Music at St. John's
Our Music Ministry rehearsals have begun. There is still time to join. If you have any questions, please contact:
- Director of Music Ministries, Roy Nelson
- 215-962-8928
The Joyful Voices Choir is for children in grades K-5. The Choir meets every Sunday following the 10:30 Worship Service. Rehearsals usually run about 45 minutes. The Joyful Voices sing twice a month at the 10:30 service. Singing Sundays are the FIRST and THIRD Sundays of the month.
YOUTH CHOIR (singing)
The Youth Choir is for children / youth in grades 6-12. The Choir meets every Sunday at 6:15 and the rehearsal lasts one hour. The Youth Choir sings twice a month at the 10:30 Worship Service. Singing Sundays are the SECOND and FOURTH Sundays of the month. Occasionally the choir will sing at the 9:00 Contemporary Worship. New members are welcome. Previous participation in a choir is not a requirement.
ADULT CHOIR (singing)
Our Adult Choir presents music every Sunday at the 10;30 Worship Service. The Adult Choir rehearses every Thursday night at 8:00. Rehearsals usually last until 9:30. New members who have had some singing experience are always welcome to join us for rehearsal. Please contact Roy Nelson for additional information.
The Praise Band sings each week at the 9:00 Worship Service. Singers and instrumentalists (guitar / percussion) are invited to join us. Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings at 7:00. Adults and youth were invited to participate.
HOLY HANDBELLS (Handbell Choir)
We are hoping to re-start our Holy Handbell Choir. This Handbell Choir is for children grades 3-6. Rehearsals will be announced pending participation interest.
GENesis Bells (Handbell Choir)
The GENesis Bells is a Handbell choir that includes both Youth and Adults. GENesis Bells rehearse on Sunday nights at 5:15 (before Youth Choir). The choir plays each month on the SECOND Sunday. There are several "vacancies" in our choir, due to members graduating. No previous experience with Handbells is necessary. Basic music knowledge is a plus for membership, but not required. Youth grades 6 - 12 are invited to participate.
The Celebration Ringers rehearse once or twice a month, usually on Monday night. Previous Handbell experience is not necessary to join the choir. We have several spots open in the Celebration Ringers (Bass Bells and Middle Bells). Basic music knowledge is a plus for membership, but not required. Celebration Ringers play several times a year at "special events" and at some Sunday Worship Services. Please contact Roy Nelson for additional information.
RING OF FAITH (Handbell Choir)
The Ring of Faith Handbell Choir meets on Thursday nights at 6:45. The choir plays each month on the FOURTH Sunday. Presently, there are no opening in Ring of Faith, but experienced "subs" are needed. Please let Roy know if you are interested.
Ann's Choice - Adult Choir and ROF - Thursday December 15
MUSIC SUNDAY - December 18 - ALL CHOIRS - 2 Morning Services
Christmas Eve - Joyful voices - 5:30 service
Christmas Eve - Bells & Youth & Adult Choirs - 7:30 service
Christmas DAY / SUNDAY - to be determined
As you can imagine, with SIX choirs to plan for and schedule, I need your help in making sure that you, or your child, is present for our singing Sundays. I appreciate your dedication and commitment to our Music Ministry at St. John's.
Roy 215-962-8928