OCTOBER 06, 2022

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Hello St. John’s Family,

Looking out my window early this morning, it felt so good to see the light of the sun. For the first time in what seems like forever, the first rays of light beamed across the field of Solly’s Farm, illuminating a thin layer of fog just above the ground. It was beautiful! The powerful words of Lamentations 3:22-23 came to mind:

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,

  God’s mercies never come to an end;

 they are new every morning;

  great is your faithfulness.

While we’ve only experienced a few days of rain, the dreariness was beginning to get to me. As I reflected on that a bit, it struck me how utterly overwhelming it must feel for all those who experienced devastating losses in hurricanes Ian and Fiona. Or for those who’ve had to flee wildfires, only to return and find smoldering ruins. As the sun rises revealing God’s new mercies, it can also illuminate tremendous loss. That must weigh heavily on many hearts.

It may seem as if we cannot do much in these moments. I don’t believe that is the case. There is power in turning to God, individually and collectively. After all, those meaningful words in Lamentations 3 were written in a time of national defeat and forced exile for the Hebrew people. As I wrote last week, I believe our responses in these devastating moments begin with turning to God. We seek God’s presence, strength and help for all those suffering, and we seek God’s presence and guidance for us on how to respond. Know that the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is already responding and will continue to respond. Our November Communion Offering will support those efforts; in the meantime, please keep all impacted by the hurricanes in prayer, knowing those prayers have power.

Here at St. John’s, many know that identifying a leader for our youth ministry has been a critical priority. Significant work has been occurring to address this need. Earlier this week, parents, youth, and members of our Staff-Parish Relations Committee met with a promising candidate. After an evening together, all agreed that John-Thomas (JT) Crockett would be a good fit for the position here.

I’m excited to share that a verbal offer was extended, and JT has accepted, with a target start date in mid- October – yet another example of God’s steadfast love and faithfulness! As the Director of Youth and Family Ministries, JT will coordinate our youth ministry, work to develop ministry with our college-age students and young adults, and work to support the parents of youth. JT has significant youth/young adult ministry experience both within and outside of the UMC, including serving as a Youth Director, as the Conference Coordinator for Youth Ministries for the New York Annual Conference (UMC), and as a Program Director at a Christian Camp in Western PA. I'm confident JT will be a great addition to our St. John's Family.

I hope you’ll join me in worship this Sunday, as we explore Luke 17:11-19. In what may be a familiar account, we’ll take a closer look and discover how remembering to extend thanks and gratitude is important… yet that points to deeper, more important take-home message. I look forward to seeing you Sunday!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Brad


Please click below to read the latest Congregational Update regarding COVID-19 measures:

St. John's Policy Update


Come Worship with us this Sunday,

October 09, 2022

Contemporary Praise Service

at 9:00 AM

Traditional Service

at 10:30 AM

This service can be viewed LIVE through

St. John's Youtube Channel

or on our homepage:


Past worship service videos can also be found:


Auto-generated closed captions are usually provided by YouTube about a week after the service has posted for the hearing impaired.



Donations Needed of

Non-perishable foods

 Please place contributions in the shopping carts located in the narthex

Volunteers are also needed to deliver food and clothing to the Eastwick Food Bank. 

Please contact Lou Lescas at stjohns820@gmail.com if you are available to help. 


Thank you for your support.

Recycling Event

to benefit Bright Futures Academy

(and our Planet Earth)

Through a program with the Trex Corporation, we are collecting clean and dry soft plastic bags (examples in flyer). Bags should be brought to St. John's and placed in the large white container in the Narthex. Upon collecting 500 lbs of material, Trex will provide us with a brand-new bench (can receive 1 bench every six months). Our first bench will be sent to the Bright Futures Academy for their new playground. This project is organized by two of our Youth Stars, Nicole & Melissa McDevitt. Click below for acceptable plastics to be recycled.

Recyclable Plastic Bags

The Grace Cafe is Open!

Stop by between services for a freshly brewed cup of Warrior Coffee, a sweet treat, and fellowship with your St. John's family.

Fellowship Team

Forming Now

Come join the fun and help to plan future opportunities to gather together as a Church family. We're looking for ideas from our youth and our "elders" and every age in between. Join the Fellowship Team or just come to planning sessions as you are able. Contact Pastor Ruth, Kathy Keppol or Lynne Tomlinson


Children's Sunday School - Parents, please use the mobile check-in kiosk located in the hallway outside Classroom A in the Education wing.

Pre-K - Grade 6

Sunday 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

This year in Sunday School we are going to take a journey through God's Big Story. This month we will take a closer look at the lives of Joseph and Moses. Both of these men trusted God through hard circumstances and would not give up. These are two heroes of the faith, and we hope we can help the kids see how their stories connect between Genesis and Exodus.

We hope you’re enjoying our Journey Kids Newsletter!


Grades 7 - 12

Sunday 10:30 a.m.

Fellowship Hall

Often, for Sunday School, our devotionals, even sermons, we focus on one specific Bible verse and flesh out what it has to say to us today. However, what are we missing by not looking at the ‘big picture?’ What do the first four books of the New Testament have to teach us that we might be missing by parsing out individual passages? This series will look at the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) at a macro-level. Who wrote them and when? Who is the target audience? What are the dominant themes, and how do they overlap or even contradict one another? How did they make the cut and get included in the Bible at all? Most importantly, how are they still relevant for us today? 

No homework; participation strongly encouraged!


Music at St. John's

Our Music Ministry rehearsals have begun. There is still time to join. If you have any questions, please contact:

  • Director of Music Ministries, Roy Nelson
  • 215-962-8928
  • roynel@aol.com


The Joyful Voices Choir is for children in grades K-5. The Choir meets every Sunday following the 10:30 Worship Service. Rehearsals usually run about 45 minutes. The Joyful Voices sing twice a month at the 10:30 service. Singing Sundays are the FIRST and THIRD Sundays of the month.


YOUTH CHOIR (singing)

The Youth Choir is for children / youth in grades 6-12. The Choir meets every Sunday at 6:15 and the rehearsal lasts one hour. The Youth Choir sings twice a month at the 10:30 Worship Service. Singing Sundays are the SECOND and FOURTH Sundays of the month. Occasionally the choir will sing at the 9:00 Contemporary Worship. New members are welcome. Previous participation in a choir is not a requirement. 


ADULT CHOIR (singing)

Our Adult Choir presents music every Sunday at the 10;30 Worship Service. The Adult Choir rehearses every Thursday night at 8:00. Rehearsals usually last until 9:30. New members who have had some singing experience are always welcome to join us for rehearsal. Please contact Roy Nelson for additional information.



The Praise Band sings each week at the 9:00 Worship Service. Singers and instrumentalists (guitar / percussion) are invited to join us. Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings at 7:00. Adults and youth were invited to participate.


HOLY HANDBELLS (Handbell Choir)

We are hoping to re-start our Holy Handbell Choir. This Handbell Choir is for children grades 3-6. Rehearsals will be announced pending participation interest.  


GENesis Bells (Handbell Choir)

The GENesis Bells is a Handbell choir that includes both Youth and Adults. GENesis Bells rehearse on Sunday nights at 5:15 (before Youth Choir). The choir plays each month on the SECOND Sunday. There are several "vacancies" in our choir, due to members graduating. No previous experience with Handbells is necessary. Basic music knowledge is a plus for membership, but not required. Youth grades 6 - 12 are invited to participate. 



The Celebration Ringers rehearse once or twice a month, usually on Monday night. Previous Handbell experience is not necessary to join the choir. We have several spots open in the Celebration Ringers (Bass Bells and Middle Bells). Basic music knowledge is a plus for membership, but not required. Celebration Ringers play several times a year at "special events" and at some Sunday Worship Services. Please contact Roy Nelson for additional information.


RING OF FAITH (Handbell Choir)

The Ring of Faith Handbell Choir meets on Thursday nights at 6:45. The choir plays each month on the FOURTH Sunday. Presently, there are no opening in Ring of Faith, but experienced "subs" are needed. Please let Roy know if you are interested.

FESTIVAL OF CAROLS -  Sunday December 4th - ALL CHOIRS

Ann's Choice - Adult Choir and ROF - Thursday December 15

MUSIC SUNDAY - December 18 - ALL CHOIRS - 2 Morning Services

Christmas Eve - Joyful voices - 5:30 service

Christmas Eve - Bells & Youth & Adult Choirs - 7:30 service

Christmas DAY / SUNDAY - to be determined

As you can imagine, with SIX choirs to plan for and schedule, I need your help in making sure that you, or your child, is present for our singing Sundays. I appreciate your dedication and commitment to our Music Ministry at St. John's.

Roy  215-962-8928


Join our

Volunteer Tech Team

and see just how "Techie" you can be!

All ages welcome - youth, young adults, elder statesmen and stateswomen.

Amaze your family with your AV skills!

Skills taught weekly.

Contact church office

at 215-357-6998


St. John's Book Club

"It's easy to feel at home in Mitford. In these high green hills, the air is pure, the village is charming, and the people are generally lovable. Yet, Father Tim, the bachelor rector, wants something more. Enter a dog the size of a sofa who moves in and won't go away. Add an attractive neighbor who begins wearing a path through the hedge. Now, stir in a lovable but unloved boy, a mystifying jewel thief and a secret that's 60 years old. A rich, provincial comedy in which mysteries and miracles abound."
Please join in on Wednesday, October 12, at 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM, in the Grace Cafe. All welcome. 

Leaders Barbara Schneider and

Carol Campbell


Advent is the season of preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas. This should be a time for families to come together in prayer and devotion.

This has been another really difficult year for all of us. 

We look forward to a more normal Advent/Christmas season this year.

So, please consider writing a devotion for our Advent Devotional. As always we will have paper copies of the devotional available and, in addition we will be posting each day’s devotion online

If you are interested in contributing a devotion, please contact

Pastor Ruth.

We’ve started our Disciple III Fast Track, it’s not too late to join.

Our sessions are on Wednesday evenings. This is a 24-week comprehensive study with manageable daily scripture readings. The first half focuses on Old Testament prophets; the second half on the Letters of Paul.

This is a wonderful opportunity to study God's Word, strengthen your faith, and form lasting friendships with fellow Disciples.

Please contact the office if you are planning to attend or if you need a book


Ken Lee, facilitator

Disciple III FastTrack study guides on The Prophets and Letters of Paul can be purchased online from The Well Bookstore, UM Church of the Resurrection

Order Study Guides

Tuesday Morning Zoom Bible Study

Starting on October 11th, Zoom Bible Study is moving from 10:30 am Tuesdays to 11:00 am

Join us for our Zoom Class in which will explore the Orchard Africa – Blair Revak, M.D. returns from a local church sponsored mission to Africa on September 27th . Blair will review the work of her local church which has sponsored this mission trip for seven years and tell us of her experience in working with grief and young children in Africa, as well as we other experiences in her trip.

To join contact Paul Henry at phenry605@verizon.net to obtain the pass codes for the Zoom session.

The Zoom class meets Tuesdays at 11:00 am.

      CLICK HERE for Fall Schedule.


Welcome Breakfast on Saturday, October 29th at 10 am in Fellowship Hall. Denise Clark will present the program True Love, An Abuse Awareness Course based on I John, chapter 4. 

United Methodist Men

Next meeting is on

October 15th, 2022 at 9:00 AM

in Fellowship Hall

- breakfast meeting.

Agenda: Chicken BBQ Recap

and Guest Speaker, Denise Clark. Please see the article below for more information.

True Love

An Abuse Awareness Course

St. John’s has talent and Denise Clark will present her work in lay ministry and abusive relationships to the men’s group at their October 15th breakfast at 9 am at the church.

No one likes to talk about abuse. It makes us uncomfortable. Unfortunately, too many people have experienced abuse in many different ways. 

As caring followers of Christ, we do our best to provide for the people around us: family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances. But rather than shying away from someone, what if we knew enough to be able to be helpful at a time when that person needs it the most?

Rather than focusing on the ugliness of abuse, Denise will focus her presentation on 1 John 4. This will focus us on God’s love in such a way as to help us understand what abuse is, how it affects a person’s ability to love and be loved and, the overwhelming need for us to be able to share God’s love with the least, the hurting and lost among us. 

Denise Clark is a member of St. John’s and is a certified lay minister. As part of her commitment to lay ministry she has developed a six-week course on Abuse. Through a series of Scripture readings, definitions and discussions of relevant questions, knowledge is gained whereby you can be a gentle help to a hurting person.

Denise will be sharing her work in this area with us at our October meeting. Breakfast will be served at 9 am in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us for fellowship and support. 



Annual Charge Conference meeting with District Superintendent Rev. Dr. Andrew Foster III 

All are invited to attend our Annual Charge Conference on Thursday, October 13 at 7PM in the Parlor. Please contact the St. John's Office with any questions. 


Prayer List

Prayer requests can be submitted

online (click here).or through the church email at


Prayer requests are reviewed

Monday-Friday AM.

All "Ongoing Prayer Concerns"

will be listed for two weeks.

 Please submit a new prayer request

if you desire to renew the listing for 2 additional weeks.


Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the Month

10 AM in the Parlor.

Come join us in knitting/crocheting various items for those in need.

Contact Carol Rice for more information.

Requests for prayer shawls or lap robes to comfort those experiencing serious illness, bereavement, or other major life issues may be made through the prayer request form on the church website, or by contacting the church office

at 215-357-6998 or office.stjumc@gmail.com



  • Just go to our website stjohnsivyland.com
  • Click on the 'Give' button in red, Donate Any Amount and register.

Once you've registered, you can either make donations by debit or credit. Lenten Offerings may also be received through our website.


Simply text the amount you wish to give to 877-960-2396.

You will immediately receive a one-time registration link, then just follow the prompts to complete your donation!

You may also send your tithes and offerings to the church office:

820 Almshouse Road, Ivyland, PA 18974

If you have any questions about mobile or text giving,

email Lou Lescas at stjohns820@gmail.com


St. John's Staff

If your contact information changes: 

address, phone, email, etc.

please notify the church office at

215-357-6998 or stjumc@aol.com

and we'll be sure to update your information in our files.

Thank you!

View St John's Budget 2022


The latest Devotionals, News and Worship Videos can be be accessed below, as well as, under the

"What's Happening"tab on our website.


Worship Videos
St. John's Bell Choir Videos
Click here to share your favorite St. John's photos with us!
Flowering Cross Photos

For Cornerstone announcement requests check the Communication Timelines & Procedures page in our website HERE.

Thank you! :) 

CCLI Streaming License #CSPL049266

St. John's Ivyland UMC

820 Almshouse Road

Ivyland, PA 18974



Rev. Brad Leight, Sr. Pastor

Thank you to everyone who has followed us on Instagram! If you haven't yet, please do so! 



Visit our Website