DECEMBER 22, 2022

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Hello St. John’s Family,


I want to begin my note by thanking all those in our Music Ministry for their offerings during Music Sunday. Everyone present on Sunday was blessed by the beauty and power of amazing music that was offered to God; music that lifted our spirits and centered our hearts for Christ’s arrival at Christmas. Thank you to Roy Nelson, Brian Barber, Alissa Nelson, and Nanette Lutz for the outstanding leadership and accompaniment they provide, and to each of our faithful members who offer their musical gifts to the glory of God!


As I was guided in worship by the beautiful music on Sunday, I was struck by the power and awe that music and creativity can inspire in us. Worshipping God by pondering and reflecting on scripture through music and poetry has been meaningful for people of faith across the ages. These creative approaches help us engage with God in heart, mind, and soul in fresh ways, uplifting and strengthening us in the process. Recently, I read an interview with the Rev. Malcom Guite, a writer, Anglican Priest, and Fellow at Cambridge. The interview reflected on the power and beauty of poetry in Advent, including the Avent carol O Come, O Come, Emmanuel and the antiphons that are associated with that carol. Below is a portion of the interview.


“A traditional part of Advent that people may be less familiar with is the O Antiphons. In your book, you write a poem for each Antiphon. Can you describe what these are and how have they been part of Advent?

An antiphon is something that is sung antiphonally — a call and response between singers.

The idea was for those seven nights leading up to Christmas, to call on Jesus by all these wonderful titles, “O wisdom,” “O light,” “O key.”

They’re called O Antiphons because they all begin with O, which is exclamatory. It’s evocative. The “O” announces that you are now like a supplicant addressing somebody. So you normally expect a name; you might have said, “O Susan, could you go and get the washing in?” We expect a name, and then what we get is a name, but it’s a name that is itself a poetic aspect of who Christ is.

If you can imagine them in illuminated letters in a breviary, the book that the monks would have had, there had been this great big O. And then they would have done the first word of the title of Christ in a beautiful capital. So it would have said O Sapientia. O Adonai. O Radix. O Clavis (Latin). As we would say now, “O Wisdom,” “O Lord,” “O Root,” “O Key,” “O Light,” “O King” and finally on Christmas Eve, “O Emmanuel.”

All these beautiful titles for Jesus in the Antiphons are drawn from the Hebrew scriptures. I think that’s really important. Somebody did an imaginative, poetic reading of the great poetry of the scripture.

When you look at all those capital letters on Christmas Eve, and you look at the capitals reading backward, it actually spells a Latin sentence. It says ERO CRAS, which means “I will come tomorrow.”

If you really want to appreciate the coming, you have to get yourself imaginatively into that place of semidarkness and anticipation. The antiphons do that in spades.” 

From “Putting the Poetry Back In Christmas”

Tish Harrison Warren interviewing Malcolm Guite, Dec. 11, The New York Times


This Saturday we have the opportunity to pause, worship, and take in the beauty of Scripture, word, and song as we re-experience Christ saying to us “I will come tomorrow.” I pray you’ll join us in worship on Christmas Eve as we celebrate Christ’s birth, and our amazing God who always keeps promises. Then, on Christmas Day, we’ll gather at 10am to reaffirm our thanks and praise while celebrating the good news that Jesus Christ is born! I look forward to sharing a joyous, beautiful Christmas together with you worshipping Christ our newborn King!



Grace and Peace,

Pastor Brad


Please click below to read the latest Congregational Update regarding COVID-19 measures:

St. John's Policy Update


Come Worship with us this Sunday

Dec. 25, 2022

Unified Christmas Worship Service

10:00 AM

Christmas Eve 5:30 and 7:30pm services and Unified Christmas Worship service can be viewed LIVE through

St. John's Youtube Channel

or on our homepage:

Past worship service videos can also be found:

Auto-generated closed captions are usually provided by YouTube about a week after the service has posted for the hearing impaired.


Bright Future Academy


We sincerely thank all the people who joined us and took part in offering beautiful music to the Glory of God. What a phenomenal event indeed!

Blue Christmas Worship Service

Thank you to everyone who supported one another to find comfort in the presence of God with us as we celebrate the Blue Christmas Service.

We’re grateful for the opportunity to walk alongside you this Christmas season 🧡

Christmas Eve Worship Services

Christmas Worship Services

Cookies for Community Outreach on Christmas Eve

On December 24th, members of St. John's will distribute cookie bags to the First Responders at the Northampton Police Department, Tri-Hampton Rescue Squad, Northampton Fire Department, Hatboro Fire Department, and the Wawa, Sunoco, and Exxon businesses. We appreciate their service to our community and this is our way of letting them know!

If you are able to make one or two dozen cookies for this event please contact Tammy Coapman at for more information.

Here's what you need to know:

  • Bake 2 Dozen cookies by Thursday, December 22nd
  • Please wrap them individually, or put each cookie in a snack-size Ziploc bag
  • Mark your cookies with the following label: Community Outreach Project
  • By December 22nd - Place cookies in the church freezer at your convenience, OR put cookies on the counter in the kitchen
  • We will be putting a note on the tag that says: MAY CONTAIN NUTS, so feel free to put nuts in your recipe

Thank you for your help with this community outreach mission!


Donations DESPERATELY Needed of

Non-perishable foods

 Please place contributions in the shopping carts located in the narthex;

Basically, they are out of food. If you have any questions, let me know at once. Thanks!

Also, this was sent on 2 emails- please note preference for future correspondence.

"Say YES!" to delivering food and clothing to the Eastwick Food Bank. 

Please contact Lou Lescas at if you are available to help. 


Thank you for your support.

Recycling Event

to benefit Bright Futures Academy

(and our Planet Earth)

Through a program with the Trex Corporation, we are collecting clean and dry soft plastic bags (examples in flyer). Bags should be brought to St. John's and placed in the large white container in the Narthex. Upon collecting 500 lbs of material, Trex will provide us with a brand-new bench (can receive 1 bench every six months). Our first bench will be sent to the Bright Futures Academy for their new playground. This project is organized by two of our Youth Stars, Nicole & Melissa McDevitt. Click below for acceptable plastics to be recycled.

Recyclable Plastic Bags

The Grace Cafe is Open!

Stop by between services for a freshly brewed cup of Warrior Coffee, a sweet treat, and fellowship with your St. John's family.


Christmas Pageant

5:30 PM

Family Worship Service

Christmas Eve

If you are passing out flyers before the service, please arrive by 5 p.m. If you are participating in the play, please arrive by 5:20 p.m.

Pre-K - Grade 6

Sunday 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Christmas Worship Service

Join us on Christmas morning during the Christmas Worship Service to celebrate the birth of Jesus!

Please arrive early to check your children in at the mobile check-in kiosk located in the hallway outside Classroom A in the Education wing.


December Youth Group Schedule

Gingerbread Home Building and Christmas Party

Game Night

Food, Games, Silliness

Dec 29th, 2022

3:00PM - 6PM

Youth Room


Choir Music / Schedule

ADULT CHOIR schedule

Thursday Dec 22

  • No Rehearsals


  • 7:30 Service
  • "All Is Well"
  • "This Child, This King"


  • 10:00 Service
  • No Robes
  • "This Child, This King"
  • "Do You Hear What I Hear?"


  • No Rehearsals


  • 10:00 Service
  • "I Believe This Is Jesus"


Rehearsals Resume


Ring of Faith DOES NOT have rehearsal on Thursday, December 22.We do play on December 24 - O Come, All Ye Faithful

No rehearsal on December 29

YOUTH CHOIR schedule


  • 5:30 - Pageant 
  • ROBES - Gold Stoles
  • 6:30 - Dinner in Grace Cafe
  • 7:30 Service (Hansels Soloists)
  • "All Is Well"
  • "This Child, This King"


  • 10:00 Service (Celebrating - The reason we are Christians)
  • No Robes
  • "This Child, This King"
  • "Do You Hear What I Hear?"


  • No Rehearsals


  • 10:00 Service - Youth Do Not Sing


  • Rehearsals Resume



  • 5:30 - Pageant 


  • 10:00 Service (Celebrating - The reason we are Christians)
  • No Robes
  • "Do You Hear What I Hear?"


  • No Rehearsal


  • 10:00 Service - Joyful Voices Do Not Sing


  • Rehearsals Resume

St. John’s Ivyland offers a wide variety of Musical opportunities. Children and adults are invited to participate in musical groups of varying styles and skill levels, or provide support to help and serve the Music Ministry.

For more information about our Music Ministries, or to get involved, visit our website or send an email to Roy Nelson.


Communion Stewards are needed to help with the preparation of the Communion elements and with the clean-up following the 10:30 am service. If you would like to help with this ministry of St. John's, please contact Pastor Ruth.

Youth Group Opportunities for Service

There are many ways that our Youth can serve during the month of December. We need ushers, greeters, and scripture readers for combined worship on Christmas Day!

Join our

Volunteer Tech Team

and see just how "Techie" you can be!

All ages welcome - youth, young adults, elder statesmen and stateswomen.

Amaze your family with your AV skills!

Skills taught weekly.

Contact church office

at 215-357-6998


The Upper Room Devotionals



Will be available

in the Narthex,


Sunday, December 25.

Be sure to pick up one for yourself and one for a friend.

St. John's Book Club

We will discuss

"Stranger in the Lifeboat"

by Mitch Albom

What would happen if we called on God for help and God actually appeared? In Mitch Albom’s profound new novel of hope and faith, a group of shipwrecked passengers pull a strange man from the sea. He claims to be “the Lord”. And he says he can only save them if they all believe in him.

Everyone welcome. Please join us.

We will meet on Wednesday, January 11, at 10:00 AM in the Grace Cafe

Facilitators Barbara Schneider and

Carol Campbell



November 28 -December 20 

Monday Evening 7 pm &

Tuesday Morning 10 am 

The Angels of Christmas: Hearing God's Voice in Advent, a four-week Advent study by Susan Robb, explores the four angelic visits surrounding the birth of Jesus with Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. In this study, the reader will explore the visits and dive deep into the history of the angel Gabriel-and other angels-in the Old Testament. The Angels of Christmas uses these four angelic appearances to discuss God's presence in history and our lives today. The messages of the angels hold meaning for listeners both then and now. 

Disciple III Fast Track

We'll conclude the first half of our study of The Prophets on 14 December and begin our second half 12 week study of the Letters of Paul on 4 January 2023.

Our sessions are on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9 PM. This is a comprehensive study with daily scripture readings.

This is a wonderful opportunity to study God's Word, strengthen your faith, and form lasting friendships with fellow Disciples.

Ken Lee, facilitator

Disciple III FastTrack study guides on The Prophets and Letters of Paul can be purchased online from The Well Bookstore, UM Church of the Resurrection

Order Study Guides


We will begin again on January 24th, 2023


Creche Presenters

Would your child like to bring the Christmas story to life at our traditional worship services during Advent? Participants carry one of the manger figurines up to the altar to recreate the birth of Jesus as depicted in the gospels of Luke and Matthew. Any child age 4 - 12 may participate. Our youth are also encouraged to participate.  Youth walk with a banner and place it on the altar. Please sign up here, or contact Susan Seamans if you have questions.

Sign Up


Prayer List

Prayer requests can be submitted

online (click here).or through the church email at

Prayer requests are reviewed

Monday-Friday AM.

All "Ongoing Prayer Concerns"

will be listed for two weeks.

 Please submit a new prayer request

if you desire to renew the listing for 2 additional weeks.


Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the Month

10 AM in the Parlor.

Come join us in knitting/crocheting various items for those in need.

Contact Carol Rice for more information.

Requests for prayer shawls or lap robes to comfort those experiencing serious illness, bereavement, or other major life issues may be made through the prayer request form on the church website, or by contacting the church office

at 215-357-6998 or



  • Just go to our website
  • Click on the 'Give' button in red, Donate Any Amount and register.

Once you've registered, you can either make donations by debit or credit. Lenten Offerings may also be received through our website.


Simply text the amount you wish to give to 877-960-2396.

You will immediately receive a one-time registration link, then just follow the prompts to complete your donation!

You may also send your tithes and offerings to the church office:

820 Almshouse Road, Ivyland, PA 18974

If you have any questions about mobile or text giving,

email Lou Lescas at


St. John's Staff

If your contact information changes: 

address, phone, email, etc.

please notify the church office at

215-357-6998 or

and we'll be sure to update your information in our files.

Thank you!

View St John's Budget 2022


The latest Devotionals, News and Worship Videos can be be accessed below, as well as, under the

"What's Happening"tab on our website.

Worship Videos
St. John's Bell Choir Videos
Click here to share your favorite St. John's photos with us!
Flowering Cross Photos

For Cornerstone announcement requests check the Communication Timelines & Procedures page in our website HERE.

Thank you! :) 

CCLI Streaming License #CSPL049266

St. John's Ivyland UMC

820 Almshouse Road

Ivyland, PA 18974


Rev. Brad Leight, Sr. Pastor

Thank you to everyone who has followed us on Instagram! If you haven't yet, please do so! 


Visit our Website