Sunday, March 15, 2020
Welcome to the first edition
of Cornerstone Online.

As you know, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all services and programs have been suspended through March 28th. In light of this decision we will be holding our Worship Services online and will strengthen our online community. Video will be available on our Facebook page and on our website.
Join us on
Facebook Live
at 9am + 10:45am

Worship, prayer, announcements and a word from Pastor Fred
or watch at your convenience below.
Worship With Us
We encourage you to tune in on Facebook Live and worship with us together as the Cornerstone Community. Turn up the volume, lift up holy hands and sing unto the Lord - where ever you are.
Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. - Psalm 96:1-2
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. - Ephesians 6:18
News + Announcements
COVID-19 Related News

We will be communicating frequently over the next few weeks through email and social media. To make it easier for you, all news related to COVID-19 can be found at the link below.
Pray without ceasing...
James 5:16
Although our programs have been suspended, we don't want to neglect the integral role of prayer in our church community. For this reason, we will he holding the following prayer sessions over the next two weeks:
Wednesday Evening 7-8:30PM
Facebook Live
Season of Prayer will be held virtually at our regular time. You can tune in through Facebook Page and pray with members of our Pastoral Staff through chat.
Tuesdays 11:30-12:30PM
in the Lower Barn
Join our Pastoral Staff and prayer warriors for prayer. Drop in any time during this hour to receive prayer or support those asking for prayer.
Prayer requests and praise reports can still be submitted through our website or app. Requests will be prayed over during Season of Prayer and in our weekly staff meeting.
The Benevolence Fund exists to help meet unforeseen needs of people in our church community. If you are struggling financially as a result of the Coronavirus, or for any other reason, you can email the Benevolence team which is made up of Elders and Pastoral Staff. We will be in touch with you to pray and further discuss your needs.
Right Now Media provides thousands of videos in their library, and best of all, it's FREE for all members of the Cornerstone community. To access RNM's huge collection of Bible studies, conference sessions and kids' programming, send an email with your information to
Missing the offering plate? No worries - we have several alternative options for you to give of your tithes and offerings. Credit card and bank transactions can be made through our app, website and text message. Of course, sending a check through snail mail works too!
Stay Connected with our Sermons and Reading Plan

All of our sermons from this series and earlier can be found on our website or on our app. Our sermon series reading plan can be downloaded from our website or viewed day-by-day on our app. Don't have our app? Download for Android or Apple at the link below.
Office Hours
Monday-Friday | 9am-4pm
During the suspension, the office will remain open for phone calls and deliveries. Pastoral staff will be available for prayer and counseling. Many of our staff will be working remotely, but emails and phone calls will be returned in a timely manner.
495 Wyckoff Ave | Wyckoff, NJ 07481 | 201.891.1651 |