Hello St. John’s Family,
I must begin by extending a heartfelt "thank you" for the many well-wishes, kind words... and songs I received for my birthday this week. Thank you for the love and care you extend so readily - not only to me, but to all who come through our doors. Your kindness and care are a wonderful reflection of the God you serve.
I'm also excited to share that JT Crockett, St. John's new Director of Youth and Family Ministries, will be writing the Cornerstone Note today. I'm eager for you to get to know JT, as he is a wonderful addition to our St. John's Family. When our youth first met JT, they noted his warm and welcoming presence, his clear desire to listen, and his good ideas... to which I would add his good sense of humor. JT is a great blessing, and I’m eager for you to get to know him.
Finally, I hope you'll join us in worship this Sunday, as Pastor Ruth will be sharing the message. Check out Exodus 3:1-6, then join us as we consider what it is that constitutes holy ground. I will be present to greet you and offer the prayer at our 9AM service, then will quickly head to Morrisville UMC as a representative of the Board of Ordained Ministry, tasked with observing the worship service as part of the ordination requirements for their Pastor. I ask you to keep Morrisville UMC’s Pastor, Rev. Towanda N. T. Connelly, in prayer as she prepares to complete a long process leading toward ordination.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Brad
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He has told you, O mortal, what is good,
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice and to love kindness
and to walk humbly with your God?
- Micah 6:8
NRSV Updated Edition
The words of Micah 6:8 have always touched my heart. Like a mallet hitting a gong this scripture makes me vibrate with purpose inside that becomes radiant energy outside of me. Like a great sound, I believe this prophetic text resonates and its energy impacts the world in ways that are felt, even if they are not seen.
The prophet Micah was attempting to answer the question, “If you hear God, what do you do?”, or perhaps, “If God is calling you, how do you answer?”
I am so blessed to be called to serve God at St. John’s, helping the youth, young adults and the families of our faith community listen for the voice of God in their lives and respond to their respective callings with justice, mercy, kindness and humility.
Scripture gives us countless examples of young people being in deep relationship with God and responding to God’s call by seeking earnestly to do God’s will. From Ruth to Samuel to David to Esther to Mary, Jesus’ mother, to John, Jesus’ beloved Disciple, we do not have to look too far into God’s Word to find examples of young people listening and responding to God’s call on their lives with radical love and devotion and changing the world in the process.
I am no Biblical heroine or hero, but as it was for so many of them, it was also true for me: my personal relationship with God grew deeper, richer, and - prayerfully - more fruitful during my teenage years. Surely, God has poured blessings into me all the days of my life, but it was in high school and college that I began to understand the connection between God’s blessings in my life and God’s purpose for my life. Perhaps, like Samuel, I did not recognize God’s voice calling me at earlier times, but I am so glad that God granted me the Grace and space to say “Here I am Lord; what shall I do?”
For the past two decades I have been working to honor God’s gifts and be responsive to the ways God has called me to serve. I have been blessed to serve on the congregational and Conference level in the United Methodist Church (as a pastoral intern, Youth and Young Adult leader) as well as in camp & retreat ministry, curriculum development and as a consultant to churches working to better serve the needs of their young people.
Micah 6:8 has become a foundational Scripture for me: a constant reminder and a prayer for what God calls me to do for who God calls me to serve.
”Lord, have me do Justice; love Mercy; and walk humbly with You. Amen.”
Please pray with and for me: for the benefit of Youth and Families of our area, for the growing of the ministries and outreach of St. John’s Church, and for the glorification of God in this world, which God has blessed us with.
In Christ,
John-Thomas Crockett
Director of Youth and Family Ministries
St. John’s Ivyland
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Please click below to read the latest Congregational Update regarding COVID-19 measures: | |
Come Worship with us this Sunday,
October 30, 2022
Contemporary Praise Service
at 9:00 AM
Traditional Service
at 10:30 AM
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This service can be viewed LIVE through
St. John's Youtube Channel
or on our homepage:
Past worship service videos can also be found:
Auto-generated closed captions are usually provided by YouTube about a week after the service has posted for the hearing impaired.
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Donations DESPERATELY Needed of
Non-perishable foods
Please place contributions in the shopping carts located in the narthex;
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Basically, they are out of food. If you have any questions, let me know at once. Thanks!
Also, this was sent on 2 emails- please note preference for future correspondence.
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"Say YES!" to delivering food and clothing to the Eastwick Food Bank.
Please contact Lou Lescas at stjohns820@gmail.com if you are available to help.
Thank you for your support.
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Help and hope as you navigate the Christmas season
Wondering how you will survive the weeks surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas? Are you dreading these holidays, knowing that everything has changed and that happy memories from past years can’t be recreated?
Our Surviving the Holidays seminar is especially for people who are grieving a loved one’s death. You’ll learn:
- How to deal with the many emotions you’ll face during the holidays
- What to do about traditions and other coming changes
- Helpful tips for surviving social events
- How to discover hope for your future
St. John’s Ivyland
820 Almshouse Road
Ivyland, PA 18974
(Church Library)
Monday, November 14 – 6:30 pm
Book -- $5.00
Sign up online at GriefShare.org
Recycling Event
to benefit Bright Futures Academy
(and our Planet Earth)
Through a program with the Trex Corporation, we are collecting clean and dry soft plastic bags (examples in flyer). Bags should be brought to St. John's and placed in the large white container in the Narthex. Upon collecting 500 lbs of material, Trex will provide us with a brand-new bench (can receive 1 bench every six months). Our first bench will be sent to the Bright Futures Academy for their new playground. This project is organized by two of our Youth Stars, Nicole & Melissa McDevitt. Click below for acceptable plastics to be recycled.
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The Grace Cafe is Open!
Stop by between services for a freshly brewed cup of Warrior Coffee, a sweet treat, and fellowship with your St. John's family.
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Fellowship Team
Forming Now
Come join the fun and help to plan future opportunities to gather together as a Church family. We're looking for ideas from our youth and our "elders" and every age in between. Join the Fellowship Team or just come to planning sessions as you are able. Contact Pastor Ruth, Kathy Keppol or Lynne Tomlinson
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A Shepherd's Story created by Pam Andrews
Christmas Eve 5:30 p.m. Service
More details to follow
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Children's Sunday School - Parents, please use the mobile check-in kiosk located in the hallway outside Classroom A in the Education wing. | |
Pre-K - Grade 6
Sunday 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
This year in Sunday School we are going to take a journey through God's Big Story. This month we will take a closer look at the lives of Joseph and Moses. Both of these men trusted God through hard circumstances and would not give up. These are two heroes of the faith, and we hope we can help the kids see how their stories connect between Genesis and Exodus.
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We hope you’re enjoying our Journey Kids Newsletter! | |
Grades 7 - 12
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Fellowship Hall
Often, for Sunday School, our devotionals, even sermons, we focus on one specific Bible verse and flesh out what it has to say to us today. However, what are we missing by not looking at the ‘big picture?’ What do the first four books of the New Testament have to teach us that we might be missing by parsing out individual passages? This series will look at the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) at a macro-level. Who wrote them and when? Who is the target audience? What are the dominant themes, and how do they overlap or even contradict one another? How did they make the cut and get included in the Bible at all? Most importantly, how are they still relevant for us today?
No homework; participation strongly encouraged!
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St. John's 23rd Annual Festival of Carols
Sunday, December 04, 2022 at 6:00 PM
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Join our
Volunteer Tech Team
and see just how "Techie" you can be!
All ages welcome - youth, young adults, elder statesmen and stateswomen.
Amaze your family with your AV skills!
Skills taught weekly.
Contact church office
at 215-357-6998
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The Upper Room
Will be available
in the Narthex,
Sunday, October 30.
Be sure to pick up one for yourself
and one for a friend.
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St. John's Book Club
"The Only Woman in the Room"
by Marie Benedict.
A powerful novel based on the incredible true story of Hedy Lamarr, the glamour icon and scientist whose groundbreaking invention revolutionized modern communication.
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We will meet Wednesday, November 2, at 10:00AM and 7:00 PM in the Grace Cafe. | |
Facilitators Barbara Schneider and
Carol Campbell
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Disciple III Fast Track
We are about midway in our study of the Prophets. You can still attend any of these sessions or you can join us for our study of the letters of the Apostle Paul starting in about six weeks.
Our sessions are on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9 PM. This is a 24-week comprehensive study with daily scripture readings.
This is a wonderful opportunity to study God's Word, strengthen your faith, and form lasting friendships with fellow Disciples.
Ken Lee, facilitator
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Disciple III FastTrack study guides on The Prophets and Letters of Paul can be purchased online from The Well Bookstore, UM Church of the Resurrection | |
Tuesday Morning Zoom Bible Study at 11:00 AM
Join us for our Zoom Class which will study the continuation of The Epistles of John - This two session series will examine the personage of John the writer and the theme of these three brief letters while utilizing the process of journaling or scribing.
To join contact Paul Henry at phenry605@verizon.net to obtain the pass codes for the Zoom session.
CLICK HERE for Fall Schedule.
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Plan to attend the St John’s UWF
Welcome Gathering
Saturday, Oct. 29, 2022
10:00am in Fellowship Hall
All the women of St. John’s UMC are invited to enjoy a beverage, muffins, scones and a time of fellowship. Denise Clark will provide a presentation on how to talk to someone you suspect of being the victim of abuse.
Sign up on the UWF bulletin board or
call Arlene Williams 215-355-0162 email arlenew13@aol.com
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Two long-time members of the St. John’s family, Carolyn Caldwell and Allena Satterfield, entered into Eternal Life with our Lord. Please keep the Caldwell and Satterfield families in your prayers. | |
All "Ongoing Prayer Concerns"
will be listed for two weeks.
Please submit a new prayer request
if you desire to renew the listing for 2 additional weeks.
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Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the Month
10 AM in the Parlor.
Come join us in knitting/crocheting various items for those in need.
Contact Carol Rice for more information.
Requests for prayer shawls or lap robes to comfort those experiencing serious illness, bereavement, or other major life issues may be made through the prayer request form on the church website, or by contacting the church office
at 215-357-6998 or office.stjumc@gmail.com.
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- Just go to our website stjohnsivyland.com
Click on the 'Give' button in red, Donate Any Amount and register.
Once you've registered, you can either make donations by debit or credit. Lenten Offerings may also be received through our website.
Simply text the amount you wish to give to 877-960-2396.
You will immediately receive a one-time registration link, then just follow the prompts to complete your donation!
You may also send your tithes and offerings to the church office:
820 Almshouse Road, Ivyland, PA 18974
If you have any questions about mobile or text giving,
email Lou Lescas at stjohns820@gmail.com
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If your contact information changes:
address, phone, email, etc.
please notify the church office at
215-357-6998 or stjumc@aol.com
and we'll be sure to update your information in our files.
Thank you!
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The latest Devotionals, News and Worship Videos can be be accessed below, as well as, under the
"What's Happening"tab on our website.
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For Cornerstone announcement requests check the Communication Timelines & Procedures page in our website HERE.
Thank you! :)
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CCLI Streaming License #CSPL049266 | |
St. John's Ivyland UMC
820 Almshouse Road
Ivyland, PA 18974
Rev. Brad Leight, Sr. Pastor
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