being heard. It is our hope that this series will help students see that prayer is far less complicated and far more powerful than they may have thought.
Youth Night
This Sunday,
March 20th
7:15 - 8:30 PM
Fun, food, games & fellowship
Come join us!
Confirmation Class
March 20th -
11:30 AM
Fellowship Hall
All God's Children Have a Place in the Choir!
Join the choir - you'll be glad you did.
Scout Sunday
March 20, 2022
Join us at 9:00 and at 10:30 worship services to honor our Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and adult leaders
On Sunday March 20, St. John's will continue a long tradition of honoring the efforts of our Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and adult leaders involved in Scouting. Anyone involved in Scouting is invited to attend either of our worship services in uniform as we acknowledge your efforts.
Girl Scout Troop 209
makes medical kits for doctors in Ukraine
Thank You!
St. John’s Ivyland makes Eagle Scout Project possible
During the pandemic, Matthew Floyd asked his church family here at St. John’s to donate gently used books for his Eagle Scout project. Matt’s goal was to use books to help people envision and strive for a better future. The church helped to donate 2,500 books in a variety of genres! Matthew then built 3 libraries at addiction centers and a book cart for the groups that meet here at church. Prior to helping to process and clean these books, Troop 147 came to the rescue to help organize classrooms and do some heavy lifting in and out of the church attic. Because of all the help St. John’s and his Troop provided, Matthew received his Eagle Scout Award on March 12, 2022.
There are still a few time slots available for the April 8th Blood Drive. Please use the link below or call Susan Seamans
at 215-357-6998, ext 305 if you have any problems getting an appointment.
The Red Bird Trailers will not be open to accept donations this year. This is due to the lack of availability of rental tractors and also driver concerns. If situations improve, we will notify everyone when the program resumes.
Thank You,
Red Bird Committee
Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK) Needs Our Help
Let's Wrap This Up!
Thank you to all who picked up a bag of cutlery to wrap. All forty bags were distributed in one Sunday! As soon as they are all returned, we will be delivering them to TASK.
Donations Needed of
Non-perishable foods
Please place contributions in the shopping carts located in the narthex
Volunteers are also needed to deliver food and clothing to the Eastwick Food Bank.
Thank you for your support.
St John's Book Club
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
10 AM and 7 PM
Grace Cafe'
NY TIMES BESTSELLER • Martha Hall Kelly’s million-copy bestseller Lilac Girls introduced readers to Caroline Ferriday. Now, in Sunflower Sisters, Kelly tells the story of Ferriday’s ancestor Georgeanna Woolsey, a Union nurse during the Civil War whose calling leads her to cross paths with Jemma, a young enslaved girl who is sold off and conscripted into the army, and Anne-May Wilson, a Southern plantation mistress whose husband enlists.
No sign up necessary. All are welcome, please join us.
Carol Campbell & Barbara Schneider, facilitators
Wednesday nights
at 7 PM in the parlor
Throughout Scripture, the people who were moved by the Holy Spirit knew Him in a personal way. In this study, we will gain a better understanding of the role the Holy Spirit played in the lives of early believers, and how we too can personally know the Holy Spirit in our own life.
Please contact Ken Lee to order a book, Cost is $20.00
Tuesdays at 10:30 AM
- Old Testament Heroes and Heroines
- C. S. Lewis - The Great "Apologist"
of the 20th Century
Contact Paul Henry at phenry605@verizon.net for Zoom info
St. John's Women's Communion Breakfast
Saturday, April 2nd at 10:00 AM
Fellowship Hall
Please join us as Rev. Paul Henry presents
"An Early Christian Love Feast", a 1st century Christian celebration of communion & the foods they served.
Sign up sheet is on the UMW bulletin board off the narthex or call Laura Paulus at 215-794-8764
United Methodist Men
March Breakfast Meeting
Saturday, March 19th
St. John's has talent!
We are continuing to feature some of our in-house talent at our March meeting.
Our March speaker will be
Jonathan Seamans.
Until recently Jonathan was the Associate Director of Athletics for Finance and Administration for Princeton University. Johnathan continues at Princeton as CFO of the School of Public and International Affairs. Prior to 2017, when Jonathan joined Princeton Athletics, he was in similar positions at Brown University and the University of Hartford. Johnathan will be speaking about his journey through College Athletics.
Come and join us & invite your friends for this special “Sweet 16” breakfast presentation.
Please join us at The Sycamore Grill,
255 North Sycamore Street, Newtown
on Saturday, March 19th at 10 a.m.
Prayer requests can be submitted
Prayer requests are reviewed
Monday-Friday AM.
All "Ongoing Prayer Concerns"
will be listed for two weeks.
Please submit a new prayer request
if you desire to renew the listing for 2 additional weeks.
Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the Month
10 AM in the Parlor.
Come join us in knitting/crocheting various items for those in need.
Contact Carol Rice for more information.
Requests for prayer shawls or lap robes to comfort those experiencing serious illness, bereavement, or other major life issues may be made through the prayer request form on the church website, or by contacting the church office
at 215-357-6998 or stjumc@aol.com.
- Just go to our website stjohnsivyland.com
Click on the 'Give' button in red, Donate Any Amount and register.
Once you've registered, you can either make donations by debit or credit. Lenten Offerings may also be received through our website.
Simply text the amount you wish to give to 877-960-2396.
You will immediately receive a one-time registration link, then just follow the prompts to complete your donation!
You may also send your tithes and offerings to the church office:
820 Almshouse Road, Ivyland, PA 18974
If you have any questions about mobile or text giving,
If your contact information changes:
address, phone, email, etc.
please notify the church office at
215-357-6998 or stjumc@aol.com
and we'll be sure to update your information in our files.
Thank you!
Click on the button below to view the video about Bright Future Academy at El Mesias UMC, the recipient of our
2021 Advent Offering
The latest Devotionals, News and Worship Videos can be be accessed below, as well as, under the
"What's Happening"tab on our website.
CCLI Streaming License #CSPL049266
St. John's Ivyland
820 Almshouse Road
Ivyland, PA 18974
Rev. Brad Leight, Sr. Pastor